Friday, September 13, 2019

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 13 Round 1)

Welcome to a new season of Last Resort Films and a new season of The Roundup....
While not technically film related, I felt that the start of the second season of LRTV deserved mention. As does the strong writing on display from the writers. Nez Perce continues to be an amazing experience, Rolling Stone hasn't let up, while Gauntlet, Miami Vice and Hitman are better now than ever. That's not even mentioning the strong new series on the lineup.

2. Rocket Red

It's a very unique superhero project that had some very strong scenes and characters. However, it was lacking a bit in the villain department and had too many different story threads to keep track of.

1. But What Am I?
Chad Taylor's latest is an inventive biographical film about the performer Paul Reubens. It takes the unique angle of not covering the rise to fame, but more the reverse. It's a clever film full of rich characterization.
3. Box Office
Sure, the round ended with a profit, but the box office gross felt a bit light, especially in regards to Rocket Red (although the studio's theory that the Soviet iconography could have hurt in many regions definitely sounds plausible).

2. The Virgin Suicides
The most difficult part about adapting a previously filmed work is that you will always be compared to that previous work. In this case, Alex Conn's adaptation of The Virgin Suicides pales in comparison to the original adaptation from Sofia Coppola.

1. Thomas Mann
I just don't think he's a strong enough actor to handle the tone of the film and the scenes that writer/director Alex Conn demands of him. He's definitely grown since early work in films like Project X, but he's not quite a dramatic lead at this point (and he's definitely getting too old to be playing high schoolers).

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