Friday, September 21, 2018

LRF 100: Top 10 Ensemble Casts

To celebrate the 200th release from Last Resort Films, the studio's writers were asked to vote on 100 top choices from those 200 films. The votes were split up into 10 categories, and each writer chose their top 10 choices in the category. First place votes were worth 10 points, while 10th place votes were worth one point (you can do the math for the votes in-between). In parentheses next to the film's title will be the number of first place votes the film or actor received. And now for the results of the next category: Top 10 Ensemble Casts

10. Guilt
9. Cape Torment
8. Revolution
"Not only does Revolution feature an A-star cast, but each of the roles actually features the fodder and difficulty to warrant such talented stars." - APJ
7. Bad Education 
"Likely the studio's oddest cast but so out-of-the-box that it works like a charm while anchored by McCounaughey's lead performance." - Chad Taylor
6. The Prisoner
"Christopher Nolan is a master at thoughtful blockbuster filmmaking, and the cast he lined up for The Prisoner was more than appropriate for the scale and subject." - Dwight Gallo
5. Death Dream
4. Missoula
3. Solution
2. Cosa Nostra (1)
1. Blood Meridian (5)
"There isn't a likable character in the bunch, but the film is cast so well that it makes you care about the outcome of each and every low-life." - John Malone

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