Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 28 Round 10)

Season 28 comes to a decent close with a massive box office hit and a critical darling. Here's The Roundup....
3. GRA Races
Harvard Psychology's Metascore made things really interesting for the awards season. The season comes to an end with three films tied for the highest Metascore - The Beat Goes On, AKA Billy the Kid and Harvard Psychology all received a score of 85. 

2. Superman: Exile
John Malone just understands how to write Superman. All three films work together as a natural progression of the character. I'm excited to see what's next.

1. Harvard Psychology
This one caught me off-guard in the best possible way. When the project was announced, I didn't put the pieces together, and even once the film started it took me a while to figure out the significance of it all. As usual for a Lon Charles film, the real life figures all feel like real original human characters, never like a Wikipedia summary. This one is right up there with Newbury Street and The Producer as one of Lon's best films.

3. N/A

2. Box Office
While Superman: Exile was a massive hit, it is not good that two of the three releases lost money. That has been a trend in the second half of this season. It was the third time 2/3 films in a round lost money. Additionally, 7 of the 11 films to lose money this season were released in the second half.

1. Forever Hold the Peace
If HG and Abbie had kept this one short and sweet it would have worked a million times better. Half of the characters had little to no impact on the story and over half of the film's running time was of little importance. This film was around 3 hours long, but only had about 90 minutes worth of story. Maya Hawke's character would work better in small doses as she became more grating as the film's seemingly endless runtime went on despite starting off okay.

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