Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Now Showing: Princess Natalie

Princess Natalie
Genre: Animation/Adventure
Director: Lauren Faust
Writer: Jacob Jones
Voice Cast: Lily James, Chris Pine, Zac Efron, Suki Waterhouse, Patton Oswalt, Craig Ferguson, Hayley Faith Negrin

Plot: The year is 1907. On a cold Autumn evening, a small boat arrives at a dock by St. Petersburg. Two ladies step out, taking in all the sights and sounds of Russia. Emma (Suki Waterhouse) excitedly asks Natalie (Lily James) if it's everything she dreamed it being. She shrugs, being unsure and walking to the hotel to get her room and key. While talking to the bellhop, it's revealed that they are college students from Cambridge, having come to participate in the foreign exchange program. The two are taken to their room where they get a birds eye view of the Winter Palace. Emma begins to fantasize being inside the palace, dancing with her prince, only to be reminded that they are only fairytales.

A girl can dream though and Emma encourages Natalie to do the same. The friends get in their beds, turn off the lights and get a good night's sleep. The next morning, Emma leads her groggy friend towards a sleigh where a man offers to give them a grand tour. They sit down on the sleigh and look around, staring in awe at St. Petersburg's finest buildings and monuments. As the tour goes on however, Natalie begins to see several people staring at her funny. This continues as the tour comes to an end. Feeling uncomfortable, Natalie asks Emma if she can tell them to stop. Emma tells her she doesn't even know why they're staring at her. For all she knows, she could have a booger up her nose.

Realizing that she's of no help, Natalie decides to order something from a cafe down the street. As she walks off, she accidentally bumps into a dashing man. She apologizes profusely, offering to move out of the way. The man apologizes back for not watching where he was going. He introduces himself as Prince Parov (Chris Pine). The two head to the cafe and get something to eat. There, she learns that Parov is the eldest brother of six and is set to find his bride next week during the ball. He invites her to come, flustering Natalie. She tells him that she'll consider and begins to head off. Parov takes one glance at her and wonders if she could be the one. Upon relaying the news, Emma goes insane with excitement and asks Natalie several questions ad nauseum.

Meanwhile inside the Winter Palace, a younger, elegantly dressed man sits by the window, sword by his side when Parov enters. He greets his brother Prince Makato (Zac Efron) and after discussing the ball, he reveals that earlier today, he saw a woman he never knew before. He didn't know what it was, but Natalie seemed to carry a charm and grace rarely seen. A pleasant individual to be around as well. Skeptical, Makato decides to track her down tomorrow and give his take.

The next morning, Makato walks around St. Petersburg asking passersby if they have seen a girl named Natalie. To his frustration, no one seems to know her. He is about to give up when he sees Natalie and Emma exiting the hotel. His world stops upon taking a glance at Natalie. He comes up to them, trying to put on a confident type of swagger. Natalie doesn't seem convinced (while Emma seems to find this very charming). After some quick talk, Natalie and Emma leave, Makato's suspicions confirmed. That evening, he excitedly tells his brother about what happened and tells him to 'make wedding plans'.

All of St. Petersburg is buzzing over the possibility of Natalie being a princess, despite her claims of the opposite. Confused and disturbed, Natalie asks Emma what she should do. Emma tells her to embrace it, the life of a princess is wonderous. The two proceed to debate what the definition of a 'princess' is with Natalie claiming that princesses do more than just sit around and be pretty. They are after all, the next to rule their kingdom after their parents pass on. After several minutes, Natalie decides to clear her mind and go on a walk.

Natalie proceeds to walk a lot farther than expected and winds up getting lost in a forest. All of a sudden, she hears a few rustling noises and goes to investigate. She comes across several bushes and is soon terrorized by the arrival of a bear. Seeing her horrified expression, the bear frantically apologizes. Soon a duck enters the scene, asking the bear what he's done this time. Baffled, Natalie asks how they can talk to which the bear is convinced has something to do with magic. He then introduces himself as Boris (Patton Oswalt) and his good friend Donovan (Craig Ferguson). Donovan reveals he was about to head to the pond for a swim and invites Natalie to join them.

At the pond, Natalie sits on a bench, wondering what to do. After telling Boris about her problem, he tries to think of ways to solve it, asking Donovan for tips. Before Boris can give a full answer, he is startled by the arrival of stray poodle Sasha (Hayley Faith Negrin). She hears Natalie's story and, inspired, conjures up a wild plan. From here on in, she will be a princess. At least, until the week is over. Donovan warns them against it, but Sasha convinces him and Natalie to get on board with it. She asks Natalie when the ball is and learns it's in three days. Sasha then barks at the others, telling her to 'meet by the old oak tree'. She smiles at Natalie, telling her to come back tomorrow.

On the way home, Natalie comes across Parov again and learns that Makato is excited to see her. Natalie figures as much and reveals that she told Emma about the ball and that she'll be attending as well. The two quickly part ways, neither one mentioning the princess bit. At the hotel, Makato is disguised as a bell-hop and manages to sneak his way into the hotel using his wit and stealth. He enters her room just as she gets in and tells Natalie how beautiful she truly is, singing a Russian folk song. Natalie stares at Makato, absolutely dumbfounded by his antics while Emma is flattered. Makato tries to flirt a little more when he is taken out by security.

The next day, Parov scolds his brother for trying to invade someone’s privacy. Makato ignores this, deeply in love with Natalie. Skeptical, Parov reminds him that he has a reputation for being a ladiesman. Makato vehemently denies this, only to be given several drawings depicting his attempts at womanizing. “So I’m a romantic. Big deal.” He says, accusing Parov of being in love with Natalie. He makes a wager. The two will try their best to woo the princess. Whoever she ends up with is the one to keep her. Loser has to dress up as a clown and have the sentence ‘Kick the Fool’ on their backside. Parov reluctantly accepts, fearing his reputation.

In the forest, Sasha leads a blindfolded Natalie to the tallest tree where Boris and Donovan reveal a dress made out of tree moss, grass and sticky tape. Despite her hesitance, Natalie puts it on and it immediately falls apart. The three animals begin to argue over what went wrong when Natalie calms them down, saying they all meant well but that she could’ve gone to the store and bought one. Embarrassed, Sasha apologizes for being foolish. Natalie forgives them, patting Sasha on the head as she does.

All of a sudden, Emma rushes into the forest and -after expressing shock over the talking animals- tells her that the ball has been rescheduled for tomorrow. No one is quite sure why it is, but believes it may have something to do with Natalie. Emma tells her they have to hurry over to the store and buy her a dress quickly. Mortified by the news, Natalie tells her that she’ll be there as soon as possible. First, she needs to think. Natalie runs off, her encounters with Parov and Makato and the people staring at her flooding back into her mind until she comes across a stump and begins to cry. She hears a voice, asking if she’s okay and glances up to see Donovan. She vents about everything that’s happened and admits having social anxiety. All these people staring at her, judging her, thinking she’s really a princess, not to mention the fact that two princes are vying for her affection is tanking on her mind. She fears wondering what will happen if they find out she’s not.

Donovan sits on her lap, saying he was against the idea of lying to the princes from the start but at this point, there’s no going back. People tell lies to make themselves seem cooler or to paint a story that makes someone better or worse than they really are. It’s the lies that go too far that are the worst. He urges Natalie to tell the princes the truth as that’s always better than keeping in a lie. Natalie wipes away her tears, thanking Donovan. She hears Emma’s voice and heads off to the fashion store to try on some dresses. At the store, Natalia and Emma both try on various dresses, Emma managing to find a sparkling yellow gown with frills. The animals wait outside, anxiously waiting for Natalia. Suddenly, the door opens and out walks Natalia with a beautiful lavender gown and satin gloves. She looks at her animal friends, surprised at their appearance to which Boris admits he got nervous for her. She ensures Boris that everything will be fine and the ladies saunter off to their sleigh to prepare for tomorrow. Boris looks on, still not convinced.

The evening of the ball arrives with much excitement and fanfare. All across the ballroom, friends catch up with one another and the orchestra is playing old Russian folk songs for all to enjoy. Natalie and Emma seem to be enjoying themselves before Parov spots her, asking for a dance. Natalie accepts and the two go dancing. As they do so, Parov eyes Makato, standing by the food table. Natalie asks Parov if everything is alright, to which he claims are nerves. As she twirls about, Makato leaps in and claims her hand. Thus begins a one-upmanship between the two brothers, both trying to keep her in their graces.

Sensing the tension, Boris, Donovan and Sasha (who have disguised themselves as a Russian prince) sneak over to the orchestra, distracting the brothers with a cacophonic version of a Russian folk song and giving Natalie a break. As the song continues, Makato eggs on his brother, talking about their chemistry and how 'lucky' she was to have him. Parov points out how uncomfortable she looked and urges him to stop, only to be reminded of the bet. Makato confidently walks towards Natalie, again trying to lay on the charm without much success. Realizing his bet about to blow up in his face, he resorts to petty insults regarding his brother.

Finally, Natalie has enough and tells him off for being a creep towards her and her friend and suggests he respect his brother a little more. She walks off in a huff, Makato absolutely stunned as people laugh at his humiliation. Fearing his brother has won the bet, Makato tries to call it off only to be stopped by Parov. An argument ensues between the brothers before Makato slaps Parov in a jealous fit of petulance. Parov stares at his brother in a silent rage and challenges him to a duel. Makato gets out his sword, goading him to make the first move. Parov leaps over his brother and runs up the stairs to his room, Makato chasing after him. When he next sees him, He finds Parov with a sword of his own.

The two begin to duel all across the palace, using the environment to their advantage. At one point, Makato pushes Parov down the flight of stairs, only for his fall to be saved by Emma. Soon enough, the guests begin to take sides and begin to fight themselves. Natalie watches the scene in horror and follows the men up the stairs, attempting to stop the fight. The brothers return to their room, Parov shoving Makato onto the window. The force of his weight is enough to cause it to break and Makato nearly tumbles off. Hanging by merely his legs, he manages to hop to the window next to it and climb to the top of the palace, Parov and Natalie following suit.

Parov and Makato continue their duel, neither prince giving an inch until Makato manages to force Parov's sword off his hands and pins him dangerously close to the edge. He threatens to throw him off so that he can have Natalie all to himself. Seeing the damage this lie has caused, she thinks about what Donovan told her and begs for both men to stop, revealing that she is not a princess. She explains that she is merely a college student from Cambridge, England and apologizes for not telling either men. Parov breaks free from Makato's grasp and goes to Natalie, admitting that he should've asked. Seeing what happened, Makato confesses that he was the one who spread the word and escalated things. They agree that all are at fault and make amends.

Boris lies on the ground, telling the trio to jump onto him. After doing so, they return to the palace only to find it completely trashed. Sasha points out that the cake is still good only for Boris to trip and fall onto it. Everyone laughs it off except for Makato who approaches the stairs, ready to end this disastrous night when he sees Emma. She curtsies, telling him that she finds him really funny and cute. She asks for a last dance. Makato smiles, telling her to lead the way.

A few days later, Emma and Natalie begin to pack their things and leave their hotel room. Natalie decides to take one last walk to the lake where she says goodbye to her animal friends and thanks Donovan for his wise words. Upon arriving at the bus-stop, she sees Parov and Makato standing by. Natalie promises to one day return and offers her dress to whoever he decides to marry. Makato and Emma then announce that they are now dating and going to try this thing called a 'long-distance relationship'. The bus arrives and the group bid each other farewell, Natalie and Parov embracing before she heads onto the bus.

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