Saturday, January 5, 2019

Now Showing: Tenth Circle

Tenth Circle
Genre: Drama
Director: Taylor Sheridan
Writer: H.G. Hansen
Based on the novel The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult
Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Katherine Langford, Julianne Moore, Dacre Montgomery, Joey King, Stephan James, Rory Culkin, Jon Bernthal, Jerry Wolf, Forrest Goodluck, Martha Higareda, Janeane Garofalo

Plot: Laura Stone (Julianne Moore) has her undergraduate students sit perfectly still for a full minute as part of teaching Dante's "Inferno." Laura likes the story because it's filled with demons graphic enough to hold the attention of the students while allowing her to escape her own life. She sums up a question central to the story: Is the loss of freedom to do what one wants the worst punishment possible? Laura also knows the story is about a guy who is reevaluating his life's choices, a character with which Laura can sympathize.

Meanwhile, Daniel (Viggo Mortensen) is about to drop Trixie (Katherine Langford) off at school. They have grown apart and Daniel hates that their relationship has changed. Daniel is struggling on this particular morning to make conversation. Trixie has a boyfriend and though Daniel wants to keep Trixie safe, Laura feels that keeping her too close will only make her rebel. Daniel has sought to give Trixie room and says there's now too much distance between them.

Trixie goes into school and it's obvious there is a problem. She has heard other students making bets as to when she might fall apart in public but she's holding it together. Trixie and Jason have actually broken up. Trixie feels a hand on her shoulder and expects to see Jason (Dacre Montgomery) but sees Moss Minton (Stephan James), Jason's best friend, who asks if she's okay. She says she is and Moss assures her that Jason's friends think Jason "is an idiot" for breaking up with her. Trixie is called on in class to relate a dream but she says she doesn't remember her dreams. Trixie then says she's going to be sick and rushes to the bathroom. There, she stomps on her compact and breaks the mirror, then uses a shard of the glass to cut the inside of her arm. Immediately, she regrets it. The cut hurts but she notes that it doesn't hurt "as much as everything else."

There are four graduate students in Laura's class and three of them have their laptops balanced on their knees but the fourth student, Seth Dummerston (Rory Culkin), is asleep. When he wakes after class is dismissed, Laura calls him out for falling asleep. He says he "had a late night" and indicates that Laura might have played a role in his loss of sleep.

At school, Trixie turns a corner in the hall to see Jason kissing his new girlfriend. Trixie's best friend, Zephyr Santorelli-Weinstein (Joey King), appears and pulls Trixie away from the scene. The school, Bethel High, is located in Bethel, Maine, and there is an open campus. Zephyr and Trixie leave campus. Zephyr asks Trixie why she cares so much about Jason and Trixie says she feels she's supposed to be with Jason. Zephyr says boys want "friends with benefits" but Trixie says she can't "be like that." Zephyr says it's better to have the benefits without the baggage of a complicated relationship.

Daniel is working on a comic and he says drawing villains is more fun than drawing heroes because there are more options for villains. Daniel is currently working on a comic book called "The Tenth Circle." Trixie is his inspiration. In this story, the hero - Duncan - is seeking his daughter who is lost in Hell. He has to use all kinds of powers to get to her and each time he loses a little more of himself. Daniel grew up in Alaska. He'd been the "only white boy in a native Alaskan village." Daniel's mother was a teacher and he'd never know his father. Daniel's only childhood friend was Cane (Jerry Wolf), a native whose grandfather had stepped in to teach Daniel the things Daniel's father should have taught him. Daniel faced a great deal of torment because he was white and he couldn't wait to leave Alaska. He'd been getting in trouble from an early age but he'd always been able to lose himself in drawing comics. Daniel admits that Duncan is facing the same troubled past and that Daniel's own identity is emerging in the comic he's currently working on.

After school that day, Trixie waits for Jason to come out of hockey practice. She asks him for a ride home. In the car, Trixie asks how Jason gets through the days without showing any pain over their breakup. Jason says their relationship had mattered to him but that it's over.

As Laura heads home from school that evening she is making plans of how to break off her relationship with Seth. When she gets home, she tells Daniel she can't stay for dinner because of a meeting at school. On the phone later, Trixie tells Zephyr she'd talked to Jason and Zephyr says it's time for Trixie to take another course of action. Trixie agrees. Trixie goes downstairs where Daniel has dinner ready and announces she is going to Zephyr's. Daniel is disappointed but doesn't object. Trixie takes her backpack and leaves. She stops behind a neighbor's fence and changes into some super-low jeans without panties. She also has a shirt from her mother's closet.

Seth is lying on his futon, reeling from the fact that Laura has just told him their affair is over. Laura is in the bathroom when the doorbell rings. Seth answers to find "the kid" there with money, expecting to buy drugs. He says he has nothing to sell but she insists and pulls out more money. He gives in and gives her a stash he hadn't intended to sell. Later, Laura calls Daniel to say she's going to spend the night in her office in order to get more work done. Daniel is under no illusions and knows that Laura is having an affair but doesn't know what to do about it.

At Zephyr's house, Zephyr is handing out tubes of lipstick for a sex game called Rainbow. Trixie participates, performing oral sex on a young man. In the midst of the act, she becomes ill and rushes outside. She's still on the front steps when Jason and Moss arrive. At two-thirty the following morning, Trixie, Zephyr, Jason, and Moss are playing strip poker. Trixie loses a hand and is frantic, trying to decide what to pull off. Zephyr offers to "pinch strip" for her but Trixie suddenly remembers why she's here - to make Jason jealous enough to come back to her - and removes her bra. Moss snaps a photo of her with his camera and there's an argument as Trixie demands it back. Trixie runs from the room and Moss and Jason have a physical fight. Trixie takes Moss to her room and Trixie returns to the living room where she finds Jason is still there. They kiss.

Later, Daniel is awakened by a crash. His first thought is that Laura has returned home but he finds Trixie in the bathroom. Daniel calls to her but she won't open the door. He finally breaks it in and asks what's wrong. Trixie's first words are that "he raped me."

Trixie had returned Jason's kiss and they believes they must have fallen asleep because she woke with him on top of her, kissing her neck. In the present, her father is driving her to the hospital and he keeps remembering Trixie's words, that Jason Underhill had raped her. Trixie asks where her mother is and Daniel says he'd called but she hadn't been at the office. Trixie asks where her mother could be at three-thirty in the morning. Daniel calls Laura's office and her cell phone repeatedly. At the hospital, he calls her office again and leaves a message, saying he has Trixie at Stephens Memorial Hospital and that she was raped. He concludes the message with the words, "Please come."

Daniel returns to Trixie's bedside and they are joined by Janice (Janeane Garofalo) who identifies herself as a sexual assault advocate. She begins by assuring Trixie that she isn't to blame, regardless of the situation or the circumstances. Trixie says she's changed her mind and wants to go home but she's urged to have a doctor examine her and agrees. The doctor sees the bandages around Trixie's arm where she's been cutting herself. The doctor asks if the attacker used a knife and Trixie says she thinks he scratched her when the attack first began. Laura arrives during the examination and holds Trixie. She says they'll get through the coming ordeal and Trixie says she knows they will, but she secretly believes they are both lying.

Daniel goes home to get Trixie some clean clothes. When he returns, he and Laura meet in the hallway. Laura makes a reference to Trixie's clothing and her trip to Zephyr's house. Daniel counters, saying if Laura is going to make an accusation, she should do it outright. Daniel asks why Laura hadn't answered her phone and she almost makes an excuse. Daniel says if she is going to make this a habit she might at least give him a phone number where she can be reached. Their argument is interrupted by the arrival of the police officer, Mike Bartholemew (Jon Bernthal). Trixie is taken to the Bethel Police Station where she gives her statement. Trixie says she'd been drinking Coke and rum and that she hadn't used any drugs. After Trixie's statement, Mike tells Daniel the case will be difficult to prosecute. At home, Laura remakes Trixie's bed with fresh sheets. When Daniel comes in to tell Trixie good-night, she asks him to stay awhile. She remembers Jason saying, "Don't tell me you don't want this."

Mike hates rape cases because the result is that a rape victim is "gone forever" though she has to "go through the motions of being alive." Mike is at home and recalls Daniel asking if Mike has children. Mike had said he doesn't at the time but at home he removes his daughter's pillow from a plastic evidence bag and inhales, catching only a faint scent that reminds him of her though he'd taken great care to preserve it. Daniel, meanwhile, goes to intercept Jason at the Saturday hockey game. Laura begins to research and discovers that, counting unreported rapes, ninety-four percent of rapists go free.

Daniel parks far from the hockey rink and waits. Before he can find Jason, he spots Mike and knows Mike has seen him. Back at home, Laura asks if he'd gone to the hockey rink and he admits that he had. Laura and Daniel have a fight about Laura's affair. She insists it's over and the fight grows physical briefly before Daniel regains control. Mike arrests Jason after the hockey game and word spreads quickly so that a reporter soon has information about the case though it's a juvenile case. Jason appears in court and is ordered to have no contact with Trixie or her family, no contact with drugs or alcohol, begin substance abuse counseling, and be home by ten each night. However, the judge says there's no need to ruin the Buccaneers' "chance for a repeat state championship" by granting a request for house arrest. Trixie begins counseling. Laura remains at home for awhile but Daniel suggests it will be better for Trixie if they return to their normal routines. Trixie gets a dramatically different haircut. Laura has trouble returning to the classroom because her students know about the rape. Daniel says Janice has suggested Trixie return to school. Daniel and Laura argue again about the affair and Laura offers to move out but Daniel says it wouldn't be good for Trixie.

Daniel takes Trixie to school for her first day back. He begins talking about his life in the Eskimo village of Akiak. He says the house he shared with his mother was attached to the school and was where the previous principal had hanged himself. Daniel says the school and the house were haunted. He says the Eskimos were afraid of the ghosts. Though they tormented him, the one thing they could never say was that he was afraid. Trixie counters, saying that Jason isn't a ghost but Daniel responds that means she has nothing to fear.

Trixie arries at school and is told by the principal that she can always return to the office if she needs to get out of the limelight. She endures the day without talking with anyone. She is at lunch when Zephyr arrives and says Trixie has gotten Jason's attention and should now drop the story that he raped her. Moss arrives and echoes Zephyr's thoughts.

Mike is beginning to work on the case with Marita Soorenstad (Martha Higareda), a prosecutor who is arguing the case might not be easy to prosecute. Mike points out that Trixie told Jason "no," but Marita says Trixie had been drinking and playing strip poker, which may indicate she hadn't said "no" until after the sexual act was completed. The fact that Trixie lied to Daniel about where she was going is another strike against her.

Daniel's fame is growing and he's listed as number nine of the top ten comic book artists. Daniel's goal for this particular day is to draw a level of hell in which there are adulterers, bound together for eternity. He notes the irony of the situation. Laura and Daniel meet in an embrace that morning and the situation grows heated until Daniel asks if Laura is thinking "about him." Laura assures Daniel she isn't but he says he can't stop thinking about "him" and Laura leaves the room. Daniel picks Trixie up that afternoon and she's devastated. He pulls over to comfort her. A car drives by and its occupants throw a beer bottle, striking the Stone's vehicle.

Jason spends the afternoon with an attorney. Jason says Trixie hadn't taken it well when they broke up. He recounts the events the night Trixie accused him of rape. He says he'd found Trixie in the bathroom and he'd hugged her. Trixie had responded by "coming on" to him and kissing him. He says Trixie began oral sex but he didn't reciprocate. He says Trixie had lost her virginity months earlier, in October. Zephyr is questioned by the police and says there was no music playing at the time Trixie claimed to be raped. She also says she never heard Trixie scream for help. Mike questions Dr. Roth who examined Trixie after the rape. Dr. Roth says there's a good chance Trixie inflicted the cuts on her arm to herself but that doesn't change the fact that she'd been raped. Dr. Roth says she'll testify that Trixie was raped.

In her session with Janice, Trixie recounts segments of her relationship with Jason, including the night she'd told him she loved him, the fact that he hadn't said it back, and the way he'd told her it would be good for them to "see other people." Trixie admits that she'd begun cutting herself after the breakup. A letter to the editor of the Portland Press Herald expresses outrage over the accusation against Jason and predicts the people of Bethel would find him innocent. Daniel deals with his editor who is pressing Daniel to get more pages finished. Seth calls Laura but Laura refuses to talk to him.

Daniel and Laura had been dating for awhile when Laura discovered she was pregnant. She'd initially planned to preclude Daniel from her life and raise the baby alone but he finds out and is furious. Daniel recounts his own life without a father. He says his mother had said his father died but Daniel discovered that wasn't the truth when he was eleven. Daniel says his mother had wanted to protect him, saying it might be easier to have no father than to discover his father didn't want him. Laura says she isn't certain she wants her child to have Daniel for a father. A week later, Daniel has cut his hair and accepted a job Atomic Comics. He's deposited his salary in the bank and pleads with her to accept him. She does.

Daniel learns that Jason's lawyer has subpoenaed Janice's records related to her time with Trixie and that she'll have to comply with the order. Mike reveals that there are some inconsistencies in Trixie's testimony and that the case is going to continue to be difficult. One aspect is Trixie's statement that she was a virgin until the night of Zephyr's party. She now admits that she wasn't but says she couldn't say that because her father was in the room at the time. One day Seth arrives at the house. Trixie answers the door but Laura sends her upstairs and slams the door on Seth. Upstairs, Laura admits to Trixie that she's had an affair but assures her it's over. They fight and Trixie calls Laura a slut.

In school a few days later, Trixie is on the computer in the school newspaper class when all the screens go dark then pictures of Trixie without her bra - the photos taken by Moss - appear on computers across the school and the community. Daniel goes directly to Mike's house to complain. Mike says the photo has been traced back to Moss. Later, Laura steps into the bathroom to discover Trixie has tried to commit suicide. Daniel remains at the hospital until Trixie regains consciousness. He then sets out to find Jason. Jason gets into his car and almost immediately feels the knife at his throat. Daniel forces Jason to drive to a place near the river where hunters sometimes park. Daniel shreds Jason's clothes, leaving him naked. He makes it apparent that he's going to kill Jason and Jason pleads for his life. Daniel suddenly realizes what he's doing and what it means. He stands up and leaves.

Jason manages to cut through the duct tape that's binding him and return to his car where he dresses in his hockey uniform. He heads to the police station to report the attack but keeps remembering that Daniel Stone had said he'd kill Jason if he told anyone. Jason believes the threat and decides not to report the attack. Daniel arrives home. When Laura asks where he'd been, he says only that he'd been driving. Daniel and Laura make love that night though things are still tense between them. The next day, Trixie is released from the hospital. When they arrive home, Zephyr is waiting. Laura and Daniel allow Trixie to make the decision whether to talk to her and Trixie invites Zephyr inside. Trixie is cool, asking Zephyr if someone had dared her to approach Trixie. Zephyr says she's sorry and that she feels the entire situation is her fault. Trixie relents but knows she doesn't truly trust Zephyr. However, she admits that Zephyr probably remembers a time when they'd been five and "had been the only two people in the world who knew that fairies lived inside the kitchen cabinets and hid under pots and pans when you opened the doors."

Laura, Daniel, and Trixie meet with Marita who points out problems with the case including that Trixie had lied about having oral sex the night of the rape. She also points out Trixie's instability, evidenced by her suicide attempt. Trixie now says that she doesn't remember returning to the living room and had thought it would "come back" with time. She says she still can't remember those details but does say she had a headache the following day. Added to the fact that the ER doctor indicated that Trixie exhibited a "dissociated mental state" on the night of the rape, Mike suggests Trixie may have been drugged which would change the charges. A test of Trixie's blood taken a few hours after the rape indicates she had ingested PCP. Jason is in his room when his father bursts in, revealing that he's heard from a friend the result of Trixie's blood work and that this will mean Jason is tried as an adult. Seth arrives at Laura's office and reveals to her that he'd sold the drugs to Trixie.

Trixie and her father make a trip into town. It's crowded for an event and Trixie suddenly realizes she can't face going into the grocery story. She decides to wait outside while her father goes in. She's soon frightened of being alone and decides to go in but encounters Jason. He's furious and demands to know what she told the police to prompt these new charges. Trixie screams and Daniel appears, hitting Jason. He beats on Jason for several minutes and says he'll kill Jason if he ever again approaches Trixie. Then Daniel looks for Trixie and realizes she's gone. Jason goes to a nearby bridge and stands, thinking about his future. Daniel calls Laura and she arrives in town. They agree to find Trixie themselves and Laura heads home while Jason continues to search for her.

Laura arrives at home but Trixie isn't there. Daniel arrives later with Trixie who is unhurt but asleep. The next morning Laura learns that Jason committed suicide the previous night.

Mike continues to work the crime scene where Jason died. A wallet and cell phone are discovered and Mike takes the news of Jason's death to his parents. The following Monday, grief counselors are on hand at the school. The medical examiner in charge of the autopsy on Jason Underhill is Dr. Anjali Mukherjee. She tells Mike that Jason's alcohol levels indicated he was seriously drunk when he died. She does, however, point out that Jason has bruising on his temple and a black eye that only became evident several hours after his death. She also points out fracture lines that indicate Jason was hit prior to the fall that killed him. Other clues added to the wood slivers under Jason's fingernails make Anjali say she believes Jason was pushed and tried to catch himself.

Daniel hears Laura crying and tries to comfort her. She says she was thinking about "him," and Daniel immediately thinks it's the man she'd had an affair with but Laura is referring to Jason. Mike examines Jason's phone and discovers a memo that is a recording of the fight between Jason and Daniel, including Daniel's threat. Mike questions Daniel and he denies having seen Jason the evening before his death. Mike later talks with Trixie. She instinctively pulls her shirt sleeves down to hide the fresh cuts she'd made in the shower. Mike questions Trixie and hints that her father has already told him about the fight he had with Jason. Trixie confirms the fight but says they went directly home afterwards. She doesn't say she wasn't with her father. Mike learns there was blood on Jason's hand and that it wasn't Jason's. Venice Prudhomme, the lab technician, agrees to give Mike a preliminary report but warns that the full DNA testing will take time. She later reveals that the blood on Jason's hands were from a female, meaning it wasn't Daniel.

Trixie learns that Jason's funeral is going to be at the Bethel Methodist Church with burial at Westwind Cemetery. Trixie gets dressed to go and slips downstairs to find Daniel waiting in the truck. Trixie asks where he's going and he says, "Same place you are." When Trixie asks why Daniel wants to go to Jason's funeral, he says he doesn't. When they arrive at the church, Trixie suddenly fears going inside. She asks Daniel what she'll do if she can't make herself go inside. Daniel says he's there to do whatever she needs and he guides her in. When they are in the church, every eye turns to look at them. Outside, Mike collects Trixie's boot tracks to compare with tracks found at the scene of Jason's death. Near the end of the service, Trixie begins to scream and her father takes her out of the church.

Mike later confirms Trixie's boot prints are a match to those found at the scene but the boots are a very popular brand so can't definitely place Trixie at the scene. Mike knows that Trixie, as a rape victim, has motive. Knowing that Jason was drunk means that Trixie could have overpowered him. Mike also examines a watch found at the scene. Jason's parents identify it as Jason's and Mike finds a red hair hung in the winding stem. Mike goes to the Stone house and asks Daniel if Trixie had been apart from him after Daniel's fight with Jason. Daniel insists that Trixie couldn't have killed Jason and Mike says she should have no problem giving up a blood sample for DNA testing to rule her out. Daniel goes to Trixie's room and discovers she's gone.

Trixie is running away. She catches a ride with some cows and runs away when they arrive at their destination - a slaughterhouse. Daniel rushes back downstairs and tells Mike that Trixie is gone. Mike's first thought is to wonder why Trixie would run if she were innocent. His next is to remember what it's like to discover a child is missing. Mike tells Daniel to "sit tight," and promises to find Trixie.

Trixie winds up in Santa's Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire. She has hair dye in her backpack and she dyes her hair in the restroom. Daniel goes to the store where Zephyr works but she claims not to have seen Trixie. Laura arrives home and checks Trixie's room, hoping there'd been some mistake. Laura says there is "so much to be fixed," but doesn't say what those things are or identify her role in it. Laura then picks up the phone and calls the police. She's on hold for Mike when Daniel arrives. He looks over Trixie's computer and discovers that she's had MapQuest open. With clues from that, he knows she's gone to Alaska. Trixie completes the dye job and leaves, her red hair now dark. She's soon at the bus station and she encounters a young mother with a toddler named Trevor. Trixie and the girl talk a little and when the woman takes Trevor to the restroom, Trixie takes her wallet with her identification. She leaves her own ATM card and some cash in the girl's purse and catches a taxi to the airport.

Mike has registered Trixie as a missing person. He goes to the Stone's home and finds no one there. Mike realizes he has Trixie's DNA in the evidence room in Trixie's rape kit and he asks the lab tech it to compare with the blood found on Jason's hand. She refuses until he has a court order. Marita says it will be difficult to get a judge to approve an order to use Trixie's sample for this purpose because the sample was obtained when Trixie was a rape victim. Marita suggesting getting the DNA a different way and Mike reveals that Trixie is missing. Marita suggests seeing if there was any blood in Trixie's school locker considering she was prone to cutting herself. Mike arrives at the school and already knows Daniel and Laura have purchased plane tickets to Alaska. He finds a photo that reminds him that Trixie had long hair when the rape occurred but that she'd donated the hair to a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients when she had it cut. Mike knows Trixie's hair will be labeled and believes he can get a court order to get a sample for DNA testing.

Trixie catches a bush plane that's carrying a veterinarian to a dog race. The pilot thinks Trixie must be a volunteer for a checkpoint on the race and she says she is though she has no idea what the man's talking about. She arrives and is completely lost, says she is volunteering for the first time, and when someone asks if she's Andi, she says she is. She's given an assignment. A young Eskimo boy is to take her to the checkpoint where she's supposed to work. She tries to talk to him but he's silent. When she asks if he can speak English at all, he responds that it's fifty-five miles to their destination and that he wonders if she's going to "yap" the entire time.

Trixie's hair sample is at the lab and ready for processing. Mike gets a lesson in DNA. Meanwhile, Daniel and Laura arrive in Alaska. Daniel finds a man he knows from his childhood and asks about Trixie. He describes her but no one claims to have seen her. One person tells them about a skinny girl who arrived late headed for Tuluksak, but when Laura asks for her hair color, they're told the latecomer had black hair which prompts Daniel and Laura to decide it must not have been Trixie. However, the woman then says that the latecomer didn't have warm clothes and Daniel suddenly has a premonition. He knows he has to get to Tuluksak.

Trixie and the Eskimo who is with her, Willie (Forrest Goodluck), arrive at the check station. One of the teams comes in with a dog, Juno, that he leaves behind. The vet tends Juno but Trixie slips several handfuls of dog food and a couple of biscuits out to the dog. Daniel encounters a woman he knows and she says she saw a white girl pass through the previous day. Daniel knows that Laura is freezing cold and he stops at the home of Charles and Minnie Johnson, Cane's parents. Daniel leaves Laura there and heads on toward Tuluksak where he hopes to find Trixie. Trixie and Willie are standing in the dark when Daniel arrives, his lights illuminating them.

Daniel asks Trixie why she chose Alaska and she said it was because she'd heard Daniel say it was where People could disappear. Daniel asks Trixie why she'd wanted to disappear and she says it was because she "didn't do what everyone thinks." At this point the reader finally learns the truth as Trixie is willing to tell it. She'd told Willie that she hadn't told Jason "no" that night and that she was a liar. While Daniel goes inside to tell the others at the station that Trixie is leaving, Willie talks to Trixie. She doesn't know what's going to happen to her but Willie suggests they might meet again someday. Trixie is glad he doesn't try to make her feel better but allows her to be sad.

Daniel arrives back at Akiak where Laura is waiting. When he turns the corner, he sees the police truck is already there. An officer approaches and says he has a warrant for Trixie's arrest. Daniel says they can't arrest Trixie because he killed Jason. Daniel then tells Trixie she can't say anything. Mike gets a call from the Alaska State Troopers who say they found Trixie and went to arrest her but that both Trixie's parents had confessed to the murder. Mike tells Daniel that he understands what Daniel's doing - protecting Trixie - and that he doesn't blame him, but that it won't work in the end. Mike then says that his own daughter had overdosed and wrecked. Mike had gone through his daughter's room to find all her drugs and had driven to the dump to dispose of them so no one else could find them. He says his daughter was already dead but he'd still been trying to protect her. Mike questions Daniel about the events just before Jason's death and when Daniel can't provide the details, he's released.

Daniel goes to the jail where Laura is being held. She tells him that she'd seen Jason on the bridge the night of his death. Jason told Laura that Trixie was ruining his life. Jason was drunk and when he advanced on Laura, she pushed him. Laura says Jason was holding to the bridge and she'd started to help pull him back up, but then she'd let go. Laura says when she heard that Jason committed suicide, she'd convinced herself that it hadn't really happened the way she was remembering. Daniel reassures her everything will be alright, holding Laura while Daniel's face grows grim. They must get tough this for the family.

The final chapter of Daniel’s comic shows a family brought back together after the father saves his daughter from hell.

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