Saturday, September 29, 2018

Now Showing: Halo: Reach

Halo: Reach
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Writer: Dominic Wilkins
Series: Halo series
Based on the video game series
Cast: Sam Worthington, Daniel Craig, Jason Statham, Morena Baccarin, Patrick J. Adams, Dave Bautista, Robin Wright, Peter Stormare, Sarah Gadon, Clive Owen

Plot: We see the planet Reach, a human colony located in a galaxy far far away. We zoom in to see a crashed UNSC frigate. We zoom even closer to see several damaged helmets lying on the ground.

SPARTAN-B312 (Sam Worthington), a newly recruited SPARTAN, is driving a Warthog on Reach. He’s driving towards a UNSC outpost. Two Falcons fly over his head. As the SPARTAN arrives, the passengers of the Falcons come down, led by Colonel Urban Holland (Peter Stormare). They all enter a room and Holland briefs them on their mission. He says the UNSC has lost contact with the Visegrad Relay last night. He sent troopers but they all went MIA. He thinks it might be the work of a group of Rebels. This is why he’s sending the Noble Team in. The team consists of Carter, aka Noble One (Daniel Craig), Catherine, aka Noble Two (Morena Baccarin), Jun, aka Noble Three (Jason Statham), Emile, aka Noble Four (Patrick J. Adams), Jorge, aka Noble Five (Dave Bautista) and the newly arrived unnamed Spartan, aka Noble Six (Sam Worthington). He shows them the Visegrad Relay location on the map and talks about various tactics and information the planet. Everyone on Earth thinks sending a SPARTAN team is a waste of resources, but Holland disagrees. The Noble team get in Falcons and fly away.

Carter, the de facto leader of the Noble squad tells them that they will not act aggressive towards whoever disabled the Visegrad relay. They’re going to talk to them and try to learn what happened to the other units while Catherine will get the relay back online. Six deacons appear on their HUD, possibly all from the missing units. They get down the Falcons and decide to investigate, since they don’t see anybody. They arrive near a burning Warthog. Emile finds a deacon and throws it to Catherine. She can’t identify who it was too, but she can tell it’s UNSC. They try to learn what killed them and they think it’s a plasma grenade, but it can’t be, not on Reach, the Covenants aren’t on Reach. They see smoke coming out of a house and decide to investigate. A group of farmers come out, they speak the local language. Jorge comes to translate. They’re trying to tell them that they heard gunfire last night and that a creature killed their son. They capt something on their heat radar. Inside, they find two UNSC soldiers pinned to the wall by their head. They hear movement of the roof. The Noble team is attacked by Covenants. They kill them all and enter a Warthog to drive the to the relay to get a message to Holland saying the Covenants are on Reach. They reach the relay, but the door is jammed. Catherine is trying to get it to open while the rest of the team is busy keeping the Covenants away. They’re able to enter the relay and shutting the door, locking it. They find several civilians tied up inside and some badly beaten soldiers. Jorge takes off his helmet and talks to a woman. She whispers with a short breath that they’re still here. The Noble team gets sneak attacked by Elites with Energy Swords. They’re able to kill all of them, but every single hostages is dead. Catherine is able to put the relay back up and contacts Urban Holland. She tells him about the Covenant attack. He doesn’t believe them at first and he finally engages the WINTER CONTINGENCY protocol, where every available unit must fight the Covenants to protect the colony.

Following their encounter at the relay, the Noble team flied to the Sword Base, a research facility under attack. Noble Six and Catherine are dropped first, while the others are dropped later. Six and his partner are tasked to clear the main gate, which proves not to be an easy task, especially after two enemy tanks appeared. Their tenacity helped them in the fight and they got out of it alive. A Pelican arrives and rapidly drops a Warthog to Six and Catherine. They must drive all the way an array to reactivate it. The Pelican is soon destroyed. While Six defends Catherine, who’s activating the array, the rest of the Noble team clears the sky, which is rather easy with the Pelicans’ and Jorge’s machine guns. They all meet inside the Sword Base, where the Noble team meets Dr. Catherine Halsey (Robin Wright), the creator of the SPARTAN program and the designer and engineer behind their armors. She reprimands the Noble Team, especially Carter for not protecting the information they had stored at the relay. Catherine, who had stolen a data module from one of the fallen Elite, gives one to Halsey, in order for her to shut up, but also to know if they had retrieved any sensitive information about the Reach colony. She asks to leave, to give her time to examine the module.

The Noble team returns to the UNSC base where they initially landed on Reach. They meet once again with Colonel Holland. He shows the team a Covenant dark zone, a sort of outpost for the enemy forces. He wants it neutralized. He intends to send two members of the team to eliminate as much Covenant as possible at night to make the attack the next day easier. This is where Jun steps ahead and announces himself as part of the mission. He chooses Noble Six to come with him, to find out if he’s good enough to joint the team, as If he didn’t prove it already. The rest of the squad stays with Holland, waiting to hear back from Nobles Three and Six.

Jun and Six are dropped in the middle of the night with sniper rifles. They quickly take out guards and are now face to face with a Guta, a native creature of Reach who attacks them. They’re able to kill it by shooting it between the eyes. They move silently in the dark zone knocking down guards in the process. They enter a small unoccupied building, only to find militia troopers who went MIA a couple of days ago. They went there to recover UNSC weaponry, but obviously failed. They also tell them about a huge pylon the Covenant set up earlier. On the radio, Catherine tells them it must be the source of the dark zone. Holland tells them to put a remote control bomb on it as they planned a surprise for the Covenant tomorrow. They free the troopers and tell them the directions to leave the dark zone. They attack the guards in front of the pylon and Jun places the bomb. They continue their progress in the dark zone and continue to silently take out Covenant. They reach the top of a cliff where they see a Covenant landing zone. They take out a lot of enemies before being spotted and they retreat to the base.

The following day, on the orders of Colonel Holland and following Jun and Six’s great work the previous night, the UNSC decided to strike against the Covenants. After all the WINTER CONTINGENCY protocol was activated. Catherine and Noble Six are in a Pelican together, along with a bunch of Marines. They’re dropped just before the dark zone begins. They’re tasked to destroy anti-aircraft units, to allow the UNSC to land. They silently progress in the dark zone and are able to place charges on each unit. They step back a little and detonate the bombs. It alerts the Covenant who start shooting at Kat and Six. They’re soon overwhelmed, but two UNSC frigates and several ships arrive and start the war against the enemy forces. In all the chaos, three Scarab tanks are destroyed, along with several tanks on both sides. Six joins Jorge on a Pelican to evade the battle. As they’re flying away, the engines turn off and they crash just a little further, away from the action. They crawl away from the debris and discover that an energy shield at the top of a tower deactivated their engines. As Jorge is killing the Covenants coming out of the tower with his machine gun, Noble Six hijacks a Banshee and flies to the top to destroy the shield. The rest of the Noble team arrives, their mission accomplished. One of the biggest UNSC ship flies over them, the UNSC Grafton. Out of nowhere, there’s a flash and the Grafton is split in half by the Long Night of Solace, a Covenant supership who just arrived. Urban Holland screams on the radio. He asks to Emile and Jun to head to a beach to defend it and for the rest of the squad to pilot Sabre ships in space to destroy the Long Night of Solace.

There’s a bomb in a UNSC ship already in space, the UNSC Savannah. The team needs to defend it as much as possible and to drop the bomb on the enemy’s supership in order to destroy it. Jorge boards the Savannah to defend it against enemies who try to hijack it and the others try to hijack the Long Night of Solace. Six, Catherine and Carter destroy towers on the Covenant supership with their Sabres, while Jorge puts the bomb on a Pelican in order to move it closer to the supership. He’s stopped by attacking Covenant forces who try to destroy the bomb. During this time, Six hijacks the supership and shuts off its engines, in order to make it more accessible for Jorge’s bomb. He leaves the supership and goes back to the Savannah. He sees Jorge and badly destroyed Pelican. The bomb is still intact, however. Jorge tells him that he will deliver the bomb himself. Six urges him to stop. Jorge shoves Six in a SAS and sends him back to Reach by pressing a button. Jorge opens the door leading to space and he seizes the bomb. With his portable jet pack, he’s able to control himself between the Banshees and Sabres. Jorge lands on the Long Night of Solace and activates the bomb. It was a special bomb and rather than the ship exploding, every thing who was in contact with the bomb, including Jorge, is sent to an unknown location as the bomb opened a Slipspace rupture. The UNSC fleet, including the rest of the Noble Team, was heading to the surface of Reach when a massive Covenant fleet arrives from a portal.

Six awakens in his pod, the shock had been brutal and Six was knocked down when it landed. He finds himself just outside the city of New Alexandria. Six walks in the city and stumbles upon UNSC forces who announce him that the Covenant are still here and actually starting to win the war. He joins them in their operation, clearing a tower of its Covenant occupants, to allow civilians to escape using the helicopters on top. They’re able to free the tower and proceed to evacuate civilians. A Falcon arrives and Six gets on it and announces Jorge’s sacrifice to the others, who thought during all this time that he was with Six. Each and every single one of them is shocked by the news.

They soon find out that the Covenant are jamming their communication signals with three jammers installed all around New Alexandria. The Noble team takes three different Falcons, Carter goes alone, Jun with Emile and Six with Catherine. They all fly away and all manage to destroy the jammers. Colonel Holland contacts them urging them to retreat to the ONI headquarters, as the city is falling, it’s filled with Covenants. They land their Falcons in a hurry a couple of meters away from the entrance to avoid landing on civilians. While they’re running, they shoot Convenant coming to kill them and everyone else. Catherine is shot in the head and falls on the ground. Six picks her up and they’re the last one to enter the headquarters before they shut down the doors. Catherine dies in Carter’s arms as the screen fades to black.

Three days later
The Covenants left the city. The Noble team walk out of the headquarters to a devastated city. A Falcon picks them up. Holland tasked them to destroy what remains of Sword Base, to prevent the Covenant from finding out about their research.

They arrive at the facility and meet with Dr. Halsey who’s the only one left. She guides them through the facility. She was the one who asked Sword Base to be destroyed. She’s done with her research on the Forerunners, a highly advanced species who was destroyed years ago by the Flood and the Gravemind. She shows them the glowing Forerunner artifact she’s been working on and also the AI in which she stored everything, Cortana (Sarah Gadon). Cortana chooses Noble Six to be her carrier, so he inserts her in his helmet. Jun leaves the team behind to escort Halsey away from Reach, while the rest of the team will fly to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, a ship awaiting their arrival. Sword Base explodes as they distance themselves.

The three remaining members of the team, Six, Emile and Carter are in their Pelican. They’re attacked by Covenant and the Falcon suffers heavy damages. Carter lowers their altitude to allow Six and Emile to jump from it and continue to deliver the package on foot. He will remain in the air to create a diversion. They go in caves to try to make contact with the less enemies possible, but it’s not really the right choice. They kill several Covenants and are able to come back up. Their path is blocked by a Scarab, which is almost impossible to destroy while on foot. They deck its plasma attacks and kill Covenant at the same time. Out of nowhere, Carter arrives with his falling Pelican and crashes it in the Scarab, destroying it, but also sacrificing himself. The two remaining Spartans run to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. It’s still flying, unable to land, due to intense Covenant activity on the ground. Emile gets inside a huge canon, shooting at Pelicans and Banshees, while Noble Six clears the ground. A Pelican comes out of the UNSC ship and lands on the ground. Captain Jacob Keyes (Clive Owen) comes down and retrieves Cortana from Noble Six. Emile is overwhelmed with his canon. A Phantom is able to unload, dropping several Elites. They go directly for Emile. He’s able to kill the first one with his shotgun, but the second one impales him with his energy sword. With his last breath, he’s able to fire at the Phantom. Keyes orders to Noble Six to come with him on the Pillar of Autumn. More and more Covenant arrive and Six refuses the offer. He wants to sacrifice himself for the cause and he will serve as bait as Keyes returns to the ship. Six and Keyes kill the remaining Covenant and Keyes gets on his Pelican. Noble Six runs to the canon and starts shooting at Phantoms, getting their attention. Keyes is back on the Pillar of Autumn. He looks back one final time before he orders the ship to get away from Reach as soon as possible. Six starts fighting the Elites on the surface. He’s able to shoot and kill at least five Elites with his assault rifle, before he’s impaled for the first time. He reaches his pocket knife and kills the Elite who impaled him. He blasts another with his shotgun, before three of them jump on him. He takes a grenade and the camera zooms back. It explodes and his helmet flies away and lands directly in front of the camera.

Post-credit scene : The Pillar of Autumn used a time jump to transport itself in another galaxy. Keyes is talking to Cortana, asking her if they lost them. He looks in a window and sees the Convenant fleet approaching. He leaves the room in a hurry with a transportable Cortana. He sees Sergeant Avery Johnson (Chadwick Boseman) and tells him to start The Cole Protocol, which he does. He runs with Cortana on the ship and enter a small poorly-lit room. He says it’s time to wake up an old friend. Cortana approves and she turns on the lights. The Master Chief, John-117 (Alexander Skarsgard) is waking up. It’s the beginning of the first Halo movie.

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