Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 30 Round 8)

X-Men: Hellfire saves the round from catastrophe. Here's The Roundup....

3. Profits
While this round had two box office flops, the studio's overall profits have already surpassed last season's and there are still two surefire hits left for release - Shatterhand and Justice League Invasion.

2. Tamahagane
Tamahagane is maybe a bit dry and slow at times, but it was still an engrossing period drama for the most part. 

1. X-Men: Hellfire
X-Men: Hellfire is the biggest and best X-Men film from LRF yet in my opinion, which surprised me given the drama behind the director's chair. The Phoenix elements were weaved into the story well and still managed to feel like a natural continuation of the three prior films. As usual, I am excited to see what Dwight Gallo comes up with for the next film.

3. N/A

2. Box Office
Two out of the three films in a round losing money is never a good thing. If the third film wasn't an X-Men film, the losses probably would have been brutal.

1. Rediscovered Harmonies
I could not get into this one at all. A soundtrack probably could have helped sell the music elements of the story, but even that most likely would not have been enough to save the story for me. The cast is talented, but the supporting cast was especially underwritten (I probably would have suggested cutting half of the supporting roles and combining the character development over those fewer roles).

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