Saturday, February 15, 2025

Now Showing: Gargoyles: A Tale Old As Time


Gargoyles: A Tale Old as Time
Genre: Action/Fantasy
Director: Gore Verbinski
Writer: Wesley Campbell
Producer: H.G. Hansen
Based on the animated series
Cast: Vin Diesel, Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Zachary Quinto, Toby Kebbell, John C. Reilly, Brian Cox, Evan Peters, Melissa George, Josh Pence, Iain Glen

Plot: Moments after his battle with Goliath (Vin Diesel) and the Gargoyles, David Xanatos (Zachary Quinto)  is arrested by Detective Elisa Maza (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) for the ownership of illegal property. Reporters almost crawl over one another. Xanatos gets into the police car. A three red scar marked masked figure. stares at him. Owen Burke (Josh Pence), Xanatos’ PA, argues for his boss’ release. Xanatos orders him back citing “Besides I have something else weighing on my mind…” Xanatos looks up to the top of his tower. There he sees the stoned Gargoyles in their monstrous form.

The car drives away and the media circus disbands. Owen Burke remarks they didn’t win. Maza got Xanatos on some serious charges, though Owen doubts that. Meanwhile, Detective Maza has to explain why their stoned friends will be getting evicted after it. Owen cites the castle may have BEEN their home but Xanatos Enterprises owns the building it’s on. Owen leaves a stern “Good Luck”. Saddened, Elisa thinks how she’s gonna break the news by nightfall.

A few months later
Escorted by Burke, Xanatos allows Maza to enter the building to see The Gargoyles awakening. The sun goes down over NYC. Goliath & the gang break out of their stone cages. Elisa is there awaiting them a meal. The gang thanks her for the food and head to a show of The Pack, a stunt team. Leaving her with Goliath, who thinks the castle's finally theirs, Elisa regretfully reports Xanatos might get out of prison. Goliath’s upset by the news, not understanding how justice works nowadays. For the billionth time, she asks if Goliath told the group they have to leave if Xanatos ever returns. Goliath shrugs her off but Hudson stops him. He’s been silently listening to this issue. Goliath thinks they can easily fight Xanatos off, but Hudson (Brian Cox) reminds Goliath about their dangerous exposure to the modern world. Goliath thinks the truth would work but Hudson begs to differ having to actually see the real world. Staring at Elisa, Goliath asks for them to let him deal with it for a little longer.

The group watches the Pack, a superhero stunt show, at MSG. They love the action, especially Lexington (Evan Peters) who wants to sneak BTS.

There we see The Pack are actually mercenaries in hiding tired of the same old action. Their leader, Fox, tells them about a job involving the Gargoyles. Shocking them, they ask how do they even find them. There Lexington shows up accidentally through the vents. They greet Lexington and get information where he lives and his group. They treat him to a fan experience and send him off, not knowing what's to come.

Xanatos returns to his cell where it’s decked out with luxury. He tries to play a record only for a neighbor cellmate who hates it. Xanatos tries to play something else but the cellmate starts a fight. Having been pushed to his limits, Xanatos unleashes a masterclass of hand-to-hand combat with him and his friends. He relentlessly assaults them all. He continues to punch the leader. A group of guards take him down.

The pack gets defeated and retreats. Goliath still refuses to talk about leaving even though they were attacked. This leaves the group troubled and divided.

Next day, Xanatos’s trails is on-going in his favor as Xanatos’ closing arguments showcase growth. A calculated, yet gentle claiming delivery, he proclaims he’s a changed man. If anything prison has given him, it was time to think things out clearly. Elisa watches in disguise needing to leave. Before Elisa leaves, she sees David Xanatos waving at her.

Later that night, Elisa shows up to find a stranger who already knows about the gargoyles. As they awaken, the stranger introduces himself as MacBeth (Iain Glen). He offers to help them out with their living situation by offering to stay with him. Though Goliath flat out refuses, Elisa thinks they should hear him out. Broadway (John C. Reilly) agrees only to ask what the food situation is like with MacBeth. Being a patient man, MacBeth gives them a day to think about it.

Excusing themselves, Lexington, Brooklyn (Toby Kebbell), & Broadway watch a show of The Pack, a hero stunt team famous for their TV Show. Elisa has to go back to work but begs Hudson to reason with Goliath. Goliath sits over the city while reading the Tale of Two Cities. Hudson quotes it to break the ice. They talk about how Xanatos will return sooner than later. Hudson explains Demona (Melissa George) betrayed them but Goliath still has allies. Goliath thanks Hudson for his wise advice but needs to think on this. Seeing Elisa, Hudson asks about the Xanatos situation.

In a private room, Owen Burke awaits for Xanatos, who’s beaten up. Owen wishes his boss would take care while in prison. Xanatos excuses himself needing the release. Sorry to bring it up, Owen asks of the plan to remove the Gargoyles, even offering to do it under the daytime. Hating the easy way out, Xanatos refuses. Suddenly entering the room, an older Scottishman with a strong posture walks in dressed as a guard. He knows Xanatos brought those demons. Xanatos asks how he knows about the Gargoyles. The man introduces himself as MacBeth. Xanatos laughs thinking this is a joke by Owen. MacBeth gets upset by Xanatos’ laughter, quickly pinning Xanatos’ clothes with his longsword. Xanatos tries to fight him off but MacBeth warns him off. He demands to know about the monster’s on his tower. Xanatos is more than willing to give him everything but he wants to know why, especially since they ruined his life. MacBeth remarks “if you’re good at something, never do it for free”

Goliath & the group have a heated debate about the offer and their living situation which Goliath rules over them all that they are not leaving.

Just then, MacBeth shows up for his offer but Goliath snaps at him about how they’ll never leave no matter what he offers. MacBeth signs deeply disappointed to see such a strong leader fall to his own arrogance. As MacBeth leaves, Broadway thinks leaving may be for the best while the rest disagree. Hudson remains loyal to Goliath's decision to stay. Burke sees this knowing Xanatos would like this. MacBeth enters demanding to speak to Burke’s boss. Xanatos gets a call from his private cell with MacBeth informing Plan B is a go just needs his permission to move freely. Xanatos affirms only asking not too much damage to his home. MacBeth chuckles as he grabs his gear including the same mask we saw from before.

Xanatos and Elisa have a conversation where Goliath can't choose between his past or his present. Elisa is the key and the blockade. There Zanatos hints he helped Elisa to try and convince Goliath to leave. He holds up MacBeth’s family crest which makes Elisa race off which Xanatos silently enjoys.

Entering, Hudson guides her to Goliath and locks the door. Elisa insists on a serious conversation with Goliath in the study. Alone. Goliath assigns Hudson as leader till he returns. Hudson knows it's for Goliath to avoid the real issue. Lexington, Brooklyn, & Broadway have made a set up to have a video game marathon. Hudson rolls his eyes as he rather takes security with Bronx.

In the study, Elisa & Goliath have an argument where Elisa thinks Goliath’s head remains stone even awake. After badging for a reason, Goliath explains how they’ve lost everything. One thousand years till they were released. Goliath can't lose one more thing that connects him to the past. With care, Elisa explains Goliath’s time is gone along with everything that once was. Don’t let the past ruin what he has now. Goliath almost relates but his pride won’t let him give. Elisa is saddened by this.

At the moment, Brooklyn, Broadway, & Lexington are playing video games and the phone’s on silent. Brooklyn sees the phone and answers it but it quickly cuts off. The power of the entire place goes out. Goliath & Elisa panic as the door gets sealed shut by a heavy metal barricade. Elisa plans to go through the air shaft to try to get to the others.

The group gets the security lights on but someone rolls smoke bombs off. The gargoyles growl and threaten to see in the dark. “Good…” they all gasp “That means it'll hopefully be an equal fight…”

Then we hear and briefly see the gargoyles get attacked quickly in a disarming way. They gather together trying to take a stand. But one at a time till Lexington is left. He sees MacBeth go into a fight where MacBeth throws Lexington into the TV. Broadway tries to throw a few but Macbeth kicks him through a wall. MacBeth snickers thinking there'd be more of a challenge. . But suddenly, he hears paw steps but they're unrecognizable due to how heavy they are. Suddenly, MacBeth turns to see Bronx, the gargoyle's dog, eyes glowing, staring daggers at MacBeth. MacBeth breathes deep knowing the real fight to come. They launch at each other. Bronx gets some good strikes but MacBeth puts the creature to sleep with a spray. Hudson shoves MacBeth off. He sees his fallen friends remarking someone made a grave mistake.

Appearing out of the shadows, MacBeth just wants Goliath. No need for a fight. Since arriving in this time, Hudson just has been craving for a real fight. MacBeth cracks his neck happily by Hudson's answer. They start a fight where Hudson gets good moves with his mace but MacBeth just counters. MacBeth doesn't use his sword unless to defend. Hudson asks why the lack of activity. MacBeth remarks Hudson is the distraction. Suddenly, small bombs roll under Hudson.

Suddenly an explosion sets off at part of the tower, then many others. Goliath goes into a rage as he tears the door open.

Elisa arrives at a burning complex. She looks for the others who are tied and drugged up. She goes to free them but Hudson gets thrown through a wall. Through the fire, MacBeth sees Elisa freeing the Gargoyles. He mocks her for her loyalty. She insults MacBeth for being heartless. MacBeth gets dark, remarking it was a gargoyle who broke his heart. He'll do what needs to be.

Before he reacts, in a flash, Goliath breaks in double stomping MacBeth in the face. Elisa helps Hudson up thanks to a recovered Broadway. Goliath and MacBeth have a standoff. Through the alarm lights, Goliath and MacBeth have a fight where some of it Goliath flies MaxBeth around. MacBeth strategizes cuts on Goliath’s wings. Goliath tries for his beastly powers but MacBeth takes the punishment in order to deliver it right back. MacBeth begins to be down Goliath, who refuses to go down. Xanatos soldiers surrounded the place. MacBeth barks for them to back off. But Goliath uses this to fight back. He delivers body punches like a seasoned boxer. He aims to tire out MacBeth but deliver serious punches like a Superman Punch into a stonewall. Goliath roars threatening everyone there. MacBeth almost slices Goliath’s chest with his longsword.

Seeing an opportunity, MacBeth apologizes to Elisa before throwing her out a window. Goliath screams quickly flying after her. Elisa is falling as Goliath tries to inch closer and closer. He finally grabs her, shielding her from the impact of landing on a car. MacBeth gathers Brooklyn, Lexington, & Bronx in electric nets sending a message for Hudson & Broadway to deliver to Goliath to come find him. He flies off with the three on his airship as Hudson & Broadway look on.

Goliath & Elisa fly up to Hudson & Broadway to talk about what happened. Enraged, Goliath smashes some of Xanatos’ things. Elisa begs him to consider they are not safe as long as they live in the castle. Now seeing the circumstances, Goliath tries to argue but Broadway stands up to him remarking it’s suicide to stay. As a friend, Elisa tries to convince Goliath it’s the right thing. Needing answers, Goliath remarks how Demona knew this man, maybe she knows more. He goes off to go find her despite the rest’s protest.

Hearing what Elisa’s saying, Hudson agrees to help. But before they go, they have to retrieve The Grimorum Arcanorum from Xanatos’ hands. Owen Burke fights to stop them but Broadway makes quick work smashing his gun. Hudson thanks Burke for his hospitality but they’ll be going now.

Brooklyn, Lexington wake up in an electrified steel cage with Bronx in a separate one. Through a speaker, MacBeth remarks the extreme voltage of the cage, so get comfortable. Seeing their fate, Lexington theorizes that the battery is attached to both cages. So if one takes more energy the other will be able to break free. Before Brooklyn asks how, he frowns and realizes they have to grab the cage together. They do this as Bronx tears through his cage and is told to find Goliath. Bronx runs away as MacBeth watches with a smile. The Pack tries to stop him but MacBeth traps them in, in need of practice. MacBeth cracks his neck, smiling.

Bronx runs through the city looking for any of his family. Goliath hears from a distant commotion from the city. He looks back to find Demona gone again. Goliath sighs and turns to fly away. He finds Bronx running on a busy main street. He goes to ask Bronx where the others are. Bronx leads the way as Goliath follows.

Goliath arrives at a remote mansion. He tears the door off. He orders for Bronx to save the others. MacBeth applauds Goliath’s dedication. If only his senseless pride in material things didn’t diminish it all. Goliath goes through traps set for him. MacBeth remarks he was able to take Goliath in their home. Did he really think he wouldn't be ready? Goliath roars, almost getting his hands on Macbeth.

In a room of trick mirrors like a fun house, Goliath attacks at the slightest image of MacBeth. MacBeth laughs as Goliath strikes many mirrors. Goliath asks why Macbeth is doing all this. MacBeth warned him and now that he has some of them, he'll wait for their queen. Especially since her king is here. Goliath realizes MacBeth was the hunter he saw and asks how Goliath knows of Demona. MacBeth laughs at this since he not only knows her, but he NAMED her. Goliath falls through a trapdoor.

Bronx breaks the two out showing she could've this whole thing. They fight the pack knowing their routine.

A fight breaks out between MacBeth & Goliath as MacBeth reveals it was Demona who made him lose everything. His arrogance in noticing her danger cost him everything. MacBeth refused to see it'll it was too late. Now that he has the last of their kind, she's sure to show up. Distracting MacBeth, Goliath laughs at this since Demona is his enemy. She wouldn't lend one talon to their rescue. Angered by this, MacBeth goes into a rage, imagining he's Demona. They battle till the place gets set on fire by accident. Putting him into a bear hug, MacBeth slips out of Goliath's grasp, tosses a smoke bomb, and runs to his airship.

As Goliath flies a day from the burning castle, he flies with Lexington, Brooklyn, & Bronx to find Elisa, Hudson & Broadway calling for him. He lands demanding to know why they left the castle. One last time, Elisa explains it isn't safe anymore. Before Goliath argues, the rest of the group agrees. Angered by the defeat, Goliath roars loudly. Given in, he apologizes for his behavior. After they accept, Goliath just asks to look at the castle for one last time. Goliath stares as he sighs, turning around.

A month later

After being finally released from prison, Burke asks why he hired the Pack in order to get caught. Xanatos needs to create a stir within Goliath’s camp to leave and the fact that MacBeth walked in when he did, well that was a good made miracle. So with endless money in their contents while serving, it went well. Burke gives him the update on the castle damages. Xanatos doesn't care as long as he goes home. He returns to absorb the scene of his ruined castle. “Spoils of war?” Xanatos sees Goliath waiting for Xanatos as they talk about how this isn't over. Xanatos begs to differ as he needs to challenge Goliath since he beat him. In a fair fight, Xanatos wants to beat Goliath in any way he can, including owning Goliath's home. Goliath vows to reclaim what is rightfully his and his family's. Xanatos smiles only welcoming the challenge ahead. He puts his hand out for Goliath, only for him to shrug him off seeing the sun rise. Goliath flies away as Xanatos looks on.

As Goliath returns to the clock tower, they all begin to love their new home. Goliath remarks any place they are all together is home no matter what. Goliath looks at Elisa mouthing “thank you” before turning into stone. We see a final display of the Gargoyles in stone in the sunlight shining on them. 

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