On Life and Living
Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi
Director: Meirad Tako
Writer: Meirad Tako
Producer: Charlie Kaufman
Cast: Jamie Bell, Adele Exarchopoulos, Meirad Tako
Budget: $15,000,000
Domestic Box Office: $7,010,303
Foreign Box Office: $6,504,495
Total Profit: -$17,094,060
Reaction: Given the film's content, On Life and Living had trouble finding an audience with its rare NC-17 rating - just the third film in the studio's history to garner the rating (all of which have been written by Meirad Tako).
"On Life and Living is provocative and deeply unsettling, but doesn't always know how to utilize the ideas and questions it poses about human agency, control, desire, and dread. Jamie Bell and Adele Exarchopoulos both give raw and fearless performances that won't be forgotten soon. Meirad Tako's latest is just as bold as we expect from him, but can be a frustrating and uncomfortable viewing experience at times." - Joseph Goodrich, Salt Lake Tribune
"It's...certainly an interesting film, that's for sure. Of Live and Living appears to be an allegory for sex and porn addiction, and with that, Meirad does his best to keep things subtle and mysterious. It gets a fair bit uncomfortable at times, especially when Jamie masturbates to himself. Multiple times. But in this reviewer's opinion, it's a necessary evil, and for Meirad to cover such a touchy subject with this level of delicacy and grace shows far he's come over the seasons." - Mitchell Parker, New York Times
"So... This one puts me in a bind. On one hand, I appreciate the daring ambition to explore territories most films wouldn’t dare touch, backed by two committed lead performances. On the other hand, it’s no surprise Charlie Kaufman produced this—it feels inspired but often comes off as an almost immature imitation. And that ending… well, I’ll leave that for you to decide. The less said about it, the better for the movie’s chances." - Liv Simmons, Rogue River Press
Rated NC-17 for graphic sexual content, nudity, and disturbing imagery
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