Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 25 Round 8)

This round was a nice improvement over some of the disastrous rounds this season, but it wasn't problem-free. Here's The Roundup....

3. Nineteen Minutes
Some of the film works, while some of it does not at all. I commend writer Joshua Collins for trying to do something a bit different than his usual films. The jumps back and forth in time didn't really work in this film, and I struggled to find any characters likable enough to relate to or root for (although the adult characters all worked a bit better than the younger characters).

2. Nightwing
Writer Jimmy Ellis clearly tried to fix some of the issues Grayson had, specifically in the action department. It was improvement, but not without its issues (more below).

1. Believe It or Not!
It's hard to say much more about this film than what Chad Taylor already said. The film managed a tricky balancing act between its genres thanks to strong writing from Lon Charles. I've never been a big fan of Seth MacFarlane, but Charles figured out how to use his natural strengths as an actor very well with how he wrote the role of Ripley. I never would have guessed it at the beginning of the season, but Seth MacFarlane is a serious contender for Best Actor.

3. Novel Adaptations
Nineteen Minutes was a better film than a lot of the novel adaptations in recent seasons, although I'm not surprised that it lost money based on its subject matter. There's one more novel adaptation due out this season, The Watsons Go to Birmingham, and I have to say that I do not like its chances at the box office one bit.

2. Nightwing
Despite the improvements from the first film, I felt like Nightwing had a big issue in the villain department. Alfred Molina's character really didn't work for me in any capacity.

1. Box Office
This round went better than most this season, but this season has clearly been a grind to find any profits. Really the question now, based on the films remaining on the slate, is if Carte Blanche will make enough money to save the season.

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