Orange Blossom
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Director: Sean Baker
Writer: Joshua Collins
Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Margaret Qualley, Nicholas Hoult, Mackenzie Davis, Rylea Neveah Whittet, Halston Owen
Budget: $23,000,000
Domestic Box Office: $17,907,401
Foreign Box Office: $12,799,506
Total Profit: -$15,995,777
Reaction: Writer Joshua Collins was probably hoping for a bit better box office for his first film since Season 32, but the "Drama/Comedy" or "Dramedy" genre combo has always tended to be a tough one to earn serious money in.
"Is it the most original? No. Is it the most interesting? No. Is it far too long for the genre it's representing, oh god yes. But for what it is, it's a genuinely sweet, wholehearted film and despite it's length, you don't really feel it. Maybe it has something to do with Joseph and Margaret working well together or maybe the steady hand of Sean Baker, but Joshua has put together a solid film that may seem like a marathon, but is more like a frolic through the flower fields." - Mitchell Parker, New York Times
"While Orange Blossoms wraps up too neatly, landing with a lackluster finish, Baker's natural storytelling and the undeniable chemistry between Gordon-Levitt and Qualley keep it engaging enough to overlook its predictable 'reunited lovers' rom-com tropes." - Liv Simmons, Rogue River Press
"Orange Blossom works thanks to the chemistry between Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Margaret Qualley, even if their ages don't quite work for the story. Joshua Collins' script and Sean Baker's direction both do a good job of navigating the complex relationship the two leads share. Nicholas Hoult's Chad can come across as cartoonish at times, but it doesn't detract too much. The story itself treads a lot of familiar ground, resulting in a good but predictable affair." - Bryant Reeves, Oklahoma City Times
Rated R for language, some sexual content, thematic material
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