Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 6 Round 7)

Just a heads up to all you readers out there, The Roundup is going to be a much more opinionated than the reviews that have previously been posted. Leaving the traditional news media has enabled me to be far less political with my opinions, so consider yourself warned (no longer will my work have to be approved by a church-owned newspaper!). Each post will feature a Top Five and Bottom Five of the events of the past round.

1. Matthew McConaughey as Bill Clinton
This is such an exciting announcement. While not a spitting image of the former President, McConaughey can certainly pull off the swagger that got Slick Willie into the White House in the first place. You can definitely put this film on my list of most anticipated films of Season 7. (Also, anyone else notice the little joke in the title there?)

2. Jack Ryder
Is The Grind a great movie? No. It is a basic, old school martial arts film, the type of story a young Jet Li may have starred in back in the day. Jack Ryder, however, continues to take chances in the types of stories he tells, and that is commendable. Hit or miss, they're always interesting. His recent podcast specials have been great as well. Keep it up, Jack! (and who would have expected a martial arts film with virtual unknowns in the lead to be such a success at the box office?)
3. Lucas Hedges
I didn't particularly care for Be More Chill as a film. The story was too quirky for its own good and I didn't find the songs all that catchy, BUT Lucas Hedges once again shows that he is a great young actor to keep an eye on. He almost single-handedly saved the whole movie from his co-star's lack of talent.

4. Oscar Isaac's Bank Account
I don't know why such talented actors continue to show up for work on Alien films, but I imagine the film did wonders for the bank account of stars like Oscar Isaac (hopefully it means he can spend more time on smaller, less lucrative films in the future).

5. Keanu Reeves
He sounds like he's having a blast voicing the Squip, making him one of the highlights of Be More Chill. And he's certainly better than the filmmakers' back-up choice, the insufferable Andy Samberg.

5. The Alien series
Are there any new stories to be told in this universe? The predecessor to Alien: Isolation was interesting for about 20 minutes, which is about two times as long as Isolation was. I feel like I've seen the same film in the series multiple times now.

4. Ralph Fiennes
It might behoove him to not pick up the phone next time Jack Ryder calls. Fiennes is an award-winning actor. What on Earth is he doing playing the villain in a small scale martial arts film? Fire your agent, Ralph! (or at least screen your calls a little better)

3. Lewis Tan
Who is Lewis Tan, and why is he starring in a movie? The guy is a complete bore. We get it, he has abs, so what? 

2. Pete Davidson
He's such a brutally unlikable presence on (and off) the screen. Be More Chill suffered any time this douche was featured. Thankfully for the film, most of the other young actors are far more charismatic (and haven't publicly proclaimed that they wish their hometown was destroyed by a giant tidal wave - call me crazy, but that's not something a likable, or even sane, person talks about in an interview).

1. James Morgan leaving Last Resort Films
James and I may have had our differences, but I have enjoyed almost all of his films. He will certainly be missed by those affiliated with the studio.

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