Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 17 Round 2)


Season 17 continued with the second round of the season, and it wasn't all that pretty. Here's The Roundup....

3. 1965 positives
The first half or so of 1965 was really good. It dives right into the setting and lets us experience it. It gets away from that though and becomes more about its message and opinion than the actual story (more on that below).

2. Whammy positives

I had a lot of fun with Whammy. It didn't make a lick of sense, but clearly the filmmakers were having fun with this one.

1. Pulp
I found Pulp to be a pretty fun and funny movie. Each and every character was absolutely bizarre, in entertaining ways. I didn't have many problems with this one as it moved quickly between its darkly wacky characters and plot threads with ease.

3. 1965 negatives
While I think Meirad Tako's heart was in the right place with the film, it didn't work as a whole for me. The first half or so was pretty interesting as the subject isn't very well known to most western audiences, but by the end it felt preachy and like it was talking at the audience rather than showing them a story.

2. Whammy negatives
I'm still confused by it all to be honest. It is a fun, wacky movie, but it's also absolutely batshit. I'm not surprised by the box office considering the source material was a small part of a game show that was on the air for a few seasons over 30 years ago.

1. Box Office
Wow, talk about a rough round at the box office. It's a pretty rare occurance for the studio to lose that much money in one round. Thankfully the two bombs weren't colossal, but the one hit wasn't major either.

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