Friday, June 28, 2024

A Second Look: The Hazel Wood


Welcome back for another edition of A Second Look with Jeff Stockton! In this segment I will take a "second look" at a past LRF release with a fresh set of eyes.

This round features a new YA novel adaptation, Red Queen, which would seem to be the latest attempt at a YA franchise in LRF. The film is directed by Niki Caro, who had another YA franchise attempt in LRF back in Season 10, The Hazel Wood.

The Hazel Wood, based on the YA novel by Melissa Albert, was the lone film from writer Grim O'Grady. I did not like the film when it came out. It was an all-around messy affair. It was too long, too inconsistent with its tone, the characters lacked development, etc. I also couldn't help but notice that its content felt too dark for the younger audience it should have been trying to attract while not dramatically mature enough to appeal to adult audiences. Based on the other reviews, I wasn't completely off-based, although some were more forgiving.

Taking a second look at it now 20 seasons later, and my view is not any rosier. Much less so, in fact. It wastes a super talented cast in every conceivable way. Frankly, the plot itself didn't make much sense either. It feels both too long and not developed enough. I also simply could not make heads or tails of this fairy tale world, but set in a generic modern day.

Original Grade: D-

New Grade: F

The Hazel Wood Link:

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