Monday, February 28, 2022

Now Showing: Northrock

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Director: Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Writer: Jimmy Ellis
Cast: Jamie Dornan, Emma Watson, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Paul Bettany, Andrew Lincoln, Sean Bean, Sam Claflin, Roman Griffin Davis, Christine Bottomley

Plot: In the most northern part of the world, Northrock stands proud as one of the planet’s most powerful kingdoms. Rickard Swann (Jamie Dornan) and his sister Tula (Emma Watson), two noble people from the South, arrive in the city. After the unexpected demise of their father, Rickard has been selected to succeed him as First Lord: primary advisor to the King and next in line for the throne after the royal family. Rickard and Tula are quickly acquainted with the royal family: King Nicolas Mallory (Andrew Lincoln), his beautiful wife Queen Elisa (Christine Bottomley), and their timid son Prince Alec (Roman Griffin Davis). King Nicolas gives them a warm welcome, and introduces the siblings to certain members of the royal court, including Lord of Research Harold Fairchild (Sean Bean) and Lord of Swords Robbert Mallory (Sam Claflin), who is also King Nicolas’ younger brother.

During a lavish gathering to celebrate Rickard’s appointment as First Lord, things turn unexpectedly grim when a Knight is accidentally killed in a joust. King Nicolas explains the opponent is Sir Oran Blackwater (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a mindless brute in his eyes but still one of Northrock’s greatest warriors, and personal bodyguard to Prince Alec.

Later, King Nicolas confides in Rickard, explaining Northrock has entered an economic depression, despite maintaining the outwardly appearance of a thriving society. Furthermore, there is something more personal troubling him that the public is unaware of. Prince Alec suffers from an illness that causes him unpredictable and agonizing joint pains. King Nicolas believes his wife is at fault, stating her genes gave their son this cruel affiliation. Rickard promises to help King Nicolas overcome his troubles and protect the kingdom no matter the cost.

Meanwhile, Lord Harold does some research on an ancient order of magical healers. He relays his discoveries to Queen Elisa, including the knowledge there is a “Druid” living in Northrock.

At Queen Elisa’s behest, King Nicolas summons a man who can allegedly treat their ailing son through some unorthodox methods, known aptly as “Din the Druid” (Paul Bettany). While King Nicolas is skeptical at the magician, citing the fact sorcery has been taboo across the globe for centuries, Queen Elisa is more trusting. King Nicolas talks to his most valued advisors; Rickard is adamantly against allowing the Druid anywhere near Prince Alec, reminding that they know next to nothing about him. However, Lord Harold disagrees, stating the fact Northrock’s finest doctors have done nothing to help the Prince makes trusting Din the Druid worth any risk, as long as they ensure the safety of the bloodline. After a brief squabble between Rickard and Harold, King Nicolas ultimately sides with the Lord of Research when Sir Oran barges into the room. Prince Alec’s joints are in immense pain, and the doctors’ attempts at helping him have proven futile once again. Despite Rickard and Sir Oran’s clear disapproval, Din the Druid is allowed inside the Prince’s chambers.

As Prince Alec thrashes in pain on his bed, Din begins chanting a mysterious prayer, in a language unknown to anyone else in the room. Although nothing significant appears to transpire, Din assures them the Prince will feel better by the morning.

Sure enough, his words prove to be true. Queen Elisa begins viewing Din as a “divine intervenor,” much to Rickard’s chagrin. That night, Rickard vents all his frustrations to Tula, when they receive a visit from Sir Oran with mortifying news: he suspects their father’s death was no accident, but a murder orchestrated by the Druid.

Meanwhile, Lord Robbert organizes a secret meeting with many of Northrock’s finest warriors. It becomes clear he is organizing a coup against his brother.

Tula strolls through the palace gardens, understandably deep in thought following last night’s revelation. Eventually, she finds Prince Alec, who quickly realizes something is troubling her. Alec explains, in the few minutes he can get away from Sir Oran’s watchful eye, walking through the gardens has proven to be an effective way to clear the mind of any weight. King Nicolas interrupts their friendly conversation, accompanied by Rickard, Sir Oran, and Robbert, to announce they are going hunting in the nearby woods. When Alec shows reluctance, King Nicolas sternly warns his son to not make a scene in front of the lords. The party sets out, leaving Tula in the gardens to continue her brooding alone.

Meanwhile, Queen Elisa personally gives Din the Druid her immense gratitude, before revealing the King is contemplating granting him a permanent seat on the royal court. Although no decision has been made, Queen Elisa assures him both she and Lord Harold support him. Din holds the Queen close, thanking her for the kind words, while starkly reminding her that Northrock needs him, the royal family needs him, she needs him.

Outside, the hunting party grows hectic when Rickard argues with King Nicolas for even considering putting Din the Druid on the royal court, believing him to be nothing but untrustworthy. When King Nicolas demands Rickard stop criticizing his decisions, the First Lord reminds him that it is his job to do such things. King Nicolas decides to split the hunting party, if only to rid himself of Rickard for awhile. He takes Robbert and Alec in one direction, and leaves Rickard with Sir Oran. After ensuring they are alone, Oran lectures Rickard for publicly arguing with the King, believing it better to play things close to the chest when dealing with such a dilemma, especially with a cunning Druid in the mix. Rickard remarks how Oran is nothing like anyone described him as, at first taking him for yet another dumb brutish Knight. Oran laughs, admitting he is “smarter than he allows anyone to think he is.” Rickard will need such allies if he wishes to avenge his father, bring the Druid to justice, and maintain peace in Northrock. Fortunately, Rickard and Oran promise to have each other’s backs should things escalate.

Meanwhile, Nicolas and Robbert successfully kill a stag and deer, before finding a litter of orphaned fawns. King Nicolas encourages his son to slaughter the fawns, stating it better to kill them than to leave them orphaned. When Alec cannot bring himself to do the deed, Robbert steps in, mocking the Prince when he starts tearing up at the sight of his father’s disappointed eyes.

As the party rides back home, Robbert teases his brother, remarking how Prince Alec takes after his mother, in appearance and demeanor. Later, Elisa talks to her husband, pleading with him to put Din on the royal court. Surprisingly, Nicolas eagerly agrees, but is more interested in the prospect of undermining Rickard than Alec’s well-being.

During a feast to celebrate the Druid’s appointment, Nicolas and Rickard get into another argument. Against Sir Oran’s advise, Rickard prepares to declare the truth about his father’s death. Suddenly, they are interrupted when Prince Alec falls to the ground in pain. As everyone rushes to his aid, King Nicolas abruptly begins coughing blood. Din glances at the King’s chalice, and immediately slaps it from his hand, ordering the guards to bring King Nicolas and Prince Alec to their chambers.

After carefully examining the ailing King Nicolas and Prince Alec, Din the Druid brings nothing but grave news. King Nicolas has the symptoms of a deadly poison known as “Red Viper,” for which their is no known cure. Prince Alec seems to be experiencing an episode worse than ever before, one that might finally prove to be lethal. Robbert reveals he has already been questioning people, and nobody seems to know who poisoned King Nicolas’ chalice. As everyone solemnly leaves the room, Rickard finds himself locking eyes with Din the Druid, who gives a slight smirk in his direction before walking away.

Later, Sir Oran warns Rickard that it is only a matter of time before the royal court begin accusing him of poisoning King Nicolas. He strongly advises Rickard to take his sister and leave Northrock while he still has the chance. However, Tula appears, adamantly refusing to flee. She reminds Rickard that leaving the city will only make them look more guilty, and would be a great disservice to their father’s legacy. Rickard ultimately agrees with Tula, remarking how their father swore to protect Northrock; they must do the same, and also avenge his death.

Meanwhile, Din and Lord Harold do some digging, hoping to find a prayer or spell that will save the King and Prince. As they search through ancient texts, the two discuss their mutual admiration for Queen Elisa. However, it becomes apparent their feelings towards Queen Elisa are deeper and much more complicated than mere admiration. Eventually, the two find something that may help their dilemma, and present it to Queen Elisa: an incantation that can transfer the entire life force of one person to another desperately in need of it. Queen Elisa gathers the royal court; she has every intent on using this spell, but is unsure on who she must save.

Lord Robbert, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get rid of someone in the way of his claim to the Northrock throne, states Prince Alec should be saved, citing the fact he is just a boy while King Nicolas has lived his life. Eventually, the royal court begins arguing over this harrowing decision, when Din the Druid announces the King is awake; he can make the choice. As everyone gathers in King Nicolas’ chambers, they witness his unusually pale face, as well as the blood slowly seeping from his nose and mouth. King Nicolas barely manages to speak through his hoarse breath, and demands Prince Alec be saved over him. He has lived his life, now it is time for the Mallory bloodline to continue with Prince Alec.

After consoling his wife, King Nicolas asks to speak with Rickard alone. Once everyone solemnly files out of the room, Nicolas pulls Rickard close, apologizing for ever arguing with him. He realizes Rickard was only doing his duty as First Lord by being skeptical. Furthermore, being on his deathbed has put things into perspective: King Nicolas sorrowfully admits he was a terrible husband and father, always complaining about the troubles Elisa and Alec brought him while never trying to help them. He asks Rickard to rule Northrock as Steward until Alec is of age, and to guide him as his father guided him. With those words, Rickard is ushered away so Din can perform the spell. That evening, Northrock rings the palace bells, signifying the death of the King.

Northrock’s people gather in the palace, ranging from the highest noblemen to the most lowly peasants, for King Nicolas’ funeral. The body is paraded throughout the grounds, followed by the grieving royal family and court all dressed in black. The body is brought all the way to the crypts, and locked away forever alongside his ancestors. Rickard finds himself brooding at King Nicolas’ final resting place whenever the opportunity arises. Eventually, he is once again approached by Sir Oran, who tells him their troubles are far from over. Despite not being of age, Prince Alec is being pressured by Queen Elisa, Lord Harold, and Din the Druid into officially seizing the throne and making the Druid the new First Lord. Furthermore, Lord Robbert has fled Northrock with his closest allies, most likely to muster an army and wage civil war. Since Rickard and Tula are both unwilling to flee, Sir Oran reasons that they must gather all their allies within the city and confront Alec directly, knowing he will almost certainly concede to Rickard, and even support him, if he sees sheer force is on his side. Oran is tasked with gathering Northrock’s finest troops, and rendezvousing with Rickard (who will bring his own entourage) in the throne room.

When everyone converges in the throne room, Prince Alec is already sitting on the King’s chair, with Queen Elisa, Lord Harold, and the Druid all slinking by his side. Rickard refuses to swear allegiance to Alec, and pleads with him to realize he is being manipulated. A deadly war is on the horizon, and Alec knows deep down he is not capable of leading yet. When tensions rise, Rickard finally accuses Din the Druid of murdering his father, only for his words to be spun around. Din points out Red Viper, the poison used to kill King Nicolas, is exclusively from Rickard’s home country.

As the tense stand-off continues, Oran ultimately arrives with reinforcements. Rickard sees no other option and orders the troops to arrest everyone: Din the Druid, Queen Elisa, Lord Harold, and even Prince Alec. Suddenly, Oran’s soldiers turn on Rickard’s entourage and slaughter them all. Prince Alec screams in utter horror at the sight of this bloodbath, while the Queen and the Druid sternly watch. Lord Harold manages to slink away. Before Rickard can process what is happening and have the sense to grab his sword, Sir Oran presses a knife to his throat and grins. Rickard is at a loss words as Oran chimes: “I told you Rickard, I’m smarter than I allow anyone to think I am.” Meanwhile, Lord Harold takes a group of soldiers to intercept Tula, declaring her brother has been arrested for treason. Although Tula sees through this lie, she is forced to comply with Harold.

Rickard sulks in the moldy Northrock dungeons, shocked that a lowly Knight like Sir Oran was able to outwit him. When Oran pays him a visit, Rickard can barely contain his anger. Sir Oran remarks how Rickard should’ve taken his offer to leave the city; now, he’ll end up just like his father. Rickard realizes Sir Oran murdered both his father and King Nicolas, as a means to his personal goal: the title of First Lord. Although Rickard assures Oran that someone else will get the job before him, Oran responds: “I’ve been playing the long game for years, I can survive a bit longer.” As he prepares to leave the disgraced lord resigned to rotting or execution, Rickard asks why Sir Oran is doing this. Oran explains that he grew up in crushing poverty, and has only gained fortune in Northrock from his sheer brutality. When he garners some real power, the kingdom will see the prosperity he can offer them.

Later, in the middle of the night, a guard discreetly unlocks Rickard’s cell door and slips him a note. The scrap of paper assures Rickard he still has a few allies in Northrock, but advises he return to his home country in the South, muster an army, and make things right. Unfortunately, Rickard must also leave Tula behind on this quest. After coming to terms with his predicament, Rickard quietly slips away from his cell, escaping Northrock through the sewage system.

The following morning, Alec is crowned the new King, and unsurprisingly tasks Din the Druid with being his First Lord. After the lavish ceremony, Din the Druid and Queen Elisa share an intimate moment, unknowingly being watched by a furious Lord Harold.

Meanwhile, Robbert sets up base at the old fortress of Robyn’s Keep, sitting on a peninsula away from Northrock. With himself in open rebellion and Rickard journeying home, the kingdom of Northrock has been plunged into war.

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