Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 21 Round 4)

Another profitable round from the studio, so things appear to be getting on track. Here's The Roundup....

3. Whaling
Whaling was very engrossing for most of its running time thanks to Giamatti and Farrell. That said, I hated the ending. It was far too anti-climactic.

2. Twisted Metal
This one hit a lot of the same positive notes as Mortal Kombat II from the same writers. It is energetic, violent and fun. Not everyone likes films like this, but Twisted Metal is a lot of fun.

1. Pontiac
This one just hit the right notes for me. I don't find most of the studio's comedies funny, but this one absolutely was thanks to Glenn Howerton's on-point performance (and a funny small role from Jason Mantzoukas who was perfectly cast as a friendly bookie).

3. N/A

2. Whaling

The Ending!

1. Blockbusters
I know I've already mentioned this a couple times this season, but the lack of blockbusters is looking to be an ongoing issue for the studio this season. I know that the scheduling process for the studio is an immensely complicated thing, but I image Dolan is kicking himself for the lack of bigger budget films this season. We're nearly halfway through the season and have only had one film cost more than $100 million, and none of them have come anywhere close to $100 million in profit.

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