Monday, April 22, 2019

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 11 Round 3)

Three rounds of the season are now in the rear view mirror. This time around we saw Tom Hardy do Tom Hardy stuff, bad guys get stuck at a farm with even badder guys, and a small town that likes hockey too much. Here's The Roundup....
3. Superman?
The news of John Malone potentially writing a Superman film is big. We're talking about the writer of Scion, Flicker, Death Dream, To the White Sea and the legendary The Prisoner potentially taking on arguably the most iconic character in comic book history. It could end up being something pretty special and I really hope it ends up happening.

2. Kingmaker Chronicles

I've always been a sucker for a good medieval story, and Kingmaker Chronicles is just that. It understands its genre and is full of colorful supporting characters. Plus, it was nice to see Jack Ryder's name on a poster again (even if he apparently was mostly involved in the early development of the project - it still counts), and we can all be thankful he didn't provide a soundtrack for this one...

1. Tom Hardy
It's pretty appropriate that Hardy plays a king in Kingmaker Chronicles since he is clearly the king of LRF currently. He's had a tremendous hot streak at the box office, as well as at the Golden Reel ceremonies. While his latest work probably isn't the type of film that will win him another statue, it is a film that will continue his legacy.

3. Sam Rockwell
Sam Rockwell makes the bottom three not because of his own actions or acting, but because of how little he was utilized in Beartown. You can't hire an actor that good and not give them compelling stuff to do.

2. Beartown
I'll cover a bit of this in the next section, but Beartown is not an enjoyable viewing experience. Not only is the subject matter not appealing, but it didn't execute it in any kind of unique manner to make it stand out. The end result is a pretty unmemorable film.

1. Sexual Assault Films
Sure, it's a hot topic in the news still, but can we please stop with films about sexual assault? Not only does it feel a little exploitative since I don't think these movies would be written in the first place without the hot topic, but they also have not been making money and have not been particularly well-received by the critics.

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