Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 19 Round 10)

And that's a wrap on Season 19. After an up and down season, things finished pretty strong. Here's The Roundup....

3. Box Office
The box office of this season had some rough patches, but at the end of the day it turned out pretty decent - or at least it was a lot higher than the low numbers from last season.

2. Spider-Man
A great new origin for the film, which is nice after the latest Sony/Disney entries have completely ignored the character's origins (and what they have included has been butchered). Chazelle's adaptation is also impeccably cast from top to bottom. Can't wait for Spidey 2!

1. Poison Ivy
Talk about the surprise of the season. I was wary when this was announced, but man did writer Roy Horne completely reinvent this one - for the better. Films like this are only as good as the leading lady/villain, and Sydney Sweeney was pitch perfect in this one.

3. New Writers
This isn't a comment on the work on the new writers, as I enjoyed their work for the most part - but as the Box Office Breakdown brought up, it was a very rough season for them at the box office. Rumor has it, next season will feature second films from a couple of this season's rookies, so they'll have a chance to redeem themselves at the box office.

2. The Past Before
There were some fun moments in this one, but ultimately it was way to convoluted and too confusing. Also, I did not buy Daniel Kaluuya in his lead role here - a believable action hero, he is not.

1. Award Front-Runners
Good luck predicting this season's awards races...

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