Friday, February 16, 2018

Now Showing: Bride of Frankenstein

Bride of Frankenstein
Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi
Director: Mark Romanek
Cast: Dan Stevens, Edgar Ramirez, Emily Blunt, Geoffrey Rush, Imogen Poots

Plot: Victor Frankenstein (Dan Stevens) is living happily in Geneva with his wife Elizabeth (Imogen Poots). He has begun teaching biology at a local university, trying to live a life of normalcy despite living with constant paranoia that his Creation (Edgar Ramirez) will come after him and destroy his life.

Frankenstein's Creation has also settled in the city, sleeping in stables on the outskirts of the city, following Victor during the day, trying to learn as much about his creator as possible. The Creation has grown envious of Victor and Elizabeth's life and wants a significant other of his own, someone to love and be loved by. Victor begins finding the body parts of women being dumped on his doorstep. Panicked, Victor quits his job and moves with Elizabeth to London to be near Elizabeth's sister Eva (Emily Blunt).

Victor begins to believe that he is destined to unlock the secret of life and immortality, that he must give life to make up for the mistake that is his Creation. Victor finds space and begins to build a new laboratory to conduct new experiments. He focuses his experiments on rats, successfully bringing several rats back to life, but they all go mad. Victor believes that the problem is with the brains.

Frankenstein's Creation has followed his creator to London, where he finds himself enraptured by the beauty of Eva. The Creation wants her as his mate. He pretends to accidentally bump into her on the street. The creation becomes upset when she appears disgusted by his appearance. He sneaks into the house that night and rips Eva's eyes and heart out, killing her. Elizabeth is distraught, blaming Victor for her sister's death. Victor vows to her that he can bring her back. Elizabeth doesn't want him to though and has her buried.

Frankenstein's Creation kidnaps Dr. Pretorius and brings him to London. He forces Pretorius to dig up Eva's body and deliver her to Victor's lab. Victor explains to Pretorius that he cannot bring her back due to the dead brain causing the rats to go mad. Pretorius tells Victor that he can make an artificial brain that would solve that problem. Victor still refuses to go through with the experiment. The Creation proceeds to kidnap Elizabeth and holds her hostage, vowing to kill her unless Victor brings Eva back to life to be his Bride. Victor relents, and using the brain supplied by Pretorius, brings Eva back to life. Elizabeth is returned to Victor, but she packs up her things and leaves him.

Eva claims to have no memory of her life. Pretorius tells her that she was set to marry Frankenstein's Creation, whom he refers to as Adam, and that she is Victor's sister-in-law. The Creation becomes impatient with Eva being confined to the lab, wanting to spend time alone with her. Pretorius becomes quite possessive of Eva, pointing out to Victor that now he knows what it's like to create life where there was none with his artificial brain.

Frankenstein's Creation grows impatient and strangles Pretorius to death. The Creation drugs Victor, putting him to sleep, so that he may see Eva alone. She tells him that she really does know what and who she is, that she has all of her memories and knows that she is now immortal. The Creation asks her to come away with him, but Eva rebuffs his advances. Angry, the Creation begins trashing the lab. Victor wakes up to the sounds of the destruction around him. The Creation has set fire to the lab, with Victor and Eva still inside. Eva manages to escape the lab and blocks the exit from the outside, trapping Victor and the Creation inside.

The Creation manages to bend the bars on one of the windows enough for him to escape, but first he offers to help Victor. Victors tells him to leave without him, that he must pay his penance for meddling with nature once and for all.  The Creation sets off to find Eva, still determined to make her his bride.

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