Monday, August 5, 2024

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 30 Round 7)

The box office continues to move in the right direction now in Round 7. Here's The Roundup....

3. Bill Murray
Later in his career, Bill Murray has become more of a supporting player, but The Scam of Success shows that The Murricane still has some starring roles left in him.

2. Box Office
Strong box office in Round 7 anchored by Tarzan's blockbuster success and all three films earning profits.

1. Tarzan
APJ's Tarzan was a lot of fun. For the first time ever, Tarzan feels like a real hero of the jungles in this one thanks to fun adventure and strong casting, especially Momoa and  Atwell. Hopefully with the strong box office, Tarzan can turn into a new franchise.

3. Award Races
This round did nothing to help clear up or present frontrunners for any of the GRA races. Through seven round we have had only one film with a Metascore over 80 and only four over 75.

2. The Scam of Success
I didn't love Jacob Jones' script here, but it wasn't god-awful. The filmmakers almost threw it all down the drain though with some of the casting choices. Murray, Pacino and Stone all made sense. Everyone else was a head-scratcher, even Tilda Swinton, who despite being an extremely talented dramatic actress (and sometimes comedic actress), may be one of the worst-cast film stand-up comedians since Sally Field in Punchline.

1. An Anonymous Girl
I'm happy the film turned a profit, but to my An Anonymous Girl felt like another sloppily put together novel adaptation. I'm not sure exactly who is at fault - the writers of the novel or the writer of the adaptation - but either way the simple problems should have been fixed somewhere along the way. The plot stretches reason and the characters lack personality.

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