Thursday, February 29, 2024

Now Showing: Murder Mysteries


Murder Mysteries
Genre: Fantasy/Mystery
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Writer: John Malone
Based on a short story by Neil Gaiman
Cast: Adam Driver, Jared Leto, Michael Shannon, Jonathan Groff, Mia Goth, Sam Strike, Robert Aramayo

Plot: A blinding white light fills the universe. The Word creates Raguel (Adam Driver) out of the light, giving him life, and opens his eyes. Raguel is in a silver room, completely empty except for his nearly-formed, winged body. In front of Raguel is a window that goes from floor to ceiling, open to the sky. Raguel looks out the window. He can see the spires of the Silver City, and at the edge of the city, the Dark. Raguel can see others like him in the city, those who have left their rooms and are fulfilling their God-given duties, soaring through the sky from spire to spire. Raguel watches in awe as he waits in the room to be given his purpose.

The angel Lucifer (Jared Leto) enters Raguel's cell, introducing himself as Captain of the Lord. Lucifer seemingly glows from the inside. He tells Raguel that the Word has sent him. He tells Raguel his name and informs him that he is to be the Vengeance of the Lord. Raguel bows his head, knowing it to be true. Lucifer informs Raguel that something wrong has been done - for the very first time. Lucifer floats out the window of Raguel's room. Raguel follows him into space, flying behind him across the Silver City, to the outskirts, where the city stops and the Darkness begins.

Lucifer and Raguel land at the base of a vast silver spire. There Raguel sees the body of a dead angel, Carasel (Sam Strike). The body lay crumpled and broken on the silver sidewalk, its wings underneath it, loose feathers softly blowing away in a light breeze. The body has a stab wound in its chest. Lucifer tells Raguel that he must find who is responsible for this act, and how, and take the Vengeance of the Name on whoever caused this thing to happen. Raguel watches as a streak of blood slowly trickles down the wing of the murdered angel, dripping onto the ground. Lucifer tells Raguel that he has other work he must attend to. Lucifer flaps his wings majestically, rising upward and away from the scene. Raguel quickly realizes that the dead angel fell, and that he must have already been dead before he fell, or else he would have simply flown away. Raguel looks up at the countless windows that rank the street.

Raguel goes to the Hall of Being in the spire nearest to the dead angel. The Hall of Being houses the blueprints of what will soon be the Universe. Raguel asks to speak with the angel that discovered the body, Phanuel (Jonathan Groff). He is the senior designer working on Creation. Raguel watches Phanuel from the floor, directing his underlings on the design of the universe. Phanuel notices Raguel and descends to the floor. Raguel begins questioning Phanuel, who confesses that he discovered the body of Carasel, the name of the dead angel, when he was leaving the Hall to ponder the concept of regret. He had planned to fly away from the city, not all the way to the Dark, he would never do that even if others have discussed it. Carasel tells Raguel that he believes Carasel's destruction was self-inflicted. Carasel had been working under him, developing a very important new concept. Raguel asks what concept Carasel was working on, but Phanuel doesn't want to say as the concepts are considered sensitive until they are in their final form and spoken into existence by the Word. Raguel feels himself transforming. His eyes glow, and he becomes something larger than himself. Raguel becomes his function - the Vengeance of the Lord. Phanuel trembles, quietly confessing that Carasel and his partner were researching the concept of Death, and he must have taken his research too far as he was known to do from time to time. Phanuel then adds that he will probably have to give the concept of death over to Zephkiel now. Raguel asks who would have been the last to see Carasel alive. Phanuel suggests that Raguel speak to Saraquael, Carasel's partner.

Raguel floats to the highest of the mezzanine galleries that ring the Hall of Being to talk to Carasel's partner, Saraquael (Mia Goth). Raguel asks Saraquael what she knows about the death of her partner, Carasel. The light inside Saraquael pales and her eyes open wide.They look out the view from the window. They cannot see the Silver City from their vantage point, instead the view is of the Dark beyond the city. Saraquael shares Phanuel's suspicion that Carasel must have killed himself as he was constantly questioning how they could know if it was right to create a concept like death that they would experience themselves. Raguel asks for Saraquael's opinion on Phanuel. Saraquael says that Phanuel likes to take credit for the work of others, especially the concept of Love, which Saraquael and Carasel had worked on dutifully, but that Zephkiel is the real brains behind the designs no matter how important Phanuel paints himself as being.

Raguel flies from the window, plummeting toward the ground before turning and soaring toward a beautiful paradise in the middle of the Silver City, a place of rest and relaxation for the angels. He finds Lucifer staring at his own reflection in a glistening pool of water. Raguel reports the status of his investigation to Lucifer, informing him that both Carasel’s partner Saraquael and their superior Phanuel believe that Carasel killed himself after becoming too involved in his work on the concept of Death. Lucifer asks if Raguel believes that to be the truth. Raguel says that Carasel could not have possibly killed himself. Lucifer asks how he can know that for sure. Raguel says that he is Vengeance - if Carasel had died by his own hand then there would be no purpose for his existence. Lucifer runs his fingers through the crystal clear water of the pool as he ponders Raguel’s assessment. Drops of water fall like diamonds from Lucifer's perfect fingers. Lucifer nods and tells Raguel to carry on with his investigation.

Raguel sneaks past Phanuel and his worker angels to get to the cell of Zephkiel. Raguel finds a large cell - not a place for simply waiting until your purpose is given. This is a place to live, and work, and be. In the center of the room is a large chair where Zephkiel (Michael Shannon) sits, his eyes closed. Unlike the other angels that populate the Silver City, Zephkiel does not have wings. Zephkiel's eyes open as Raguel approaches. Raguel stares, confused by the lack of wings. Zephkiel informs him that he has no wings because his function does not call for him to leave his cell. He remains in that one room at all times to ponder. Phanuel reports the progress of concepts to him, and Zephkiel explains that he then gives his opinion and sometimes makes small suggestions - Recognition, Zephkiel supposes - that is his function as much as Raguel's is vengeance. Zephkiel asks if Raguel is here about the death of the angel Carasel. Raguel nods in the affirmative. Zephkiel states that he did not kill Carasel. Raguel asks if he knows who did. Zephkiel gives a slight smile and states that it is Raguel's function to figure out, not his own. Raguel then asks Zephkiel about love. Zephkiel struggles with the question, stating that only Carasel and Saraquael could really answer such a question and mean it. As he leaves Zephkiel’s cell, Raguel ponders that last comment, searching for its meaning.

Outside, Raguel looks up. High above the city, a phalanx of angels wheel and circle and dove - each holding a flaming sword which trails a streak of burning brightness. The angels move in unison through the pink sky. Raguel is struck by the beauty of the sight. He sees Lucifer leading the exercise, floating just below. Lucifer calls out for Azazel (Robert Aramayo), his second-in-command, who breaks off from the circle. The other angels adjust almost imperceptibly to his absence, filling the space. Lucifer tells Azazel to take over leading the exercise while he goes down to speak with Raguel. He now hovers where Lucifer had been, continuing the drilling. Lucifer descends down to Raguel. Lucifer tells him that Azazel is bright and enthusiastic, willing to follow his leader anywhere. Raguel asks what Lucifer is training them for. Lucifer simply says War. Raguel asks with whom. Lucifer is confused by the question. He looks at Raguel with clear eyes. He says that he does not know the answer to that question yet, but the Word has named them to be His army, so he must make sure they will be perfect for him. Lucifer then flies away from the area.

Raguel follows Lucifer to the edge of the city. Lucifer goes to the start of the Darkness. He turns around and looks to see if anyone is watching him. Raguel hides. Lucifer steps into the Darkness as Raguel watches from a distance. Lucifer listens to voices in the Dark. They make promises, they ask questions, whispering and pleading with him. These are Dark voices, not the voice of the Lord. Lucifer does his best to ignore them. From the Dark, Lucifer gazes upon the sight of the Silver City - at the perfection of the city, enchanted by the sight. Black serpentine tendrils slither and swarm around Lucifer, but they dare not touch the Captain of the Lord. Lucifer clearly enjoys the power he feels in the Darkness.

While waiting for Lucifer to return from the Dark, Raguel racks his mind about one thing that Zephkiel had said - that only Carasel and Saraquael could answer what Love is and mean it. Raguel gives up waiting for Lucifer and decides to return to the Hall of Being. Raguel finds Saraquael still working on the concept of death by herself. She has built a small prototype coffin out of raw energy. Saraquael explains that she had an idea that when someone dies, they can be buried beneath the ground in a wooden box. Raguel doesn't comment on the coffin, instead he holds his hand on Saraquael's forehead. Raguel sees flashes of Saraquael and Carasel making love - arms around each other, wings intertwined. Raguel removes his hand and the flashes stop. Saraquael senses that Raguel now knows something he was never meant to know. Raguel asks Saraquael if she knows where Zephkiel's cell is. Saraquael nods. Raguel tells her to go there and wait for him.

Raguel goes outside, returning to the place where Carasel's body had been. The angel's remains have been removed. There is nothing on the silver sidewalk to indicate Carasel's dead body had ever been there. Raguel kneels down to touch the ground. A shadow covers Raguel. He looks up to see Lucifer flying directly above him. Lucifer asks Raguel what is next. Raguels tells him that he is going Zephkiel's cell next as he believes he has it all figured out now. Lucifer asks to come along. Together they fly to Zephkiel's cell.

Zephkiel sits in his chair. Saraquael anxiously waits. Raguel and Lucifer fly into the room together. Raguel is about to speak when Phanuel rushes into the cell demanding to know what is going on. Raguel tells Phanuel that he should stay and hear what he has to say. Raguel thanks them all - Zephkiel, Saraquael, Lucifer, Phanuel - for being there. He says that his function is to the Vengeance of the Name, the Arm of the Lord. He says that Carasel is dead and he was brought into being to find out why he died, and who killed him. He has done this now. Raguel explains that the angel Carasel was a designer in the Hall of Being - a very good one at that. Raguel turns to Lucifer and asks him what he had been doing before he came upon Phanuel and Carasel's body. Lucifer angrily says that he already told Raguel that he was walking. Raguel demands to know where. Lucifer says that he does not see what business that is of Raguel's. Raguel becomes his purpose, demanding that Lucifer tell him the truth. Lucifer confesses to walking in the Dark. He has been walking in the Dark for some time now. It helps him gain perspective on the City, being outside it. Raguel asks what it is that Lucifer does in the dark. Lucifer says that he walks and listens to the voices. He says that others are not strong enough to walk in the Dark, but it is the only way to test himself. Raguel thanks Lucifer for his testimony. Raguel turns to Phanuel and asks how long he has been taking credit for Carasel's work. Phanuel tries to deny it, so Raguel asks him to explain Love. Phanuel glances around uncomfortably, struggling to give an answer. Raguel turns to Zephkiel, who says that Phanuel did indeed take credit for Love. Saraquael says that she and Carasel did not object to Phanuel taking credit for Love as he had promised them another prime project - like Death. Phanuel is excused by Raguel, his presence having already served its purpose.

Raguel walks over to the window. He looks out at the silver spires and the Dark beyond them. Raguel turns back around, noticing that Saraquael is shivering. He asks Saraquael who Carasel loved. Saraquael confesses that she and Carasel became lovers as they worked on the concept of Love together. They would go back to Carasel's cell whenever they could where they touched each other, held each other, whispered endearments and protestations of eternal devotion - when they were together nothing else matters. Raguel grabs Saraquael by the neck and asks why she killed Carasel then. Saraquael breaks down, revealing that once they moved on to work on Death, Carasel lost interest in their love. She killed Carasel to try to make the pain of being spurned go away, but the pain has not stopped. Raguel's purpose begins to take hold. A red glow surrounds him. He becomes the physical embodiment of the Vengeance of the Lord. Raguel's inner-light becomes brighter and brighter until it erupts from his eyes, chest, fingers and lips. A white searing fire consumes Saraquael slowly. She clings to Raguel as she burns out of existence. Soon there is nothing left of Saraquael. Raguel returns to his normal form.

Lucifer walks over to the place where Saraquael once stood, trying to find some remnant of the angel Raguel destroyed, but there is nothing to find. Lucifer, with tears in his eyes, looks up at Raguel and says that it was not right, not just what he did to Saraquael. Raguel says it was justice - Saraquael killed another, so she was killed in her turn. Lucifer says that Saraquael should have been forgiven because she loved. Raguel says that it was the will of the Lord. Lucifer comments that perhaps the Lord's will is unjust then - perhaps the voices in the Darkness speak truly after all. Lucifer, still with tears in his eyes, flies out Zephkiel's window. Raguel turns to Zephkiel and asks him if he is pleased. Zephkiel realizes that Raguel has figured out that Zephkiel is no angel after all - but rather the Lord himself. Zephkiel asks Raguel how he knew. Raguel says that all other angels have wings, but Zephkiel does not, which means he is something else entirely. Zephkiel is pleased with Raguel's ability to uncover the truth. Raguel asks Zephkiel why he had all of the events happen - nothing occurs without a reason and all the reasons are the Lord's. Raguel says that Saraquael was set up to be destroyed, and Raguel wants to know why. Zephkiel says that it was Raguel's function to destroy her. Raguel comments that he believes he was needed to destroy in order to demonstrate to Lucifer the Injustice of the Lord, but he does not understand the reasoning for this. Zephkiel tells Raguel that Lucifer must brood on the unfairness of Saraquael's destruction in order to bring him to make certain actions that are supposed to happen in the future as Lucifer has a grand role to play in the drama to come. Zephkiel asks Raguel what he will do now. Raguel ponders the question. He then says that he will go back to his cell and wait for his function to be needed once again.

Lucifer goes into the Dark. The voices there tell him that there will be a great war and Lucifer must command his army in a battle against the Lord and those loyal to him. Lucifer tells the voices in the Darkness that he is ready to accept his purpose. Black serpent tendrils slither along Lucifer's body. He closes his eyes, letting the Dark consume his entire being.

Raguel flies across the Silver City, returning to his cell. He goes to his window. In the distance he sees Lucifer fly out of the Darkness. Raguel knows that Lucifer's growing acceptance of the Darkness is not a good thing, but that it is not his purpose to be involved. Raguel closes his eyes and waits until the time comes for his purpose to be needed once again.

Lucifer returns to Azazel and the rest of his army, who are still running their majestic, fiery training exercises in the sky above the Silver City in perfect unity. Lucifer tells Azazel that he has finally realized his own purpose and the reason for their war preparations. Lucifer puts a halt to the training and asks his angelic soldiers to converge on him. He tells them that there will soon be a war in their heavenly world between the angels. Lucifer’s soldiers hang on his every word as if they are now suddenly understanding the purpose of their existences as well. Lucifer further explains that this war is his purpose and it will change the entire universe forever.

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