Saturday, December 2, 2017

Behind the Scenes: Akira

Today we will look at some of the concept art for the currently shooting adaptation of Katsuhiro Otomo's acclaimed manga, Akira. James McTeigue is currently directing the project that will feature the likes of Dylan O'Brien, Ezra Miller, Idris Elba, Ken Watanabe and Cara Delevigne in the cast.

The film transplants the manga's action from a futuristic Tokyo to a futuristic Manhattan. "Manhattan has become Japanese sovereign territory, with 10 million Japanese living there; it just happened to be located on the east coast of the United States,” director James McTeigue said about the geographical shift. “I thought it was an interesting way to fuse eastern and western cultures in the movie, and allow a mix of actors from both, rather than just ‘whitewashing’ the film, which is what I think a lot of people were anticipating." This explains the multi-cultural cast led by American, Japanese and British actors.


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