Thursday, May 30, 2024



In this latest off-season segment, LRF writers have answered the same Proust-inspired questionnaire that the late great James Lipton would ask his guests on Inside the Actors Studio. Welcome to Inside the Writers Studio! For this post, we have the questionnaire of long-time LRF writer Alex Conn (The Hippie Preacher, The Actors) after he sat out Season 29....

What is your favorite word?

Cinema. I love cinema with all my heart. I love going to the cinema to see movies. The reason I write and direct movies is because of my deep love for going to the cinema

What is your least favorite word?

Commie I just think that is its so lazily used to refer to everyone on the left. There are actual communists but I hate how that everyone is labeled that if you they are progressive. 

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

Honestly the 60s revolution always inspires me. I’m honestly inspired by leftist anti war revolutionaries from the 60s on specifically the anti war movement from the 60s to during the Iraq War in 2003 and now the Free Palestine movement and I’m endlessly inspired by people like Julian Assange who have risked their freedom for the truth. Anytime I hear revolution or anti-war or anything involving hippies my brain gets excited. 

What turns you off?

Support for endless war

What is your favorite curse word?

Fuck is cliched but it’s such a fucking good word.

What sound or noise do you love?

The sound of a projector projecting a 35mm print of a movie. 

What sound or noise do you hate?

I hate the sound of ASMR. A lot of people it calms them down I hate it. 

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Philosophy or political science professor. Both philosophy and politics are both passions of mine and I sometimes want to integrate those passions into my writing. I thought of being in academia and be a philosophy professor but reverted back to my original passion in movies 

What profession would you not like to do?

Prosecutor I’ve always found the idea of trying to lock even guilty people up creepy not that they shouldn’t be locked up or like an executioner because it would haunt me killing someone. Or if finding evidence that that person didn’t do it. It would be the most guilt I could feel. So pretty much any job that requires me to try to lock somebody up. 

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Good job is what I’ve love to hear. 

Thanks to Alex Conn for answering these difficult questions. Stay tuned for the next Inside the Writers Studio in a couple days!

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