Saturday, April 28, 2018

Now Showing: Lucky Luke and Calamity Jane

Lucky Luke and Calamity Jane
Genre: Western/Comedy
Director: Taika Waititi
Writer: Harry Wright
Based on the Lucky Luke comic series by Morris
Cast: Paul Rudd, John Cusack, Zach Galifianakis, Charlie Day, Peter Dinklage, Gwendoline Christie, Sam Elliott, Diana Rigg

Plot: Ma Dalton (Diana Rigg) is riding, alone in the sunset, with a huge chunk of money she got away with after the robbery with her four sons turned sour. She invented a backstory in case she was caught. As she bares no resemblance at all to her four sons, she would say she was attacked by the Daltons and had time to get away with all her money when her dog attacked the robbers. The thought of that situation made her laugh. She arrives in a small town and rides towards the hotel, hoping to get a room to put all her cash, so Lucky Luke wouldn't find her. As she enters the hotel, she bumps into a woman, who presents herself as Calamity Jane (Gwendoline Christie), although Ma's pretty sure she's in fact a man pretending to be woman, she never saw a woman that tall. When Jane asks where she took all that money, Ma tells her the story she made. Jane told her she believed her but, in fact, she had her doubts.

Joe (John Cusack), William (Zach Galifianakis), Jack (Charlie Day) and Averell (Peter Dinklage) Dalton were once again in custody thanks to Lucky Luke. The old sheriff guarding their cell was asleep almost all day, so Averell made a plan to try to escape, but he would have to cooperate with his brothers, not an easy task. They would have to a human ladder to get Averell out of the cage, so he could open the door from outside, with the keys. Joe in the base of the ladder and William gets on top of him. He lifts Jack who has to lift Averell. He was almost out, when William gets out of the ladder, because his foot hurt. They all fall, producing a loud noise, but the man doesn't wake up. They try again and they manage to get it this time. Joe, William and Jack all start to celebrate loudly, to the disappointment of Averell.

Lucky Luke (Paul Rudd) is riding on his horse, Jolly Jumper, singing, when he gets interrupted by the sight of an upcoming rider. Once the rider gets closer, he recognizes Calamity Jane, his nemesis. She always claim she could shoot faster than him and it pissed Lucky Luke off. She asks him if he could help him find the Daltons. He says yes, but on one condition, she had to prove that she could shot faster than him. They get in position for a duel. Lucky Luke is full of confidence, Calamity Jane is nervous. Luke's pistol jams when he's about to shoot and Calamity Jane turns around and shoots way to soon, the bullet missing Lucky Luke. They start again, and Luke's pistol jams and Jane misses. They go at it a couple more times and Luke's pistols keep jamming, until Jane shots at him, directly on his hat. Luke isn't harmed, as his hat is way too big. With a hole in his hat, Luke and Jane ride together to go get the Daltons.

Ma Dalton appreciates Sheriff Dunne's (Sam Elliott) company. He was asked by Calamity Jane to look after Ma while she was gone, but he fell in love with her.

The Daltons are trying to escape from the prison. They sneak right pass the kitchen, but William's hungry and goes straight in to eat as much food as possible. An employee notices them and the Daltons now run for their lives. They're able to find three horses and a rope. To punish William, they attach him to a horse and the three others start riding away with the sheriff after them. They're able to get away, but as soon as they stop to check on poor William, they are arrested again by Calamity Jane and Lucky Luke. They take them to the town where their mother is hiding.

Calamity Jane wants them to tell if Ma Dalton, who still hasn't said her name, is their mother or not. They take them one by one and shows them Ma. Joe and Averell immediately say it's their mother, still bitter that she left them after the robbery, while Jack and William say it's not their mother, to try to protect her. Sheriff Dunne, then locks them in separate cell. He hears Jane and Luke talk about what will happen to Ma if they're able to find out she's Ma Dalton, because Lucky Luke has never seen her at any of the robberies, only her sons, so he can't tie her to the Daltons at all.

Dunne goes to see Ma and tells her that they should ride away with all her money, because he's in love with her. Ma has a feeling things aren't going well with Lucky Luke and Calamity Jane in town, so she accepts. Before she leaves, she frees her sons without anyone noticing.

The following morning, Calamity Jane goes to see to check on Ma, only to find a letter by Sheriff Dunne, saying he's naming her, Calamity Jane, as Sheriff of the town, while he retires, going away to marry the woman his life, Lucky Luke can't believe it either. They notice the Daltons are gone too. The film ends with Ma Dalton marrying Sheriff Dunne with only the Daltons present at the ceremony, with their huge bags of cash.

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