Monday, December 6, 2021

Now Showing: Pontiac

Genre: Dark Comedy/Drama
Director: Martin McDonagh
Writers: Jimmy Ellis & John Malone
Cast: Glenn Howerton, Rachel McAdams, Leslie Odom Jr., Olivia Munn, Jason Mantzoukas, Eric Bogosian, Angela Sarafyan, Jean Smart

Plot: Bonnie Devries (Rachel McAdams) sits beside her comatose father on life support. Dr Roger Chapman (Leslie Odom Jr.) stands beside her. Chapman places his hand on her shoulder and tells her that she needs to make the decision to terminate the life support. He then asks her if she has any family to help with everything to come. She informs him that she called her brother and asked him to come home.

Blake Devries (Glenn Howerton) sits aboard a plane as it touches down at the Detroit Metro Airport. As everyone is getting off the plane, Blake asks the beautiful stewardess if she wants to go back to his place. She ignores him and he simply shrugs. As he gets off he steals a fistful of duty-free bottles of booze from the drink cart and slips them into his pocket.

Blake arrives at the hospital where Bonnie is agonizing over the decision to pull the plug on their comatose, brain dead father. Chapman asks them for the authorization to cease life support. Blake asks the doctor if he can pull the plug himself, but Chapman says it doesn't really work that way. Bonnie's hand shakes with the pen to sign the authorization form, so Blake takes the pen from her and gladly signs the papers himself with flourish. Chapman turns off the life support machines, which to Blake's dismay doesn't involve any literal plug pulling. Blake begins walking out of the room. Bonnie says that their dad isn't dead yet, but Blake says that if there isn't a plug for him to pull he'd rather be at the bar. Blake leaves as Bonnie and Chapman patiently watch as life officially leaves her father's body. Bonnie begins crying. Chapman puts his arm around Bonnie. She then kisses him. He hesitates, but then kisses her back. Bonnie then pushes Chapman down on to a chair and climbs into his lap, and the two have sex. A nurse walks in on them, but when she sees the two of them, she quickly exits the room. Chapman and Bonnie stop what they're doing. Chapman leaves the room, saying he has paperwork to do regarding her father.

Blake sits at the bar where everyone is aptly watching the Red Wings game. Blake tries to get the bartender's attention, but he's too busy watching the game. Blake then loudly announces that the Red Wings are terrible now and that nobody in their right mind should be paying this close of attention to one of their games. The bartender finally hands Blake a beer. Blake's old high school friend Yuri (Jason Mantzoukas) walks over to Blake and sits next to him. As they catch up, Yuri proudly tells Blake that he's become a bookie recently. Blake places a $5000 bet that the Red Wings will lose the game they're currently playing. Yuri asks if he's sure since they are up 3-1 in the second period. Blake says he's sure. Yuri happily writes down the bet in his little notebook, before leaving Blake be with a pat on the back.

Bonnie is laying in bed in the middle of the night when she wakes up to the sounds of Blake drunkenly breaking into the house. She goes downstairs to find Blake hanging halfway through an open window. Bonnie begrudgingly helps him inside and Blake falls to the floor with a thud. Blake says he couldn't find the spare key outside. She tells him he could have given the doorbell a ring. As she talks, Blake falls asleep on the floor. Bonnie hears a text come in on her phone. She looks at her phone, finding a text from Chapman telling her that he can't stop thinking about her. She texts back her address and tells him to come over so they can finish what they started earlier.

Chapman arrives at Bonnie's house. When she lets him in, he immediately notices Blake passed out on the floor. She says to ignore him and leads Chapman to her bedroom. They have sex in her bed. Afterward, Bonnie cries in Chapman's arms. Chapman looks at the time and tells Bonnie that he must get home, or his wife will start to get suspicious, but he would like to see Bonnie again. Chapman then hurriedly puts his clothes back on and leaves the house.

When he wakes up in the middle of the afternoon, Blake goes back to the bar for a fruity breakfast cocktail. Yuri approaches him and tells him that the Red Wings held on to win 3-2 last night. He tells Blake that he's going to need the $5000 Blake now owes him. Blake tells him to relax and that he'll pay him once he gets his inheritance from his father's death. Yuri tells him that he doesn't put bets on lay-away, and that if Blake doesn't get the money soon, he will have to deliver some pain. Yuri puts a hand on Blake’s shoulder and stresses that he doesn't want to have to hurt Blake, but it is part of the business. Yuri gets up to leave the bar, but gives Blake condolences for his father's passing. Blake finishes his cocktail.

Blake arrives back at the house to find Bonnie waiting for him. Blake asks what's going on, and Bonnie tells him that they need to go to the funeral home to plan out the funeral and burial. Blake says they should just toss his body in a dumpster and call it a day. Bonnie gets angry at Blake. She reminds him that when he left town, she was forced to take care of their father as he was slowly dying. She adds that although he was a terrible father, she began to bond with him in his dying days. Bonnie tells Blake that one of their father's last wishes was to have a big funeral.

Blake and Bonnie arrive at the funeral home and are greeted by the owner, Davit Ohanian (Eric Bogosian). As he shows them the various caskets and funeral arrangements, Blake is distracted by Davit's daughter, Milena (Angela Sarafyan). Blake excuses himself and goes over to Milena and begins flirting with her. Bonnie sits down in the office with Davit. He confesses that he's surprised that they are bothering with a funeral for their father since everyone knew him as a mean drunk with few redeeming qualities. He suggests that they just purchase an urn and have him cremated. Bonnie tells Davit that her father wanted a big funeral, so that's what she needs. Meanwhile, Milena and Blake are making out in the coffin showroom. They then fall into a large open coffin. Blake begins taking off his pants, and Milena closes the coffin lid over them.

Chapman comes home to find his wife Pam (Olivia Munn) cooking dinner. She asks him where he went in the middle of the night, last night. He tells her that he got a call to go check on a patient at the hospital who isn't doing very well.

After leaving the funeral home, Blake asks Bonnie about their inheritance. She gives him the bad news that there is no inheritance, that all of their father's money went toward medical bills. Blake becomes angry and kick's Bonnie's car, leaving a huge dent in the passenger side door. He asks her why he is even back in town if there isn't any money to collect and no plug to be pulled. Bonnie says that their father wanted him there at the funeral. Blake comments that their dad is dead, yet he is still finding new ways to piss him off.

Later at home, alone, Bonnie calls Chapman and invites him over. Chapman tells his wife Pam that he has to run back to the hospital. After her husband leaves, Pam notices that he forgot his work bag. She drives to the hospital to bring her husband his bag, but the nurses inform her that nobody has called for Dr. Chapman. Pam calls her husband, and asks where he is. He says he's at the hospital. Pam tells him that he forgot his bag at home. He says he didn't need it. Pam then hears Bonnie in the background asking Chapman to come back to bed. Chapman tells his wife that he has to go see his patient now, but that he'll be home soon.

Upset, Pam heads down to the bar and orders a drink. Blake notices her and sidles up next to her. Blake asks Pam if she'd like to buy him a drink. She laughs and orders him another beer. As Blake and Pam are hitting it off, Yuri enters the bar and asks Blake where the money is. Blake says that there was a problem with the inheritance and he's not going to be able to pay him. Yuri is disappointed that he now has to hurt his friend. Yuri tells Blake to put his hand on the bar. Blake obliges, and Yuri quickly hits Blake's hand with a hammer. Blake screams in pain. Yuri then asks the bartender to get Blake some ice and a beer. Yuri gives Blake a pat on the back and tells him that the hammer just bought him two weeks.

Bonnie and Chapman are lying in bed. He tells Bonnie that he is worried that his wife heard her talking in the background when she called. Bonnie asks what he plans on doing about his marriage. Chapman tells her that he is confused about everything right now. He loves his wife, but he feels a deep connection to Bonnie. Bonnie gets out of bed and suggests that he figure things out. She then invites Chapman to her father's funeral the next day.

Blake and Pam are having sex in the bathroom at the bar. Blake is trying to be careful not to use his injured hand during the act. Yuri walks in and sits down on the toilet. He taps the hammer on the toilet seat before Blake and Pam both yell at him to get out.

The next morning, Davit and Milena are setting up for the funeral when Bonnie arrives with the check for the service. Davit asks her how many people she is expecting. Bonnie admits that she has no idea, it could be a handful, it could just be her for all she knows. Blake then arrives, telling his sister that he wouldn't want her to be the only one at the funeral.

Chapman tells Pam that he has some errands to run today. She asks what, but he is evasive. As soon as her husband drives away, Pam runs out to her car to tail him. She drives a careful distance behind, following Chapman all the way to the funeral hall. She watches as Chapman enters the building. After waiting in her car for a moment, she decides to follow him in.

Bonnie is excited that Chapman showed up and gives him a kiss. Blake sarcastically compliments Chapman's wedding ring and asks Chapman if he can take a look at his injured hand. Chapman asks what happened, and Blake says that a bookie smashed it with a hammer. Pam storms in and yells at Chapman for cheating on her. She then notices Blake is there as well and demands to know what on earth is going on. Blake offers to explain the situation, but Chapman steps up and apologizes to his wife, suggesting they maybe take some time apart from each other to figure things out. She tells him that he can take that time to figure out divorce papers. On her way out of the hall, Pam tells Blake to call her some time.

Davit brings out the coffin and opens it up, revealing the corpse of Bonnie and Blake's father. Everyone has a seat, Davit asks if anyone would like to say anything. Bonnie then realizes that she has forgotten to write a eulogy. Blake steps up to the pulpit and looks out on the crowd that only consists of Bonnie, Chapman, Davit and Milena. He says that his father was mean and a drunk, but more importantly he was a mean drunk. Blake then goes to sit down. Suddenly the funeral hall doors open and a woman, Linda (Jean Smart), enters and walks up to the coffin on display. Bonnie asks who she is. Linda comments that if she was a better mother her children would recognize her. Blake and Bonnie then realize that Linda is their mother. Linda tells them that she came to apologize to them for leaving them behind with their awful father 30 years earlier. She tells them that she's been looking for an excuse to track them down, but she wasn't sure how to go about it until she saw their father's obituary in the newspaper. Blake is unsympathetic, telling her that he and Bonnie have a dead body to go bury.

At the cemetery, Blake and Bonnie watch as the coffin is lowered into the ground. Blake pulls a beer out of his pocket and begins drinking. As the backhoe drops dirt into the hole, Bonnie tells Blake that she would like to talk to their mother and points out that she is standing off in the distance trying to hide behind a head stone. Bonnie asks Blake if he'd like to join her. Blake declines, saying he's going to go hook up with the doctor's wife again instead. An overhead shot shows Blake and Bonnie walking in two different directions, Bonnie toward Linda and Blake to the car.

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