Friday, June 18, 2021

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 19 Round 9)

With just one round to go the GRA races are still relatively wide open and the box office is finally looking healthy. Here's The Roundup....

3. Urban Cowboy
I was a bit iffy going into this one, but only because I don't remember liking the original film. On paper though, this film was stacked. The end result was a strong drama with realistic characters with realistic flaws played by some extremely talented actors. Also, I'm not using a country-western guy, but I really enjoyed the soundtrack the filmmakers put together for this one.

2. Superman: The Last Son of Krypton

I enjoyed this one. Not as much as the first film, but that's probably because of how different this one feels. One of the only complaints that could be realistically made about the first film is that some of the action wasn't very inventive. Writer John Malone appears to have taken care of that with multiple big action sequences, but in the process it does lose a bit of the drama and characterization that the first had.

1. Box Office
Another round goes 3-for-3 at the box office. After a rough middle section of the season at the box office, the studio now has 7 consecutive profitable films.

3. N/A
This was a pretty solid round without too much to complain about...

2. Awards Races
Usually things have started clearing up in the various GRA races by this point, but I'm still not sure there are any true front-runners.

1. Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories isn't terrible, but there was no reason for the two different time periods - especially when one (the present day) was kind of lame. The past time period with Tom Hiddleston, Emma Watson and co. should have been the only time period in the film.

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