Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 9 Round 8)

Not the most successful of rounds for the studio, but at least there are two more rounds on the season for things to turn back around. Here's The Roundup....
3. Lucky Luke series
While the profits were lower than the last film, this entry is probably my favorite in the series. It's funnier than the others, albeit far more morbid in its humor.

2. Doppelganger 2
The second film, while bombing at the box office, honestly fixed a lot of the issues I had with the first film. Dominic Wilkins is due some credit for fixing those issues and leading the series to a solid conclusion.

1. Teen Titans
While the film was simply teased as an aside in the news about the cancellation of Birds of Prey, I can't help but get excited over the prospects of seeing the Teen Titans on the big screen (and potentially starring Hailee Steinfeld to boot).

3. Sarah Paulson
My biggest issue problem with Doppelganger 2 is Sarah Paulson. Her performance is so over the top, and her character is so evil without reason. Hellraiser showed she's capable of playing a good villain, but like Jon Farrell's review said, "Sarah Paulson's Dr. Curry is not interesting, coming off as more of a 'Saturday Morning Cartoon' megalomaniac villain." I agree with cartoon character comment 100%.

2. Box Office

Generally speaking, sequels to successful movies usually perform a little better than the first film. But this round really went against that with both of the sequels released have unfortunately gone against this notion.

1. Hippies in New York
I honestly did not like this movie one bit. It's talented young cast is all wasted on thankless, whiny and cliched characters. The climax is ripped right from Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy, while the 20 year flash forward came across as incredibly cheesy. One thing movies have taught me: it is impossible to make an early 20s actor look significantly older with makeup. Call me crazy, but I have a hard time buying Hedges and Ronan as 40-somethings...

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