Saturday, January 12, 2019

Interview: APJ

For this edition of Interview, Last Resort Films president sits down with writer APJ (Batman: Caped Crusader, Huntress) to talk about the future of the DC Comics Universe.

PD: You have just the one film being released this season, what have you been up to?

APJ: Well, I spent more time than usual on Caped Crusader. It just took a while to get it into the shape I wanted and to make all of the characters work more seamlessly. Catwoman was especially difficult to weave into the story, but I was committed to using the character. In addition to that film, I have spent a good deal of time this season slowly plotting out future films in our DC Comics Universe, both solo and with other writers.

PD: What do you think of the DCU films written by other writers?

APJ: I enjoyed the story line Mo Buck wrote for Captain Atom, but I did have a bit of trouble buying Jon Hamm in the lead role. Also, while Matthew Vaughn is a good director, I really don't think Captain Atom suited his more off-the-wall sensibilities. I enjoy the personality Chad Taylor has brought to the Booster Gold films. And frankly, he has written the Ted Kord character far better than I did in Blue Beetle. The Question films are probably my favorite though. I just love how Ryan Gosling inhabits the character, and Nicolas Winding Refn gives the film a very unique look and feel.

PD: What's next for the you and the DC Comics Universe?

APJ: Well, my next film will be Uncharted 2, which I'm excited about. It allows me to work with the ever-entertaining Ryan Reynolds and take a little DC breather. Following that, it's back to the world of DC Comics with the highly anticipated Justice League International that a few us have been plugging away at the story of. It should be quite the event. After that, I hope to make a couple of smaller DC films and try to bring back some characters I have let sit idly by for too long like Hawkman.

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