Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 8 Round 2)

What a round! Booster Gold was dethroned as the highest grossing film for the studio, Tom Hardy has become an early favorite for the Best Actor trophy, Jack Ryder was quiet instead of talking out of his ass, and only one movie made me mad. Here's The Roundup...

3. Eleanor & Park Soundtrack
I may have a lot of problems with the film itself, but one area that didn't disappoint was the soundtrack. It's a solid collection of songs that works as a whole - even if some of the songs are used a little to cutely. Definitely better than the soundtrack to White Tiger...

2. Crowley

Could anyone other than Tom Hardy have really nailed the role of Aleister Crowley? I don't think so. He has the range to nail the young, brash Crowley as well as the older, sick, ego-manical Crowley. Aside from his performance, the movie was littered with several great supporting performances from a bunch of great character actors (which is becoming a pattern with Lon Charles' films). It was also nice to see a film like this from a stylish director like Nicolas Winding Refn. Usually historical biopics have fairly bland direction, but this film was stylish and sexy, which helps it stand out in the biopic genre.

1. Splinter Cell: Double Agent

This latest entry in the Splinter Cell series may be my favorite of the lot yet - and that's saying something with how strong Chaos Theory was. There are some fun set pieces, some intense and suspenseful moments, and interesting villains. Everything you need for a hit action movie. And it's all anchored by a fantastic performances from Mr. Tom Cruise. He's been a badass throughout the series, but here we get too see him in an angrier, more aggressive, more morally conflicted state - all of which made for a great performance. This film deserved to take the box office crown.
3. Hannah Gross
I really dug Crowley as a whole. The film was very well cast, for the most part. Really, the only role I had a problem with was the one played by Hannah Gross. She is an insufferable performer. I can't stand her on "Mindhunter" (an otherwise amazing show) and she's just as annoying here. Writers, please don't make a habit of casting her...

2. Eleanor & Park

On paper, Eleanor & Park should have at least been "okay". Richard Linklater is a director who has made very few bad films, HG Hansen is coming off a nomination for Best Adaptation for his script for Dark Places, and it features a popular young leading lady in Chloe Grace Moretz. So what went wrong? It starts with the miscasting of Moretz, but I'll get to that later... Ryan Potter isn't much of an actor in the other lead role. Potter has little to no range, and comes across as more annoying than charming. Then there's the source material itself. There's nothing all that original about the premise, story or characters - which certainly doesn't help.

1. Chloe Grace Moretz

Don't get me wrong, Moretz is a terrific young actress, but she was all wrong for this role. It was hard enough to buy it when she was cast in the Carrie remake, but this one takes a suspension of disbelief beyond the capabilities of most. In what world is Moretz's appearance going to make her a target for bullies? She's beautiful, plain and simple. She can play a lot of things, but ugly really isn't one of them. Someone with a less traditionally beautiful appearance, someone like Shannon Purser, would have been a far more acceptable casting decision.

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