Saturday, December 4, 2021

Now Showing: Whaling

Genre: Drama
Director: Noah Baumbach
Writer: Wyatt Allen
Cast: Paul Giamatti, Colin Farrell, Paul Iacono, Monica Cruz, Madison Iseman, Brian Cox, Claire Forlani
Plot: 1962 in California. Frank Gillespie (Paul Giamatti) is an aspiring director. He is putting on a suit in his house near Los Angeles as his wife Mary Gillespie (Claire Forlani) ties his tie. She is telling him how proud she is of what her husband has accomplished. Frank smiles but tells her that he probably won‘t win today. Mary replies that he would deserve to win and they kiss each other. Frank and Mary hug their eight year old daughter and say their goodbyes as they‘re heading to an award show. While almost out of the door Mary tells her mother who his there to babysit that their daughter has to be in bed at 11 pm the latest.

As they arrive at the award show they walk down the red carpet as suddenly the press around them gets really loud and hectic as another person arrives. Dean Ford (Colin Farrell) steps onto the red carpet bathing in the spotlight as the photographers and fans keep screaming his name. He seems to love every second of it and winks at some of his most enthusiastic supporters. Some of the people ask him why he didn‘t took his wife with him and he answers that she unfortunately got sick a couple days ago. Inside, Dean sees Frank and Mary and tells them he is happy to finally meet them. He kisses Mary‘s hand and tells her how beautiful she looks in her dress and then goes on to congratulate Frank on their fantastic movie. He also adds that he was very surprised that this year the academy decided to also give a chance to smaller movies to compete with the big boys. Frank tells him he appreciates his comments and wishes him good luck for the show, whereupon Dean wishes them the same and goes away. Frank mumbles to Mary and himself that he thinks that Dean Ford is an arrogant asshole

Frank doesn‘t win any award. At the after show party a man comes up to Frank and introduces himself as Rusty Smith (Brian Cox). He is a big producer and really enjoyed Frank‘s movie. He would like to work with him and the two of them arrange to meet at a later date. A couple days later they meet in a restaurant and Frank tells him about how he always wanted to adapt Moby Dick to the big screen. Rusty thinks that a Moby Dick movie would do great at the box office and Frank might be the perfect fit for that type of movie. He says that based on Frank‘s last movie he will trust him with a budget that will probably be bigger than everything he has done before but he will also expect a lot from Frank and this movie. Rusty will set up a contract and already do some planning and then he will contact him for everything else.

A couple weeks later, Frank is brought to Rusty‘s office by Rusty‘s secretary. Where Rusty and his assistant are already waiting for him. Rusty greets Frank and introduces his assistant to Frank. His name is Larry (Paul Iacono) and he very nervously shakes Frank‘s hand and tells him that he is a huge fan of his work. He politely calls Frank Mr. Gillespie until Frank tells him to call him by his first name. Rusty explains to Frank that Larry will be present when production starts as he needs someone to represent his interest when he can‘t be there. But now they want to talk about the movie. Rusty tells Frank that he really liked the script they wrote and Larry also adds that the script was brilliant. They start talking about filming locations and Rusty tells Frank that one of the conditions of the main actor is that most of the filming has to take place in Gran Canaria. Frank is confused. The main actor? Frank has no idea that they already had someone to play Captain Ahab. Rusty tells him that every big movie needs at least one star and he also ensures Frank that Dean Ford will do a good job playing Captain Ahab.

Back in his home in Los Angeles Frank tells his wife how his meeting went and that they cast the arrogant asshole Dean Ford without even asking him for his opinion. Mary tries to calm Frank down and thinks that Frank will still be able to make the best out of the situation and that Dean Ford guy atleast gives him his deserved attention. Mary tells him she already finished preparing the dinner and they can start whenever he is ready. Frank takes a deep breath and than mumbles "Dean Fucking Ford“.

Larry and Frank are the first to arrive at Gran Canaria to prepare filming. One thing that seems really important to Frank is finding the right ship to film the movie on. Frank is really thrilled about one old ship that they see it even has the name "Pequod“ just like the ship in Moby Dick, which Frank knows must be a sign, but the salesman tells them it’s not seaworthy and they definitely have to put some work in. But Frank is completely in love with it an doesn’t mind some extra work. The salesman tries to excite him for some of his newer ships but Frank runs his hands over the ship and tells them he already made a decision.

A couple days later Frank is drinking a coffee outside of a sunny cafĂ©. The sun is shining and the people around him seem to be in a good mood. Larry arrives and excuses himself for being late. He just got a letter from Rusty’s office. He tells him that Dean Ford and his wife will have a divorce and it’s all over the news. Dean already told Rusty that he needs some time off and they might have to start filming a bit later than planned. Frank tells him he knew that Dean would be a troublemaker and tells him this will only be the beginning. Larry ensures him that this is just an unfortunate situation and otherwise Dean is an absolute professional. At night in his hotel room, Frank writes a letter to his wife and daughter. Telling them about everything they have done so far in Gran Canaria and how much he wishes they could be with him.

It’s the day the cast and crew should arrive and it’s already a week later as originally planned. Frank makes sure to greet everyone working on the movie personally as he wants them to feel comfortable around them. Dean Ford is still not there but Larry tells him, that the big stars always turn in last. The whole crew goes to „Jose’s“ a tapas bar, to get to know each other. The atmosphere is great and the people get along nicely. Frank pays for a round of drinks and tells them he really looks forward to work with every single one of them. Frank raises his glass and holds a toast. He wants to make a phenomenal movie. The crew agrees with him and they clink glasses. Larry tells Frank he was just at the hotel and asked if Dean Ford had arrived and they told him that he still didn’t check in. Frank answers that he really has doubts about Dean Ford’s professionalism.

They decide to do a couple rehearsals while waiting for Ford, and Larry is forced to read Ford’s role. A couple days later Dean Ford finally arrives and they can start filming. Frank doesn’t really talk to him about his lateness as he just wants to start filming. He is very happy to hear that Dean already prepared everything for his role as Captain Ahab. He sits him down to where all the cast already got their make-up put on from Nancy (Madison Iseman). Dean charmingly greets Nancy who tells him that she is a huge fan of his movies. Dean tells her she seems to have a wonderful taste if that's the case which makes Nancy blush a bit. Dean looks at his lines already trying to act the scenes out while Frank is telling Nancy how important it is for the movie that Ford looks really old and frustrated and not like like a good looking movie star at all. Nancy doesn’t seem to be bothered and again Frank tells her how important it is. She tells him he should trust her and just wait outside until they are finished. Frank nervously waits outside of the make-up trailer until Nancy finally tells him they are finished. An almost unrecognizable Dean Ford steps out of the trailer. With an old raspy voice he screams „I’ll follow him around the Horn, and around the Norway maelstrom, and around perdition’s flames before I give him up.“ Frank is happy and thanks Nancy for her astonishing work.

They finally start filming and everyone does there job well. After a while there is one scene in which Frank feels like Dean is overacting a bit. He doesn’t hesitate to let him know and Dean handles the critic pretty good. He tells him he will do it better but he really seems to struggle with that specific scene and gets more frustrated with himself after every failed take. Suddenly he even misremembers one line and that makes him completely snap at himself. He is dissatisfied with his performance and screams at himself that he can do better. After another failed mistake he blames his ex wife for taking away his confidence. At this point Frank tells everybody to take a break and go get some lunch.

After lunch Dean Ford is missing again and nowhere to be found. Frank decides to stop filming for today. He tells Larry he really needs to get a drink and Nancy also tags along. They go to „Jose’s“ where they find an already drunk Dean Ford. He looks drained and still cries about being left by his wife. Frank sits next to him and tries to cheer him up. He tells him that he is a movie star and he will surely find new love. Frank, Dean, Nancy and Larry all have some drinks and Dean’s mood seems to brighten up with time. When Dean wants to order another round of drinks, Larry tells him he has already had enough. Dean tells him a man grows with his tasks and orders the round anyway.

When leaving the bar late at night Dean and Frank have to support Larry as he can’t walk on his own because he is too drunk. The other three are also really drunk but still in a great mood. They are all cracking jokes while on there way to the hotel. When entering the hotel, the group splits as Frank and Larry have their rooms far away from where Dean and Nancy stay, because they checked in a couple weeks earlier. Frank drags Larry to their rooms while Dean asks Nancy if she would be interested in drinking a nightcap in his room. Dean and Nancy enter Dean’s room to take one last drink as they lock eyes and start kissing. They make out with each other and have sex.

The next day they get back to filming. Dean Ford really seems more focused and composed while Larry has gotten a day off to sleep out his hangover. In the following weeks everything works perfectly fine. Dean is finally the professional Larry promised Frank he would be. When entering the hotel after a busy work day Frank is given a letter that has been written to his name. Back in his hotel room Frank reads the letter from his wife in which she tells him that she really feels a bit overwhelmed with raising their daughter without him. She also misses her husband and tells him she completely underestimated the whole situation with him working overseas. Still processing what has been written in the letter, Frank hears a knock on the door. It’s Larry, who also holds a letter in his hands. Larry is telling him he got some bad news. Frank remarks that it doesn’t seem to be a good day for reading letters. Larry tells him that Rusty just wrote him and that he wants them to know that they have a bit of a financial problem and so they probably won’t be able to film the whole movie in Gran Canaria. They will get back to America until Rusty finds another location to film in. Frank is of course not a fan of Rusty’s new plan but there is nothing he can do about it.

They spend there last months on the Spanish island with filming as much material as possible until the day to go back has arrived. The whole cast and crew is about to check out of the hotel as Frank notices Dean Ford is the only one who doesn’t prepare to leave. Dean explains to him that he decided stay here on his own costs until they have the new location. He just feels like it’s the best place mentally for him right now. Frank understands his decision and tells him he looks forward to see him again when they restart filming.

Frank goes back to Los Angeles to his wife and daughter. He is struggling to really connect to his wife again as his mind is still focused on the movie. Most of his time is spent meeting up with Rusty and Larry to plan further filming. After some time his wife Mary comes up to him to inform him that she considers getting a divorce. Frank is telling her that she still loves her and now is the time that he needs her the most. He is telling her that this is maybe his only chance of doing his masterpiece and he wants her support him. While they discuss the television is still on and there is Dean Ford on the news. It’s told that he has a relationship with famous Spanish singer Maria Lopez (Monica Cruz), who he met in Gran Canaria.

Rusty has found a cheaper filming location in Ireland and they restart filming. This time everyone is on time but they still have to wait because the ship they are filming on is still on its way from Gran Canaria. When it’s finally there Larry mentions to Frank that the whole ship looks like it could break down any second but Frank is sure that it’s pretty safe. Most of the cast doesn’t really care how the ship looks as long as they have an experienced captain on board so they just continue filming. Dean Ford who already criticized the new filming location because of the bad weather and cheap accommodation, is allowed to bring his new girlfriend on set with him. Producer Rusty is also there, as he is starting to have concerns about this whole project. Maria and Dean flaunt their love in front of everyone. The whole crew but especially Nancy is getting slightly annoyed with them. In particular when Maria tells Dean that this gruesome make-up is hiding Dean’s pretty face, it makes Nancy simmer inside.

While filming seems to just work fine for now, they lost one of their whale dummies in the sea a couple days ago and Frank talks to Rusty about buying a new one. Rusty tells him that they really have to look after the money and asks him to just use the other one they have. Frank explains to him that they need a white one as Moby Dick is a white whale. Rusty agrees to get a new one but tells Frank that it will probably take some time to ship them. The financial problems are starting to get to Frank too. He is anxious that he doesn’t have enough time to finish his masterpiece so he urges everyone on set to work better and faster, which not everyone seems to get along with. A certain dissatisfaction is going around the team.

A couple days later there are about to shoot a scene on a smaller rowboat, until the camera man tells him that it’s to stormy. Larry sides with him but Frank tells them either they do their job like they are supposed to or they are fired. The camera man refuses to go on the rowboat and Frank fires him on the spot. Larry takes his spot behind the camera. It doesn’t take long for them to figure out that the camera man was right. The weather is way too bad to be out with this small rowboat. Frank wants them to continue but after a scene they are trying to get right for a a couple of times fails again, Larry stops filming and tells Frank to be reasonable. Frank grabs Larry by the collar and screams in his face that they all have to make sacrifices and Larry is no exception. They continue filming but the weather even worsens and even Frank accepts that it’s too dangerous to be out there and they return ashore. While everyone breathes a sigh of relief, Frank is already planning the next scene.

The next day Larry is knocking on the door of Frank’s room with his bags packed. He tells him that he can’t continue working like this and is determined to leave the set. Frank understands his decision and apologizes for everything he has done. He asks him in and pours two glasses of whiskey in and gives one to Larry. Frank shows him an unopened letter and tells him that this are probably his divorce papers but he was too afraid to open them. Larry tells him that he is sorry for him. Frank explains that he used to love his wife more than anything but his job and his love for movies just make things so difficult. He asks Larry to overthink his decision one last time. This movie is the only thing that makes him happy and he needs Larry to hold everything together. Larry accepts his apology and decides to stay.

Back on set the white whale dummy finally arrived they are already shooting scenes with it, while most of the cast is still preparing. The sea is a bit stormy today so they really have to make sure they don’t lose the dummy again. Dean Ford is getting his make-up done by Nancy as Maria Lopez again has something to say about Nancy’s work. But Nancy is not having it today and they both get into a big conflict. Nancy asks Dean if he also thinks like Maria, but he just stutters to himself. Nancy and Maria start to insult each other in front of the whole crew until Nancy exposes that her and Dean had sex with each other just a short time before he met Maria and he basically cried his heart out every time they met and after he showed up with his Spanish whore, he acted like it never happened. Maria and Nancy start to fight and scream at each other The whole crew have their eyes on the fight and some people finally get in between them. Even the people filming are so distracted that they dropped the new whale dummy and it gets lost in the sea. They try to rescue it but failed to find it. Frank is devastated and tells everyone to not tell Rusty about it because they might still find it the next couple of days. They continue filming scenes without an appearance of Moby Dick.

To their surprise Rusty visits Frank and his crew on set a couple days later and tells them he needs to talk to Frank. He explains to Frank that he has already heard about them losing the dummy. Dean already told him, but that isn’t the only reason he is there. There are way behind there schedule and most of their contracts are about to run out. Especially now with them losing another whale dummy they will run into a huge problem. Rusty tells him that they will scrap the movie, it would just be to expensive to continue filming. Frank can’t believe him, he is sure the movie is going to be a huge hit and tells him it will be worth it. But Rusty tells him if they don’t miraculously find another white whale dummy the next couple of days it’s over.

Frank allowed the cast and crew to take a week off, while he still tries to rescue his movie. He meets up with Larry, who tells him he already asked every person that looks like they own a boat, if they have seen anything, but no one did. Larry tells him he could also try his luck again later at night, but Frank tells him Larry already did enough for him. Frank advises him to enjoy the time left in Ireland, hugs him and thanks him for everything.

Frank goes down the pier. The sun is going down and it’s already pretty dark. At the end of the pier he finds an old man with a long grey beard, looking at the sea. The two are getting into a conversation and Frank tells him that he is looking for a whale he lost in the sea. The old man laughs and reveals to Frank that when he was a young man he was also on the hunt for whales. He explains to him that whales are really admirable and wonderful creatures, but they paid him a lot of money at the time to hunt them down. They had to have patience, sometimes they would spend so much time waiting for the whales, without any results, but he will never forget the feeling of finally seeing a whale after waiting for so long. He wants to continue talking but he gets interrupted by something he sees at the horizon. The old man tells Frank there seems to be white whale and what a lucky coincidence that is. Frank tells him that this isn’t a real whale but his whale dummy as he is about to jump into the sea. He takes one last look before jumping in and suddenly stops. The old man was right, what they are seeing is in fact a real white whale. He watches the whale move, sits down on the pier and starts to cry, as the camera slowly pans out.

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