Sunday, August 4, 2019

Now Showing: Our Father

Our Father
Genre: Drama/Supernatural
Director: Steven Knight
Writer: Jimmy Ellis
Cast: Brendan Gleeson, Shia LaBeouf, Robert De Niro, Michelle Williams, Suraj Sharma, Andrew Lincoln, Lea Seydoux, Asher Angel, Neel Sethi, James Earl Jones (voice)

Plot: We open with an old Irish priest Chadbyrne Daly (Brendan Gleeson) standing out the front of a hospital eventually walking inside carrying the bible and the crucifix. He is greeted at the door by Nurse Joan Watson (Michelle Williams) who thanks him for coming. Nurse Watson asks the priest to be seated for a moment to see if the patients are ready. She checks on three patients in a room two of whom are awake, Karl Callahan (Andrew Lincoln) loved by his wife, Samantha Callahan (Lea Seydoux) and son, Jim Callahan (Asher Angel). Luke Roberts (Shia Labeouf) who can’t move a muscle is accompanied by his grandfather, William Roberts (Robert De Niro) and also the final patient, Divit Barad (Suraj Sharma) an Indian man who is homeless and has no family is in a coma.

Chadbyrne walks in and signs the cross, Callahan sitting up turns to look at the priest, Luke Roberts cannot move but tries his best to see him, laying on his back and moving his eyes toward him. Chadbyrne walks slowly towards Divit looks down and signs the cross. He then walks over to Karl and his family and signs the cross and over to Luke and signs the cross. William Roberts wants for his grandson to have time to speak with Father Daly, however William speaks first in private and demands that he not mention that he will never be able to walk again, Father says he cannot do that, he must tell him if it comes up. He walks over to Luke and asks him how he got here.We see a flashback of Luke Roberts riding a motorbike in the X Games, while going up the dirt ramp, the bike stalled and flung Roberts off causing him to snap his vertebrates. We also learn that William is the only family he has left after a devastating car accident that killed his parents. Luke pleads with father Daly to tell him the truth, tell him what will happen. Daly looks to William, Williams’s eyes pleading with Daly not to tell him, Daly nods and tells Luke that he will come out the other side and walk out of this hospital, Luke cries and thanks the Father for his assurance, Father Daly leads him in prayer.

Father Daly then walks over to the Callahan family, the father has survived heart failure 2 times and feels the next one could be his last, he has been in and out of hospital for 2 years now. Karl begins to become emotional in telling the Father of his past and sins. Like petty theft, “Forgive me father for I have sinned.” The mother and son look at Karl as if he is crazy. FLASHBACK: The first time Karl had heart failure was driving Jim home from school, they were driving over a bridge when suddenly out of nowhere his chest started cramping and tightening. A panicking young Jim, grabs the wheel and slams on the breaks to the side of the road, he checks if his father is still breathing, then grabs his phone and dials 911. The ambulance arrived just in time before he was gone. A year later, Karl and Samantha are shown having sex, when Karl starts grunting in agony and grabbing his chest, she immediately jumps off of him and calls 911, however he is passing out she begins giving him mouth to mouth and saved his life. Which brings us back to today. He signs the cross and leads them in prayer.

Father Daly walks past Divit and out the door, he starts to walk outside until Nurse Watson chases him down, she wants to know why he did not speak with Divit, he says he will not speak back. She yells at him and demand he go in and at least lead him in prayer and speak to him. He succumbs to the pressure and walks back inside.

Daly pulls up a seat next to Divit and begins to speak, he turns to Nurse Watson and asks about his life, all she states is that he is homeless and has no family. We see a Flashback in the mind of Divit who can hear every word they are saying, it shows a small boat with hundreds on board tackling large seas, a young Divit Barad (Neel Sethi) is shown curled up in a ball inside the drivers section. People begin falling out of the boat and into the water. A woman falls in and deafening screams are heard coming from Divit, it was his mother, he tears up. The boat is split apart by a roaring wave, Divit is flung into the sea, and he grabs hold of a floating bit of wood, as the sea calms. No other person survived. A fishing boat comes past a floating Divit and he screams out, they hear him and come to his aid bringing him to America. The reason he is in a coma is, while sleeping on the streets four thugs came across him and started beating him with lead pipes and kicking him which led to the ambulance being called to pick him up. Father Daly leads him in prayer, “Our Father Who Art in Heaven.” Davit murmurs “Hallowed be thy name.” Father Daly finishes the prayer and Davit while still unconscious has tears streaming from his eyes. Father Daly walks out and is thanked by Nurse Watson.

William Roberts sitting in his home on an old armchair, he is drinking a glass of whiskey, and tears roll down his eyes, he mutters the words, “Look over him, look over my Luke.” In slow motion the glass falls to the ground, it shatters and the whiskey raises then splashes to the ground, the camera raises up to see William lifeless, and a face of man (resembling father Chadbyrne Daly) outside the window.

Nurse Watson tiptoes in to the patient’s room, she closes the curtains to Luke’s bed, she tells Luke the news of his grandfather, Luke starts to cry and his breathing is off, Nurse Watson leans in for a hug, Luke’s breathing calms a bit and Joan leaves him to grieve.

Nurse Watson is walking home in the dark, she enters the front door, walks to the bathroom and has a shower, and she dresses in linen pyjamas and kneels next to her bed. Joan begins praying to God and is thankful for what she does and that she helps people when they are in need. She hears a screech at the front door, finishes her prayer, “Amen.” She walks over to the door and sees a car speeding past, the window rolls down and a gun goes off, Nurse Watson drops to her knees and sees a light shine down.

The next day Father Daly is watching the television where he hears of a drive-by shooting happening nearby, the victim, Nurse Joan Watson, Father Daly signs the cross and prays to God. He returns to the hospital where Luke, Karl and Divit still are. He walks over to a crying Luke, and ask him what is wrong, Luke with only, eyes stares into the soul of Father Daly and tells him his grandfather is dead, he died of age, but he was all he had. Chadbyrne says his condolences, Karl is shown praying to God and finishes it by signing the cross, and an amen. Karl's hands then lay rested beide him and his eyes shut, a loud beep comes from the heart rate monitor, and Karl is gone. Daly looks over and stands up he then signs the cross twice for, Karl and William. The nurses run into the room and go straight past Father Daly and head for Karl’s bed. He heads over to Divit who is still in a coma, he begins to recite the verse of the fathers prayer, meanwhile another Indian man is talking to a nurse outside, Daly signs the cross and the nurse comes in and turns off Divit’s life support. Chadbyrne Daly suddenly disappears. The screen flashes white.

The camera focuses on Chadbyrne Daly’s face, a voiceover (James Earl Jones) is heard, “Congratulations, Chadbyrne you have past the examination of which you needed to do to become them, Grim Reaper.” Chadbyrne looks up and says “Thank you God,” and a black cloak is put over his head and he is given a large scythe. He is told to continue his ways and tells him Luke must be next.

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