Monday, July 11, 2022

Now Showing: Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes
Genre: Animation/Family/Comedy
Director: Pete Docter
Writer: Joshua Collins
Based on the comic strip by Bill Watterson
Voice Cast: Nancy Cartwright, Will Arnett, Blake Lively, Ed Helms, Brooklynn Prince, Annie Potts

Plot: The film starts off with the G.R.O.S.S. club in session, detailing Calvin (Nancy Cartwright) and Hobbes’ (Will Arnett) dislike of Susie Derkins (Brooklynn Prince), which is just Calvin says “We hate Susie” a few times before the meeting is almost over. Susie overhears Calvin and Hobbes discussing their hatred of her, and she begins to argue with Calvin. Susie turns around to leave, and gets pegged by a water balloon. She turns her face to hear Calvin and Hobbes laughing.

“You might as well hide up there in your treehouse for the rest of your life, because I’m gonna tell your mother what you just did!”

“Oh no you’re not,” Calvin yells, “Get her, Hobbes!”

Hobbes dives as Susie, she turns around just in time to see stuffed Hobbes flying at her. She ducks, sending Hobbes off his course.

“Nice one, you birdbrain. I’m gonna tell her you tried to throw your dumb stuffed tiger at me too. Then you’ll really be in for it!”

Susie runs off, Calvin meets up with Hobbes, “I can’t believe you missed, you nincompoop!” Calvin says to Hobbes.

“My mother taught me never to hit girls,” Hobbes says.

“CALVIN!” Mom’s voice (Blake Lively) is heard off screen, “Get your butt home this instant!”

“You’re really in for it now,” Hobbes says.

“Yeah, you can tell how much trouble you’re in with your mom by how many blocks away you can hear her yell your name.” Calvin says.

Calvin gets home, cowering a little.

“Susie Derkin’s mother just called and said you threw water balloons and stuffed animals at Susie.” Mom says.

“Not stuffed animals, mom. Just Hobbes!”

“Well young man, you can go right up to bed without any dinner.”

“Not like I want to eat that turd anyway,” Calvin says under his breath.

“Excuse me?!”

“I said I didn’t want any bean curd anyway.”

Later that night, Calvin sneaks he and Hobbes outside to look at the stars. They discuss the possibilities of alternate realities, how at this minute, there could be millions of Calvins and Hobbes. As Calvin and Hobbes discuss alternate dimensions, we get a glimpse of the imaginary scenarios they bring up.

“I bet theres a version of us that rule an entire world, Hobbes. I bet there’s an us that have dinosaurs as pets, and one of them is eating Moe right now!” Calvin says.

“I bet there’s a universe where everything is made out of Tuna Fish!” Hobbes says as we get a glimpse of everything being made out of Tuna Fish.

“Tuna Fish, come on, Hobbes think bigger and better! There’s more to it than Tuna Fish!” Calvin argues.

“Calvin, what on earth are you doing out here at this time of night?!” Dad’s voice (Ed Helms) is heard as he walks into frame.

“Sorry dad, we were just discussing alternate realities. What would be YOUR dream reality, dad?” Calvin asks.

*We get a glimpse of Dad’s dream reality, Dad is riding his bike down an endless road, big grin on his face*

“I have no responsibilities, no demon child telling me how much of a bad dad I am, just me on my bike and the open road..” Dad says, his fantasy ends in the middle of his speech and he has a big smile on his face.

“I mean…. you should ask your mother, and you also should be in bed, lets go,” Dad says as he escorts Calvin and Hobbes back into the house.

The next day, Calvin meets up with Susie at the bus stop. He looks worn out.

“What the heck happened to you, Calvin?” Susie asks.

“Hobbes and I were up all night thinking about all of the millions of Calvins there are in the universe.” He replies.

“Millions? I think one is enough. You remember we have a test today, right?” She asks.

Calvin is already sleeping standing up. The bus arrives, At first Susie is about to get on herself, but she grabs Calvin by the arm and pulls him on the bus.

Miss Wormwood (Annie Potts) is leading the class, she is passing out papers for the test Susie mentioned. Calvin can barely keep it together, totally zoned out.

In Calvin’s imagination, he has drifted out of the classroom. As he floats by the Sun, the Sun greets Calvin with a “good-morning Calvin!” “Hi Mr. Sun,” Calvin says. Clouds drift by, in female giggly voices, they say “Hi Calvin” and laugh. Calvin smiles at the clouds, waves at them. An airplane is flying towards Calvin.

“Calvin! Calvin!” The airplane says in Miss Wormwood’s voice. The airplane is just about to smash into Calvin before he wakes up and falls out of his desk. The rest of the class laugh, Miss Wormwood is standing there with a stern look on her face.

“Calvin, congratulations, you slept through ANOTHER test. I’ll be sure to tell your parents about this at the next conference.” She says.

Its later on after school, Calvin approaches the front door, he stops and thinks for a moment. He remembers how every time he opens the front door, Hobbes tackles him. Feeling desperate, he tries to think of a way to enter the house without Hobbes tackling him. He sees Dad’s ladder and uses it to climb to his window. As soon as Calvin opens the window, Hobbes jumps out of the window, tackling Calvin and knocking him off the ladder.

Hobbes gloats about his latest tackle. “Oh man you should have seen your face! That’s 752 straight!”

“Thats it!” Calvin says, apparently that huge tackle knocked an idea into his head.

Calvin runs into the house, we get a quick montage of him seemingly working hard on something. He is using power tools and wiping sweat off his face as he works hard at his latest idea. Once he finishes, he smiles, “Eureeka!” He says.

“Hey Hobbes, check this out!” Calvin says.

Hobbes is standing at the doorway, “What is it?”

Calvin is pointing at a box, we realize the workout montage was just an exaggerated imagination. He has a box labeled “Alternit Younivers Maker”

“Its the answer to life’s greatest mysteries, Hobbes. Instead of us having to go to millions of alternate realities ourselves, we can have our alternate realities come to us!”

“Looks kind of like a box to me.” Hobbes says.

“Its more than a box, dummy! Watch, we’re going to see it in action right now!” Calvin says.

Calvin plucks a hair out of his head and places it inside the box. He turns on the “on” switch.

Calvin pretends he is Dr. Frankenstein and Hobbes is Igor. “Its alive, Igor! Its alive!” Calvin shouts. Lightning strikes the box, and we are back to the real world.

“Did it work?” Hobbes asks.

The box starts shaking violently and flips to its side. Suddenly, a Calvin lookalike steps out of the box. This Calvin has his hair neatly combed, and is wearing nice clothes.

“Hi, I’m Calvin from the Neat Universe.” Neat Calvin says.

“Oh hi, I’m Calvin from the real Universe?” Calvin says.

“I see, how can your universe be the real universe when my universe is also real to me?” Neat Calvin asks.

Neat Calvin has stumped Regular Calvin, who is thinking too hard about the question he asked. So hard that Neat Calvin wanders through the house. Neat Calvin bumps into Mom, who is busy sweeping the floor.

“Hello, Momma.” Neat Calvin says.

“Since when do you call me Momma?” She asks.

“I’ve always called you Momma, Momma. Why on earth are you wasting your energy sweeping the floor? Let me do that do you.” Neat Calvin says.

“No, its ok, you’re just going to make more of a mess,” Mom protests.

“No Momma, you deserve your rest. Lay down on the couch with a cup of coffee and a book, I will have the entire house spick and span by the time Papa gets home.” Neat Calvin answers.

“Papa?” Mom asks to herself under her breath.

Cut to Calvin back in his room with the Alternate Reality machine. Another Calvin walks out of the box. This Calvin comes from the universe where EVERYONE is ridiculously smart. This Calvin is wearing glasses.

“I sense a major vibe of stupidity in this universe,” Smart Calvin says.

“Well you should fix that. You can start by doing my homework and going to school for me tomorrow.” Regular Calvin says.

“Oh joy! The people in my universe live to go to school and learn new things. Seriously, if we don’t go to school, our entire universe would crumble. They say that on the news all the time.” Smart Calvin says.

Next scene, we see Neat Calvin is busy cooking dinner, while Mom is laying on the couch reading a book about child psychology. Dad walks in from work, sees Calvin cooking.

“Calvin, what are you doing cooking dinner, that stove surface is hot!” Dad shouts.

“No Dear, let him cook. Believe me, I had reservations about it myself, but he’s actually doing a good job. He just finished cleaning the entire house AND the toilet. And the meatloaf he is making, I tasted it….its to die for,” Mom says.

“Hmmm,” Dad says.

“Good evening, Papa. How was your day? Sit down and relax with your feet up. I will polish your shoes before bed tonight.” Neat Calvin says, “And try this sauce, Momma loved it.”

Neat Calvin feeds his dad some sauce from a spoon. Dad nearly passes out it tastes so good.

Regular Calvin is up in his room playing video games with Hobbes.

“This is the best idea I’ve ever had, Hobbes! I can have “Me” go to school forever, and I can have the other “Me” make my parents proud by being nice and neat for them. We can sit around playing video games and watching movies for the rest of our lives!”

The camera cuts to the Alternate Reality Maker machine. It begins to shake violently and fall over on its side. Smoke billows out of the box, and out steps another Calvin. This Calvin looks to be giving off some serious evil vibes, a Calvin that has absolutely zero ounces of humanity in himself. This Calvin is known as Evil Calvin.

“I’m finally free,” Evil Calvin says to himself. He looks over to see Regular Calvin is too busy playing video games with Hobbes to notice him.

“Goodbye, Calvin,” Evil Calvin says as he runs out the window and climbs down the ladder Calvin placed outside.

“Did we turn the Alternate Reality Machine off?” Calvin asks Hobbes.

“Yes, and you better turn around because,” Hobbes presses a button, “Got ya again!”

We see Neat Calvin is sitting down at the dinner table with Mom and Dad.

“Calvin, your dad and I were discussing how well behaved you have been, that we are willing to allow you to have cookies and to stay up late tonight.” Mom says.

“This is so delicious I may actually come back for seconds. Honey, why don’t you cook like this?” Dad says.

“Hey!” Mom shouts at Dad.

“No cookies for me tonight, Momma. And I would rather go to bed right after I take my bath.”

“But…thats in an hour.” Mom says.

“I am aware of the time, Momma.”

After a few moments of the silver-wear scratching the plates. “Calvin, your father and I are going out tonight. We were thinking of hiring Rosalyn as the babysitter,” Mom says.

“Rosalyn is coming over? That’s great!” Neat Calvin says.

“How are we going to break, you, kid?” She asks.

Susie is outside playing with her Mr. Bun stuffed animal. Her mother calls for her to come inside. “Coming mom!”

Evil Calvin appears from behind a tree, he attacks Susie! Sitting on her and trying to make her eat snow.

The front door opens and a flashlight beams in Evil Calvin’s face, “What’s going on out there?!” Susie’s mother shouts. Evil Calvin hisses, paws at the air a few times and runs away.

Regular Calvin is nestled into bed with Hobbes. Neat Calvin is still in his bath, not making any sound. Smart Calvin is in another room of the house working hard on homework. The phone rings.

Calvin’s parents receive a call from Susie’s mother about Calvin attacking her. They team him, ground him. He claims he was framed! Mom breaks down asking why he can’t just be good. While the reaming happens, Hobbes, in stuffed tiger form, gets grabbed by an evil laughing Calvin.

The next morning, Calvin wakes up. “Boy Hobbes, Ive never seen Mom and Dad that angry before. Mom was crying and I actually felt bad. Hobbes? Hobbes?” Calvin lifts the sheets and sees Hobbes is not there.

“Oh no, where are you, buddy?! Hobbes?!”

Calvin starts looking frantically. He sits at the edge of his bed.

“If any of those monsters under my bed are awake right now, can you tell me if Hobbes is under there?”

“No, but you’re welcome to look anyway.” A monster is heard shouting from under the bed.

Calvin screams and runs out of the room.

“Calvin, are you ready for school?” Mom yells from off screen.

“Crud, I can’t go to school with my best friend missing!”

Smart and Neat Calvin both walk into the room.

Good morning, Calvin,” they say in unison.

“Thats right, I have you guys to help me out. Im going to need Smart Calvin to go to school for me, and Neat Calvin, you keep my room clean and do not let my parents see you until we get back. Just do anything you can to make my parents happy with me again.”

“Affirmative!” Smart and Neat Calvin agree.

Smart Calvin is dressed and ready for school, he walks up to Dad, who is putting on his coat. Dad reminds him about being punished.

Smart Calvin approaches Susie at the Bus Stop. Susie is angry and tells Calvin not to talk to her. Smart Calvin apologizes and sounds sincere, even saying he’ll apologize to her mother as well. Susie accepts the apology.

Regular Calvin is outside searching frantically for Hobbes, yelling his name and looking everywhere. He sits on a log and starts to sob.

“Its no use, he could be anywhere by now. Why would he leave me without saying goodbye? Was it because of the way I acted toward Susie yesterday? But that wasn’t me. All we did was play video games. How could we have done anything to her?”

He smiles big, “There’s only one guy I know who could solve THIS mystery!”

Cut to Calvin using the Alternate Reality machine. And once the machine finishes shaking and flopping over, out comes a Calvin and Hobbes fan-favorite character: Tracer Bullet. Tracer Bullet is Calvin’s detective persona. Calvin explains what’s up, Tracer asks if he saw the note on the dresser. Calvin reads the note, Tracer helps him figure out that whoever wrote the note is at a park.
Calvin stands tall.
“I know I can’t do this alone, so I’m going to need some backup! This looks like a job for….”

Calvin disappears into his closet, a few moments later, he comes back out, dressed as Stupendous Man.


Meanwhile, Smart Calvin is sitting politely in class. He is listening intently to Miss Wormwood’s lecture, answering questions til she tells him to let other kids answer.

Stupendous Man catches up with Evil Calvin at the park, after some words, they fight with Hobbes watching.

Mom is driving by the park, she glances over and thinks she sees Calvin fighting with himself.

“No, no no, he’s. He’s in school… He better be…” She says.

She turns the car around and heads in the direction of Calvin’s school.

In the middle of the fight, Stupendous Man calls Neat Calvin on a walkie-talkie.

“Neat Calvin, come in. Neat Calvin!”

Neat Calvin is dusting the window sills. He hears Stupendous Man calling for him.

“Neat Calvin here.” He says.

“Neat Calvin, we need you to bring the Alternate Reality machine to the park immediately. We’re going to put this evil Calvin away for good.” Stupendous Man says.

“But I just starting dusting the house,” Neat Calvin says.

“Forget dusting the house, just come to the park and don’t forget the machine!”

“Roger that!”

He hangs up with Stupendous Man.

“Which one was the Alternate Reality machine?” Neat Calvin asks himself.

Stupendous Man and Evil Calvin are still fighting around the park. Hobbes is eating some pieces of bread left for the ducks.

“Go Calvin!”

A duck is looking at Hobbes angrily, and pecks at Hobbes’ tail.

At the school, Miss Wormwood calls out to Smart Calvin, saying his mother is at the door. Once she sees Calvin is at school, she leaves.

At the park, Neat Calvin has brought the Alternate Reality machine to the playground where the fight between Evil Calvin and Stupendous Man is still going on. Hobbes has now made friends with the park ducks, as they watch the fight. Hobbes is collecting bets on who they got to win the fight.

“Hobbes, how about instead of being the bookie for the ducks, you help me get rid of evil Me once and for all!” Stupendous Man shouts.

“I am helping, I’m ensuring your college fund!” Hobbes yells.

At the school, Smart Calvin is having lunch with Susie. She is glad that he’s not being his usual disgusting self at lunch. Smart Calvin tells her he’s not ‘her Calvin’ and reveals himself as an alternate version of Calvin. She doesn’t believe him, and says her Calvin would think of something as dumb as that.

At the park, the Alternate Reality machine has been turned on, and Stupendous Man stuffs Evil Calvin into the box.

“Say goodnight!” Stupendous Man yells as his final line.

Or so he thinks its the final line. As the machine is working to send Evil Calvin out of the universe, Evil Calvin pulls Real Calvin into the machine with him!

“Hobbes! Hoooobbbbbbeeeeessssss!” Real Calvin shouts as he disappears into the machine.

Hobbes and Neat Calvin stare at the machine and then at each other.

“That was crazy!” Hobbes says.

“Oh my, this entire park is just filthy,” Neat Calvin says, “Hobbes, grab a bucket and a stick, we are going to clean this place up.”

At home, Dad gets home from work. He sees Mom is sprawled out on the couch looking exhausted. She tells him what happened, they talk about Calvin and how they miss his bad side when he’s good, and his good side when he’s bad. “What can you say, he’s Calvin. And we can never change that,” they agree.

Meanwhile, outside Susie’s house, Susie has walked Smart Calvin out the door. She thanks him for apologizing to her mother, she says “this goes against everything I stand for,” and kisses Calvin’s cheek.

Smart Calvin blushes a little bit with a big smile, Neat Calvin and Hobbes run up to Smart Calvin.

“There you are! There is big trouble going on!” Neat Calvin says.

“What kind of trouble?” Smart Calvin asks.

“This Universe’s Calvin got sucked up into the Alternate Universe machine.

“So?” Smart Calvin says.

“No one Universe can exist without a Calvin in it. If there is no Calvin in this Universe, then the entire Universe will implode.” Hobbes says.

“You of all people should be smart enough to know that!” Neat Calvin says.

“But isn’t this Universe perfect without the Calvin they have?” Smart Calvin says.

Hobbes and Neat Calvin yell, “What?!”

“Come on guys, you have to admit, things are much better without This Universe’s Calvin in it. His parents are happy when he behaves, and Susie actually likes me because I’ve been nicer to her.

Smart Calvin puts his finger on the on-off switch to the machine.

“Smart Calvin, what are you doing?!” Neat Calvin asks.

“Im doing the Smartest thing Ive ever done,” Smart Calvin says.

He flips the switch off and breaks it off.

“NOOOOO!” Neat Calvin and Hobbes shout.

In an empty Abyss of floating space, Calvin spots a few alternate realities of himself(Caveman, robot, female, etc) and a few winks to Calvin-related things fans would identify from comics.
Calvin finally lands on what appears to be a planet. The artwork inspired by Bill Watterson really stands out here. Calvin witnesses a T-Rex stomping his way, Calvin runs.

Meanwhile, Hobbes holds Smart Calvin down while Neat Calvin puts the switch for the machine back in its place.

“Now listen here you little smart alec. You’re going back into that machine and you’re finding my best friend and bringing him back here, or so help me every alternate version of me out there is going to find you and maul you. Capice?” Hobbes says, Smart Calvin nods.

Neat Calvin turns the machine on, Hobbes pushes Smart Calvin toward the machine, “Go!” He says. Smart Calvin disappears. Neat Calvin decides to return to his alternate reality as well, claiming Calvin and Hobbes’ world is just too messy.
Smart Calvin meets up with Regular Calvin, say some threats to each other.
Calvin and Smart Calvin fight it out, and just as Smart Calvin gains the upper hand and has regular Calvin on the ground, Smart Calvin has a stick he is about to impale Calvin with.

“Say Goodnight, Calvin!”

Suddenly, a laser blast is heard. Smart Calvin falls to the ground, presumably killed.

Calvin looks up and its another fanfavorite character: Spaceman Spiff! Spiff speaks with Calvin for a few minutes, before leading him to the edge of the abyss, a bright light, the exit. Calvin asks if he’ll ever see Spiff again, Spiff tells him that as long as he keeps dreaming, he’ll always be there.
Calvin steps into the light and into the real world.

As soon as Calvin steps foot into his universe, Hobbes tackles him!

Hobbes laughs, “That’s 753!” He falls over laughing. Calvin hugs Hobbes.

“Great to see you again, Buddy!”

We transition to Calvin and Hobbes laying in bed, Mom and Dad tuck Calvin in. Calvin’s mom tells him they don’t care who he will be tomorrow, as long as he’s still “him” Calvin asks his dad to read him Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie, his favorite story.

Calvin turns to Hobbes, “When I was out there in the black abyss of alternate realities, there was only one thing I was scared of losing. That was you, Hobbes. Things are never quite as scary when you have a best friend.”

“Aw shucks kid, don’t make this tiger cry!” Hobbes says before Calvin hugs him.

In the ending scene, Susie is busy building a snowperson. She is putting the finishing touches on it, when all of the sudden a snowball smacks her in the back of the head. Calvin and Hobbes laugh, Susie yells and threatens them, chasing them off and they jump into their nearby wagon, heading downhill.

“Where are we going, this time Calvin?” Hobbes asks.

“Its a magical world out there buddy, lets go exploring!”

Cue the end credits
Zero by Imagine Dragons plays

The end credits features many moments of animated characters from the show dancing and having fun.

At the end, we get sort of a Batman and Robin esque logo of Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin is about to destroy his Alternate Universe machine, when it shakes violently and out pops a man and a woman. They say they are from an alternate reality where Calvin and Susie are 20 years old and married. Calvin’s mind progressively has a meltdown and he lets out a blood curdling scream.

We get to the regular credits roll.

And at the very end, Calvin is still placing his “Dad Approval Rating” poll arrows further down.

“I get it, Calvin” Dad says.

“Im not done.” Calvin says.

He starts humming to himself as he continues to place the arrows down on the ground.

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