That's a wrap on the first half of Season 32 as we enter our little mid-season break. Here's The Roundup....
3. The Avengers
I must say that the ending of Captain America: Winter's End has me amped up for the first Avengers film from LRF due out at the end of this season.
2. Captain America: Winter's End
I dug the Commando style vibe Cobb and Berg went for with Captain America 2. It helped the film not feel too stale despite covering similar ground that the Disney MCU already tackled.
1. Escape
What a tour-de-force. I'll be stunned if Reese Witherspoon doesn't win the Best Actress GRA for her role here. We now have a legitimate Best Picture candidate now as well.
3. N/A
2. Mr. Happy
Mr. Happy was certainly not a bad film, but I also didn't find it be amazing. It didn't quite stick the landing and execution despite a very intriguing premise.
1. GRA Races
Aside from Escape, I still am not seeing a ton of award contenders. Which I hope just means that this will be one of those seasons that are more second-half heavy.
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