Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 31 Round 2)

Ouch! The massive box office woes have continued into Round 2 of Season 31. Here's The Roundup....
3. N/A

2. Ocean Pawn
Jack Ryder clearly put a lot of work into Ocean Pawn and I have to give him credit there. It's definitely a flawed film, but it's worth checking out if you haven't already (and based on that box office, you probably haven't).

1. Scrappy
Jacob Jones' latest animated film was not a groundbreaking story (more on that below), but I have to give it credit as the first box office success story of Season 31 (and its biggest profit so far).

3. Scrappy
Scrappy felt a bit repetitive and generic to me. It certainly wasn't terrible by any means - and it was at least more reasonably in length than some of Jones' other animated films - but it didn't do much for me as an audience member. It was lacking a hook to me.

2. Baby Teeth
I really hope that one of these days a novel adaptation from Rosie JoLove will fire on all cylinders. I sense that Rosie is still having trouble in the process of turning these novel stories (which are told in different manner than films) and making them work as a big-screen story. I wish Rosie all the luck in the world, but Baby Teeth unfortunately was not the answer to that dilemma.

1. Box Office
I didn't think it could get much worse than Round 1's box office, but then the box office figures came in for Ocean Pawn. Box office bombs happen, and I hope that Ocean Pawn's writer Jack Ryder - despite our past animosity - rebounds with a new film soon.

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