Saturday, August 3, 2024

Interview: APJ

For the latest edition of Interview, Last Resort Films president Phil Dolan will sit down with DC Comics Universe maestro APJ (Swamp Thing 2, The Champ) to discuss his new Tarzan film, casting Jason Momoa and his upcoming DC films....

PD: What made you want to bring Tarzan to LRF screens?

APJ: I've always loved the character, although most of my familiarity comes from Tarzan's various comic book appearances. I remember feeling especially let down by WB's The Legend of Tarzan back in 2016 as I felt there was absolutely zero element of fun and adventure. That is what I wanted to bring to my film for LRF's audience.

PD: How did the casting process work for a role like Tarzan?

APJ: It was probably one of my most difficult casting decisions, but once I made up my mind with Jason Momoa, it is hard to imagine why it was so tough to decide. I did ask Chad Taylor for some advice and he helped me narrow it down to a few names. In the end, Momoa got the gig because he seems the most like someone who spent decades in the middle of the jungle compared to the other stars considered.

PD: Everybody associates you with your work for the studio's DC Comics Universe, but some have wondered if you would ever consider writing a Marvel Universe production?

APJ: I would not. While I read the occasional Marvel comic book, I don't have the same passion for their stable as I do for DC's cavalcade of characters. Thankfully the studio has writers with a passion for Marvel, which has resulted in some great LRF projects.

PD: What's next for you?

APJ: We have the two parts of the third Justice League due out this season and next. Also next season I have my animated film debut set for release. Aside from those, I do have a couple of DC Comics Universe projects in the works, including a sixth Batman film.

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