Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 11 Round 6)

This round we saw a directorial debut, Christian Bale doing Christian Bale things and some messy superheroics. Here's The Roundup....
3. Box Office
For the first time all season, every film in a round has made a profit. Oh Johnny Boy barely broke even, but it was still in the black.

2. Radisson

Radisson was a good old fashioned historical epic. I got a bit confused regarding the various governors and expeditions, but it is a solid production.

1. Top 10 Soundtracks
No Jack Ryder soundtracks made the cut, so it's a pretty solid list...
3. Timothee Chalamet
I'm about to say something controversial, so be prepared.... Timothee Chalamet is overrated. There I said it. I'm just going to leave it at that.

2. Vixen
Vixen wasn't completely bad, but it is overstuffed with a lot of characters that don't seem to have much of a purpose and feel forced into the story unnaturally. I'm not sure what Eobard Thawne or Firestorm have to do with Vixen's story.

1. Andrei
Woody Harrelson's character in Oh Johnny Boy really took me out of the film by how over-the-top and cartoonish he was. The film clearly wants to be taken seriously but it was made all the more difficult based on how the character of Andrei was written.

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