Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 9 Round 9)

We are getting ever nearer to the end of of Season 9. Next round will feature the highly anticipated Batman: Caped Crusader, but for now we'll tackle Round 9. Here's The Roundup...
3. One for the Ages
Just a quality production all around. I didn't love it, but it's certainly likable film with some good performances. It all felt a bit safe, but it was easy, breezy viewing.

2. Studio Features

I, for one, am really excited about some of the recently announced features to be included in the film release posts. The Metascore should be a nice way to see how films stand from a critical perspective, while the MPAA ratings will provide additional curiosities (will filmmakers attempt to play it safe to get lower ratings, or keep doing whatever they're doing?).

1. Vince Vaughn
He gave easily my favorite performance of the round as George Zaharias. He's tough and brash at the same time that he's sympathetic and caring. It's a multi-faceted performance that I wasn't expecting in a film of its nature.

3. Tenth Circle
I'll be honest, I had a hard time getting through this one. There is a good story at its core, but it needed a better editor. There are multiple characters and plot threads that could easily have been cut without losing any important story points, which would have made for a more enjoyable viewing experience.

2. Evangelion

I think a film based on this same material could totally work, but this particular project just felt ill-conceived to me - especially the casting of Elijah Wood and Malin Akerman in their roles.

1. Mo Buck's Hiatus 2.0
Talk about a bummer of an announcement. The studio is never the same without Mo Buck holding court. He's taken a short hiatus before, so I'm hoping this will just be like that and not a prolonged absence.

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