Monday, June 17, 2024

Now Showing: Amnesiac


Genre: Action/Superhero
Director: Drew Goddard
Writer: Jack Ryder
Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Asa Butterfield, Rose Byrne, Thomas Jane, Sung Kang, Jeffrey Dean Morgan (CAMEO)

Plot: In the dark of midnight, we see Trent Jimmy (Asa Butterfield) slowly walking, slugging around when suddenly he is jumped by two guys. They keep pushing Jimmy hard around until they hear a big sound like something heavy falling on the ground, they turn around and see a person dressed in some kind of blue-colored armor. Man in Blue (Joseph Gordan Lewitt) asks the thugs to leave Jimmy but one of them still manhandles Jimmy and the other one comes towards Man in Blue threatening him while taking out his knife. Man in Blue asks the thugs to calm down and leave but the thugs attack Man in Blue with the knife to his surprise Man in Blue dodges, and the thug starts frantically attacking, at first Man in Blue dodges his attacks but slowly starts fighting back and in mere moments he gets the upper hand after he beats down the first thug and turns around he is hit by a trash can by the second thug which only enrages Man in Blue and he starts brutally fighting the thugs. His punches echo in the street, his kicks breaking their bones. He soon realizes his ways and gets disgusted by what he just did, he stops attacking them and turns around to check on Jimmy who has vanished.

Man in Blue comes back to his hideout. He starts removing his gear, removes his helmet, and keeps it beside some stress balls. He turns around and sees a board filled with prints about missing reports of males in their 30s, with some of them crossed out, some circled and some having some random marks. He puts his gloves with some array of blunt weapons near a big vault. After dressing up in regular clothes he starts browsing websites that report city crimes. The tiredness starts taking a toll and he dozes off.

Man in Blue is sitting in regular clothes in a park when a lady (Rose Bryne) comes and sits beside him and starts talking to him, Man in Blue introduces himself as Joe and the lady introduces herself as Rozzelle Ray. They talk about the city and Joe reveals this park is a regular place for him. It feels like it's a home to him. He believes this is the only part of the city that hasn't been poisoned, with all the children playing here. Ray revealed that she had come back to the park after a long time. While they were chatting Joe saw Jimmy in the park and Joe decided to follow him. He follows Jimmy for a long time and soon he sees Jimmy meeting two other people who hands him a bag. Joe overhears them saying they want it to be sold in 2 days and they will meet him the next night they ask him about the incident that happened last night to which Jimmy replies he didn't have any part in it. They threaten Jimmy that he should know the consequences if he tries to act smart. A shaken Jimmy nods and leaves.

As Man in Blue relentlessly pursues the two individuals through the city's intricate pathways, he charts their territories, deciphers their covert meetings, and begins to unveil the extent of the criminal operation. His meticulous observations lead him to an abandoned building where the clandestine gathering takes place.

In the shadows, he witnesses the face of the operation: Brax (Thomas Jane), the imposing figure leading the criminal endeavor. Brax directs the proceedings with an air of authority, confirming Man in Blue's suspicions about the orchestrator of the illicit activities.

Just as Man in Blue contemplates leaping into action, ready to expose the criminal operation, the tense atmosphere shifts. Brax receives a call from the elusive Boss. The urgency in Brax's voice resonates through the abandoned building as he instructs everyone to pack up and leave immediately. Chaos ensues as associates hastily gather their belongings, and within moments, they rush out of the building.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events and unable to tail them swiftly, Man in Blue watches as the criminals vanish into the night. Frustration and determination burn within him as he realizes that the enigmatic Boss remains a step ahead. Undeterred, he understands the need for patience and strategic planning before he can confront the formidable alliance of Brax and the mysterious Boss head-on.

While Man in Blue immerses himself in the intricate investigations, we shift our focus to Trent returning home. Exhausted and weighed down by the shadows of the city, he encounters his next-door neighbor, Richard Wilson (Michael Shannon). Richard, a mysterious figure with a calming presence, is known as the local vet, though few are aware of the depth of his knowledge and the enigma that surrounds him.

The two share a nod of recognition, a silent acknowledgment of the kindred spirit they both sense in each other. Richard, ever the compassionate neighbor, inquires about Trent's well-being and that of his family. There's an unspoken understanding between them, a connection forged in the shared challenges of navigating life in a city tainted by crime and corruption.

With a reassuring demeanor, Richard encourages Trent to go rest, understanding the weight that the city places on those who seek to resist its darkness. As Trent retreats to the solace of his home, the presence of Richard Wilson remains a mysterious yet comforting constant in the tumultuous landscape of their shared neighborhood.

As Richard Wilson returns to his own home, he is greeted by the harsh reality of the city's troubles as he glances at the newspaper filled with violent crime articles. Disgust etches across his face, reflecting his disdain for the darkness that engulfs their surroundings. The weight of the city's malevolence hangs heavy on him.

Unable to shake off the disturbing images, Richard dozes off on the sofa. Soon, his peaceful slumber takes a turbulent turn. He tumbles and turns, his face contorting in distress. Abruptly, he awakens, assuming a defensive posture, as though he's entrenched in a warzone with an unseen enemy closing in.

Moments pass, and the reality of his living room dawns on him. It was just a dream, a haunting manifestation of the relentless violence and trauma from his past, plaguing the city and his mind. Shaking off the residual tension, he moves to a more relaxed position, taking a moment to collect himself.

In the quiet of his home, Richard notices an empty pill bottle. A realization sets in, prompting him to reach for more tablets. The nightly routine of confronting not only the city's harsh truths but also the lingering shadows of his past takes its toll on him. As he takes the tablets, he succumbs to the lure of sleep, seeking respite from the haunting memories and harsh realities that both the waking world and his dreams bring.

Over the next few nights, Man in Blue meticulously executes a preconceived plan to dismantle the criminal operation. Armed with valuable information from trailing two individuals, he strategically targets previously canvassed spots. The unfolding scenes are a manifestation of calculated chaos, showcasing his martial arts prowess and strategic choreography.

In an abandoned warehouse, Man in Blue confronts small-time goons in a deliberate symphony of calculated strikes and deft defensive moves. The adversaries find themselves caught in a meticulously planned onslaught, the echoes of bone-crunching impacts reverberating through the desolate space.

As the night progresses, similar scenes unfold in hidden locations across the city. Each confrontation is a piece of a puzzle Man in Blue had envisioned long before, showcasing combat skills inspired by intense action. The aftermath, a chaotic mess, draws the attention of Detective Gong Yimou (Sung Kang). Assigned to unravel the mystery behind these seemingly one-man onslaughts, Detective Yimou puzzles over the orchestrated chaos.

Simultaneously, Richard, the observant neighbor, connects the dots, suspecting a single individual with a well-thought-out plan is behind the recent crimes.

In the sterile confines of the hospital, Richard's eyes fall upon the recently injured goons. To him, they are not just anonymous casualties but fallen comrades, resurrecting memories of a past he thought he had left behind. Grief and anger surge within him, propelling him into a personal investigation that leads him to connect the dots, pointing to none other than Man in Blue as the perpetrator.

Back in the privacy of his home, Richard unlocks a concealed room, revealing an arsenal of weapons and equipment—a tangible manifestation of a past he had desperately tried to bury. Motivated by an unyielding determination for revenge, he dons the tools of his past life, ready to confront the elusive figure responsible for the injuries to those he now considers his fallen comrades.

The pursuit of justice takes Richard to the clandestine locations where Man in Blue operates. In a tense and emotionally charged confrontation, Richard, armed with a complex mix of grief, anger, and determination, stands face-to-face with the enigmatic figure.

In the tense confrontation, Man in Blue, aware of Richard's past and convinced of his lack of criminal intent, exercises restraint. Amid the rain-soaked night, he attempts to explain to Richard about the looming threat of Brax and the pervasive drug cartel running rampant in the city.

As Man in Blue endeavors to convey the intricacies of his mission, Richard, fuelled by confusion and anger, seizes the moment of hesitation. At point-blank range, he unleashes his shotgun on Man in Blue. The armor absorbs the impact, but the force propels the vigilante off the building rooftop. The echoes of the rain-soaked night accompany this clash. As Richard descends, ready to revel in his perceived victory, he is met with an empty rooftop. Man in Blue has vanished, leaving behind only the echoes of the rain-soaked night.

We then see a battered and injured Man in Blue, knocking on a door. The door creaks open, revealing Rozelle, who is taken aback to find the wounded vigilante on her doorstep. As he removes his mask, the identity of the enigmatic figure is unveiled—Joe. A homeless man (Chairman Phil Dolan) shout's from outside the house to turn the disturbance down.

Rozelle, recognizing the toll his actions have taken, invites Joe in. Over the next few days, she tends to his injuries, providing a sanctuary for the weary hero. In the quiet moments of recovery, a bond deepens between them. The healing touch of Rozelle takes on a more profound meaning. Her fingers become silent storytellers, delicately tracing the lines of Joe's healed injuries. Each touch is a tactile exploration—a journey through the battles he faced and the scars that bear witness to his resilience. As the night unfolds, the air thickens with unspoken desire. The gentle tracing of fingers becomes a prelude to a passionate kiss—a culmination of the emotions that have simmered beneath the surface. The rain's rhythmic dance on the windowpane echoes the heartbeat of a shared intimacy. The physicality of their connection evolves into a passionate kiss, sealing the unspoken bond formed in the wake of chaos. The room, once a haven, becomes a witness to the union of two souls seeking solace in each other's embrace.

A few days after the night of confrontation between Richard and Man in Blue, Richard returns home to a scene of mourning. His neighbors wail in grief, and he discovers that Trent, his next-door neighbor, has been found dead—killed in a manner that suggests the work of a sinister force. Detective Yimou is on the scene, and in response to Richard's inquiry, he discloses his belief that the death is linked to a drug cartel. Yimou acknowledges that, despite the vigilante's unconventional methods, he played a role in keeping the cartels in check. However, with the vigilante missing for the past few days, the criminal underworld has seized the opportunity to resurface, potentially leading to Trent's tragic demise.

The weight of guilt descends upon Richard as he realizes the unintended consequences of his actions. In a desperate attempt to rectify the situation, he searches for Man in Blue, but his efforts prove futile. The city, once under the vigilant watch of the mysterious hero, now plunges into chaos.

Days later, at Trent's funeral, Joe approaches Richard, revealing himself as the elusive Man in Blue. In a somber exchange, Joe imparts the information he gathered during his pursuit of the criminal operation. He explains that in the last few days of his absence, the dynamics shifted, and he had hoped Trent could assist him. Unfortunately, the cartel struck before they could act.

Richard, consumed by guilt, offers to help. He pleads for three days to delve into the depths of the criminal underworld and uncover the truth behind Trent's death.

Richard, aware of the purpose of a hidden device in his room but never having used it before, decides to activate the transmitter. The familiar hum of the communication system springs to life, connecting him with the network of vets who share his sense of displacement in the changing world. With the shared information and skills of his network, Richard's knowledge becomes a powerful tool to unveil the location of Brax and his gang.

In the ensuing three days, the network mobilizes, leveraging its unique abilities to prepare for the impending confrontation. Joe, armed with this newfound support, takes Richard to his hideout, where they strategize and gear up for the mission. Meanwhile, Richard communicates with his network, ensuring they are ready for action, unwilling to remain passive while danger lurks.

As the decisive day arrives, Joe and Richard, with a network of skilled individuals at their disposal, coordinate a meticulous plan of attack. The communication among them is seamless—Joe and Richard will enter the warehouse from the rooftop, while the network provides cover from surrounding buildings through strategically positioned snipers.

The mission unfolds with precision. Joe and Richard move through the warehouse, systematically dismantling the drug crew. As they encounter resistance, Richard's shotgun becomes an instrument of revenge, each blast echoing the injustice done to Trent. Simultaneously, Joe employs his formidable combat skills, using blunt force to incapacitate their adversaries. The intensity builds as the paths of Joe and Richard diverge within the warehouse. However, their determination remains unwavering. Backed into a corner, Richard relies on the support of their snipers, turning the tide in his favor. His actions extend beyond merely taking down the criminals; he systematically destroys their illicit products.

In a climactic face-off, Joe confronts Brax, the mastermind behind the criminal operation. Brax proves to be a formidable adversary, giving Joe a tough challenge. However, through sheer determination, Joe gains the upper hand, delivering a relentless beating to Brax. In a final act, they set the warehouse ablaze, leaving behind the smoldering remnants of the criminal empire they dismantled.

Richard and Joe, observing from a distance, spot Detective Yimou arriving at the scene. They exchange nods, silently acknowledging their cooperation, and express the intention to keep in touch. With that, they each go their separate ways, leaving the aftermath of their actions behind.


Meanwhile, a badly injured Brax manages to escape the building, utilizing the underground tunnels. He reaches the pier and contacts the mysterious Boss (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), informing him about the events that transpired. In response, Boss smirks and nonchalantly waves his hand. Suddenly, his goons emerge, swiftly executing Brax without a moment's hesitation.

Joe and Rozelle sit together in the serene park, sharing a quiet moment. The camera gradually zooms out, capturing the essence of the park, expanding to showcase the surrounding area, and eventually unveiling the entirety of the city. As the zoom-out continues, the scale becomes apparent—revealing that the city exists on a vast table within a colossal room filled with scientists. The scene transitions to the scientists monitoring the experiment. Excitement fills the room as one of them spots Joe and Rozelle on camera. With a triumphant shout, they announce that the subject has completed a year within the experimental setup.

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