Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Now Showing: Share

Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller
Director: Scott Derrickson
Writer: Jack Ryder
Cast: Charlie Cox, Brandon Routh, Samuel L. Jackson, Jada Pinkett Smith, Penelope Cruz, Ralph Fiennes

Plot: Derick Williams (Charlie Cox) and Nathan Ulrich (Brandon Routh) take part in an experiment by Dr. Stephen Mangalo (Samuel L. Jackson), which will allow them to share their minds increasing their computing power. After some time they both have horrific experiences with The Man (Ralph Fiennes).

Derick doesn't seem to find a reason why his wife Lita (Jada Pinkett Smith) is so detached with him where as Nathan's girlfriend Sophia (Penelope Cruz) is acting weird.
First they dismiss them as a side effect but later they doubt whether their experiment was sabotaged or do they know the real truth behind all of this? Were they even willing participants in this experiment?. Are Lita and Sophia also behind this?

Derick and Nathan were actually the scientists behind this experiment where as Stephen was just a third wheel to help then in their experiments. But he sabotaged their experiment and implanted them with fake memories as just participants and introduced The Man to scare them towards suicide. Their hinges in their real life which were Lita and Sophia helped them fight this through.

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