Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 22 Round 1)

Crazy to think, but it is now Season 22. After a pretty decent opening round, here's The Roundup....

3. The Gathering of the Wolves
While far more complicated than necessary, The Gathering of the Wolves makes up for its flaws with strong talent in front of the camera and an interesting take on the werewolf genre.

2. Box Office
The round wasn't spectacular at the box office, but it was certainly solid. The profitable films made a solid profit, while the film that lost money didn't lose too much.

1. The Black Cat Strikes Again!
While the DC side of the studio is seemingly reliant on big blockbusters, it continues to be interesting that the Marvel branch is putting out solid work with smaller films. Ana de Armas continues her solid work as the Black Cat, but Vince Vaughn completely steal the film with his take on Kingpin.

3. The Gathering of the Wolves
Too long and too complicated. Pine and Hathaway bot felt a bit off for their roles. Thankfully their talent mostly makes up for this, but it was still noticeable. If writer Jacob Jones had simplified the story a bit and cut out some scenes that didn't push things forward this one could have been much better.

2. Michael Cera
I know others have commented on how much they loved his character, but I am not one of them. Cera's schtick has long overstayed its welcome. Anything that worked with Leap-Frog was due to Chad Taylor's writing, not Cera's acting talent.

1. Hope, Sadness and Anger
A small drama shouldn't need multiple viewings to make sense. In addition to the plot issues, the usually solid Pearce and Blanchett feel particularly cold in their roles in this one. I feel like the film didn't make the best uses of any of its talent, including writer/director Meirad Tako, who usually (even in films that don't make sense) delivers something more fun than this.

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