Friday, June 11, 2021

LRF NOW Original Film: Stories of Discworld: The Wee Free Men

Stories of Discworld: The Free Men
Genre: Fantasy/Family/Animation
Director: Brian Fee
Writer: Harmony Winters
Based on the novel by Terry Pratchett
Voice Cast: Storm Reid, Anna Torv, Dan Fogler, Jodie Whittaker, Zackary Arthur, Iwan Rheon, Jacob Batalan, Jenna Coleman, Alan Tudyk, Tom Kenny

Plot: In the opening scene, a witch called Miss Tick (Jodie Whittaker) used a self-made device to get messages; one of them is a witch living nearby. She didn't think it's possible. She decides to examine this right away.

Somewhere deep in a distant forest, Tiffany Aching (Storm Reid)plays by a river with her sibling, Wentworth (Zackary Arthur). Suddenly, she sees two little men warning her that a creature's coming as a figure emerges from the water. Tiffany grabs her brother dragging him to get away. Miss Tick observes the scene surprised Tiffany hadn't been more scared of the figure up in the sky.

Back at home, Tiffany works as a dairymaid. For generations, her family has been on the Home Farm despite it being owned by the Baron. She explores Granny Aching's library, mostly books on sheep, Tiffany's old fairy tale books, and Granny Aching's book of flowers.

Later, she uses her brother to lure the creature in the water back out to hit it with a frying pan. Voices nearby said they'd found their "hag."

Approved by her mother, Tiffany goes for a lesson with the traveling teachers, trading goods for knowledge. Tiffany makes use of them whenever possible. One time, She askes a teacher about the creature she saw and gets pointed towards Miss Tick, a local witch.

Tiffany asks Miss Tick if she's a witch. Answering her question, Miss Tick makes the toad (Alan Tudyk) Tiffany carried begin talking. Miss Tick asks how Tiffany had fought off the creature in the water, but Tiffany answers she wanted to be a witch or just be like Granny Aching, who was always observant. Tiffany always thought that Granny Aching was a witch since she once brought a dead lamb back to life. Miss Tick says that wasn't magic. Miss Tick told Tiffany about a particular school for witches and gives some advice before Tiffany heads home. Miss Tick couldn't understand how a land of chalk could produce a witch and was concerned that more creatures will be appearing soon.

When Tiffany's sleeping at night, she dreams of remembering Granny Aching's sheepdogs. She remembers the sheepdog trials she used to follow to where Granny Aching's in charge of everything, and her helping opinions of others' shepherding abilities made all the difference to everyone. With Granny Aching watching, she remembered trying out sheepdog training herself when she was little.

Tiffany remembered herding sheep with Granny Aching, marveling at her abilities, and wakes to hear voices moving around the room. She races to look at one of her fairy tale books to find the stories very unrealistic. Tiffany then sees a ram being lifted up and carried away in the field. She then goes out to the hen house finding small men trying to steal chicken eggs. Tiffany orders them to put the eggs back, but they race away. Chasing them into the field, she shouts for the men to return the ram & the eggs.

Tiffany kept seeing and hearing weird things while doing her chores. She finds out that she's actually being helped by them. She walks down to the village. Suddenly, snow appears throughout the village. Out of nowhere, a headless figure on a horse appears. She's told to stand her ground as the little men drive the figure away. After the figure races away, it turns into summer again.

Tiffany finds the talking toad from earlier in the village. After asking for answers, he tells her that the small men were Nac Mac Feegles (Tom Kenny), who call themselves the Wee Free Men. The toad warns the trouble's coming, but Tiffany's sure that there's something that she'd be able to do.

Returning home, Tiffany's mother tells her that Wentworth's missing. Tiffany races back to the toad, thinking that he might know who'd taken him. He tells her to retrieve the liquor that people in the family sometimes drank and leave it for the Wee Free Men. Late in the night, the Wee Free Men all emerged, admitting to stealing the sheep, and then Tiffany asked if they'd help her find her brother. They think it's the Queen or the Quin telling her about how she's likely to have taken her brother. Needing guidance and helps, the Nac Mac Feegles and Tiffany reach an agreement to allow their clan if they helped her find Wentworth.

Tiffany's carried to a field where Granny Aching's house used to be, where they stopped and waited for another Nac Mac Feegle. The Nac Mac Feegle told her that he'd seen the Queen (Anna Torv) kidnapping her brother. One of the Nac Mac Feegles, Rob Anyone (Dan Fogler), said to her that there are far more monsters waiting where they had to go in the land. Then snow suddenly appears again, and they're ambushed by dogs. They're able to fight back when they reached a place where it's still green.

After taking a rest for a while, Rob Anybody tells Tiffany that their clan's all dead hoping they're in their version of the afterlife. They head into the Nac Mac Feegle home, which is full of others. Tiffany's taken to see the Kelda (Jenna Coleman), the only female among the Nac Mac Feegles who take care of them along with ruling them.

The Kelda tells Tiffany that her brother's safe but not for very long. Kelda also tells Tiffany she's a natural witch because of having the gift of the First Sight and the Second Thoughts. She explains to Tiffany that she's being tested, and there's more to the world than she believed. Tiffany's told that she'd need to temporarily take over as Kelda until they found a new one and then help find her brother. Then slowly fading away, the Kelda departs for the heavenly land of the Last World.

Later, Tiffany was told by William (Iwan Rheon), the gonnagle, that he'd once served the Queen until she tricked and rebelled the Wee Free Men. Concerned about her family, Tiffany writes a note and asks for it to be sent to her parents. William, the battle poet/musician, accompanies Tiffany & the Wee Free Men to try to find the door to the other world but wouldn't help her past it. She eventually finds the door and enters the land of the Queen.

Tiffany and the Nac Mac Feegles enter a place called Fairyland and are ambushed by more dogs. William takes them down by playing the mouse pipe, making them scurry away. Rob Anybody explains how the Queen stole parts of other worlds to keep in this one.

Suddenly, Tiffany finds herself in a dream of being back home. She's about to have some porridge when the Nac Mac Feegles burst in and told her not to eat or drink anything, that it'll keep her trapped in the dream. They explain to her that something called a drome is placed in dreams to trick people.

One of the Nac Mac Feegles's struck by the muse and is now reciting poetry, having been bitten by flying creatures. A boy on a horse appeared, Tiffany recognized as Roland (Jacob Batalan), the Baron's son. Then they find themselves in another dream. Tiffany starts looking for the drome, which she finds was disguising itself as Roland. She finds out that the Nac Mac Feegles are still trapped in the dream but that she'd to keep moving on.

Tiffany ends up in a summer scene, which reminded her of a picture of her family. Roland tells her that he'd ended up in Fairyland by accident. The Queen told him to act like a young child to get a favor from his father, who hates the Queen, for his safe return. Tiffany sees Wentworth surrounded by sweets in endless bliss. Tiffany & company go to pick him up, but out of nowhere, the Queen appears. Curious, the Queen questions why Tiffany wants her brother back, not understanding the value of their relationship. Tiffany tries to tackle the Queen, but she couldn't get far, hearing the Nac Mac Feegles again.

Enraged, Tiffany tells the Queen had very little power, realizing that all she could do was control dreams. Then the Nac Mac Feegles start fighting back against everyone who's fake in the dream. But then, they all started running away, chased by nightmares sent by the Queen. As they run away, they find out that their footprints leading them home are gone.

The crew finds themselves enclosed by sand and sea, right by a lighthouse. They go onto a boat and out to sea. A whale appears and starts chasing them, but they all getaway just in time. They reach the shore and found shipwrecks, which the Nac Mac Feegles think contains some kind of treasure. Tiffany realizes this is a trap. As the tide comes, Tiffany's grabbed by Roland and goes to the lighthouse and then to the doorway back home, but is stopped by the Queen, who reimagines out of nowhere.

To maintain her trap, the Queen begins to apply guilt to Tiffany, telling her she didn't really care for her brother or her family, making Tiffany enter into more dreams. She gains a sense of time as Granny Aching appears to her, sending her two sheepdogs to herd away from the hurricane. Tiffany reconnects with her homeland's heritage through her grandmother to gain the strength to defeat the Queen at her own game of dreams in the darkest hour. The Feegles reappear with Wentworth and reveal that the trap the Queen had sent wasn't nearly enough to stop them and that they and Wentworth are fine. The Queen summons her minions to condemn the Nac Mac Feegles, but Tiffany tells the Queen that she wouldn't keep dreaming but will wake up, warning her to stay away. Out of nowhere, she finds herself back home again.

Tiffany tells Roland to take Wentworth back home as she's visited by three witches: Miss Tick, Mrs. Ogg, and Miss Weatherwax. Miss Weatherwax's very authoritative but admires Tiffany, telling her that she'd soon be ready for the particular school for witches to keep learning skills to support herself. The witches leave, and Tiffany's father appears to return her home.

Tiffany listened to her parents and the Baron in the next room, trying to make sense of what'd happened, deciding that Roland somehow was the hero. Tiffany helps Wentworth with chores, and then Roland appears, telling her he'll tell everyone the true side of the story as Roland is to become Baron, which he'll be a just and kind ruler. Tiffany tells him never to talk about it to anyone, returning to her chores with her brother. The Queen looks on in a magical crystal ball, enraged, vowing to strike down Tiffany along with her loved ones and family.

"I definitely couldn't follow everything going on - this one probably needs a handbook to make sense of it all - but I appreciated the ambition and adventure of it all."

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