Monday, August 23, 2021

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 20 Round 4)

This season's box office seems to be turning around, plus we have some early GRA contenders. Here's The Roundup....

3. Profits
For the first time this season, all three films released this round managed to earn a profit for the studio. That hasn't happened since Round 9 of last season.

2. X-Men: The Cure
While this sequel wasn't quite as strong as the first entry, it continued the story of the characters nicely. I also must applaud the filmmakers for having the courage to make an X-Men film without using Wolverine - even if he is still referenced.

1. Wish You Were Here
I haven't seen the original film, so I can't compare, but Roy Horne has now penned a few very impressive remakes. This film is perfectly cast, and like last season's Cecil uses music and imagery to create a hypnotic mystery.
3. N/A

2. Awards Race
Aside from Wish You Were Here this round, there have not been a lot of films that would be considered award contenders. Hopefully that improves in upcoming rounds.

1. Photographs
By about the halfway point, Photographs stopped following any kind of logic and seemingly got confusing for the sake of being confusing. But it did make money, so that's a plus.

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