Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Now Showing: Dating Vanessa


Dating Vanessa
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Director: Will Gluck
Writer: Jacob Jones
Cast: Emma Stone, Zac Efron, Kiko Mizuhara, Kofi Siriboe, Joe "Roman Reigns" A'noai, Pete Davidson, Nathan Kress, Matthew Morrison, Harry Lennix

Plot: Rain falls in the city as a pretty, rich, young woman named Vanessa (Emma Stone) stands about in the pouring rain, sopping wet as her limo arrives. The woman storms in, grabbing onto her coat as she grumbles about. Bridgette (Kiko Mizuhara), her closest friend asks if the date went bad. She doesn’t even know the half of it. Vanessa vents about how much of a pig the man was, a tinge of sadness approaching her as they near her mansion.

Upon entering, Vanessa collapses onto her bed, asking Bridgette where she went wrong. She’s the daughter of a scholar and a business executive, she’s met people from all over the world and her name is known everywhere, and yet every relationship she has falls apart. Bridgette assured her that it’s not so bad, everything happens for a reason.

“So Tinder being a scam happened because…” Vanessa asks, disproving Bridgette’s point. At this point, Vanessa doesn’t ask for much. She just wants to be with someone who truly understands her, not for money or looks or power. Bridgette shrugs, men are weird with their desires at times. She soon gathers an idea, what if Vanessa came forward with her issues in public? Vanessa finds the idea ludicrous, not wanting to soil her image. She opts instead to post a video online pointing out the reasons why someone should want to date her.

The next day, a gussied up Vanessa attempts to shoot the video, only for her to struggle on how to accurately phrase her wants. After multiple tries, Vanessa finally gives up, admitting that she’s become desperate, detailing her failures with finding love. Vanessa feels that some of it is on her for coming off as unattainable due to her stature, but if they got to know her, they’d see something different. At this point, Vanessa only wishes that someone would take the chance to know her. Defeated, Vanessa posts the video, in full belief that her reputation is ruined.

Hours later, an excitable Bridgette reveals to Vanessa that she received a lot of comments on social media, the world expressing sympathy for her plight and encouraging her to keep trying. Despite being taken aback, Vanessa is grateful and regains optimism in her love life. She then receives another phone call from an unknown number. The person introduces himself as Alan Murdoch (Harry Lennix), TV producer renowned for his reality show prowess. He asks Vanessa if she could meet him at CBS headquarters tomorrow. Vanessa is about to answer when she receives a text from Bridgette:

“Oh yeah, I might’ve told a really notable producer about your video, said something about turning it into a show or something. Hope that’s alright!!!”

Out in Manhattan, New York, Vanessa and Bridgette introduce themselves to CBS executives and Alan, who all express great interest in Vanessa’s video, Alan claiming that such a heartrending story deserves to have a happy ending. Vanessa proceeds to pitch a special TV event where sixteen men go through various tests in order to prove their worth towards her. Sort of like The Bachelor but less melodramatic.

“Good thing this is Manhattan and not Burbank.” Alan quips as he and Vanessa shake on it. Throughout the next few months, auditions are held nationwide in order to find the sweet sixteen, Bridgette leading the charge in the audition process and production. Among the sixteen, three really catch Bridgette’s eye, Flamboyant and energetic jock, Jackson (Joe "Roman Reigns" A’noai), chill surfer Chance (Zac Efron) and affable Christian (Nathan Kress). Alan also shows interest in the down-to-earth poet Erick (Kofi Siriboe), the oddball Shawn (Matthew Morrison) and a handsome young man named Peter (Pete Davidson) who attempts to sweep an unimpressed Bridgette off her feet with his swagger and machismo.

Finally, the premiere day arrives, Bridgette and Vanessa putting the final touches in the mansion. As they wrap up, Vanessa thanks Bridgette for all her help, saying that it means a lot knowing she’s with her on this journey, before rushing off to greet her new guests. As Vanessa gets her first introduction of the gentleman, Bridgette watches on with an awkward smile, only to be spotted by a cameraman.

Vanessa catches the eye of the excitable Jackson, ready to flex his muscles. In a confessional, we learn that he’s a retired football player turned bodybuilder ready to find love. Peter meanwhile hands Vanessa a rose he picked from his garden. He doesn’t ask for much, only the honor of holding Vanessa’s hand in marriage. Shawn meanwhile hands Vanessa a blunt.

When introductions finish, Vanessa goes over the competition. For the next two weeks, they will live inside her mansion, performing tasks and going on dates with Vanessa that will help determine who she wants to be with. Bridgette watches on from the producer’s room, silently cheering on Vanessa.

Vanessa heads out to prepare the first challenges, letting the men interact with one another beforehand. It’s there Peter’s demeanor changes, boasting about how he’s already locked this competition down. Chance suggests that Peter settle, they’ve just started. Peter gets up in Chance’s face, flaunting his looks and touting his charisma.

“Charisma? I didn’t see any. I just saw you talking.” Jackson claims, an unintentional roast from the jock. Erick and Christian calm Peter down, the latter stating that they can fight another day. Right now, they need to introduce one another. Shawn introduces the others to Daddy Kush and his family.

Alan observes the matter from a secret, impressed with the feud between Peter and the household. Bridgette expresses concern, saying that Peter doesn’t feel like someone Vanessa would likes. Alan agrees, that’s why he’s here.

“To be an asshole?” Bridgette asked.

“No,” Alan states. “to get millions of people to want him dead.”

Vanessa’s first date takes place out on the beach, testing the men on their compassion. Each men will take their turn tending to the needs and concerns of Vanessa, although she doesn’t appear to ask for much. Realizing this, Chance shows Vanessa how to surf, Peter teaches Vanessa how to dance the mambo and Erick reads Vanessa a poem he wrote and engages in a personal conversation on self-worth.

Jackson meanwhile takes things a bit too literally, trying to figure out Vanessa’s issues rather than giving her a good time. This rubs Vanessa the wrong way and by the end of the date, Jackson is concerned that he’s not long for the competition. Jackson paces back and forth, wondering how to dig himself out of his hole, when Erick suggests trying again when she’s not busy.

Bridgette goes to look for Vanessa, only to be disappointed when she finds Jackson got their first. For his part, Jackson apologizes for what happened on the beach, asking for another chance down the line. Taking pity on the jock, Vanessa assures him that there will plenty of chances.

At elimination, Jackson winds up being the final one safe, leaving Shawn and an unnamed bachelor as the first two eliminations. To his credit, Shawn takes it well, handing homemade blunts to everyone as he departs.

With filming finished, Alan turns on the live feeds so that Vanessa and Bridgette can observe what goes on when they’re not around. Peter and Chance get into another argument, this time inflamed when Peter claims he had the best date idea. Vanessa appears unnerved at how different Peter appears when not around her, asking if this is normal. Alan shows Vanessa and Bridgette the initial ratings, some of the highest in recent memory. Despite this, some unease reaches Vanessa as she realizes there’s no turning back now.

The next day, with filming for the next episode about to begin, Peter comes across Vanessa, asking for a quick meeting. She obliges and the two enter a supposedly private room. Peter attempts to use his charm to throw Chance under the bus for grievances. As they converse, Bridgette listens in, the fear of Peter seducing Vanessa into a romance in full bloom.

The contestants soon make a trip to the circus for their next date, Vanessa having always appreciated the bright lights and acrobatics. The date portion goes well, with everyone enjoying a good show and Chance and Vanessa growing closer together. Then, the ringmaster invites the men on stage. For this challenge, the contestants will have to catch a test dummy during a trapeze act. Jackson fully redeems himself with some incredible acrobatics, while Chance and Erick do well. Christian, not being the most athletic, almost drops the dummy, but makes an incredible one handed grab to salvage things. Peter however struggles, appearing hesitant at times to commit. Bridgette, who had snuck in while no one had noticed, can only breathe a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately for Bridgette, Peter barely survives elimination, leaving two others to head home. By herself, Bridgette contemplates a potential Vanessa / Peter relationship, one that in her mind could lead to heartache and deception. Determined to save matters despite Alan’s protests, Bridgette heads inside the mansion, asking Chance if he knows where Peter is.

After being directed to the halls, Bridgette confronts Peter, demanding that he stop manipulating Vanessa. Peter claims otherwise, showcasing how much he truly loves her. Can Chance and Erick provide her the life he can? No, they can’t. When Bridgette points out how happier Chance, Erick and even Jackson make her feel, Peter claims that it’s her being blinded by their own quirks.
“Besides, once I get my hands on her, I can use her fortune to advance my name.”

There lies the smoking gun, as Bridgette accuses Peter of taking advantage of Vanessa, she’s done so much for every single guy in here, and you’re going to spit in her face like that. Upon seeing this, Christian rushes off to find Vanessa, warning her of a situation in the halls. Things further get uncomfortable when Peter pins Bridgette towards the wall, making several crude remarks about her look and personal life, threatening to “use” her as he will Vanessa.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

Peter turns around, shocked to find Vanessa. Peter attempts to put on the facade, only for Vanessa to shut him down. Christian told her everything. When push comes to shove, Peter has no answer. Furious and hurt by Peter’s actions, and disgusted by what he’s doing to Bridgette, Vanessa makes the executive decision to disqualify Peter, ordering security to evacuate him from the premises immediately.

Upon seeing the security officers, Peter flies into a rage, screaming for the “fucking snake” to show himself. Chance springs into action, defending Christian from Peter as best he can, taking multiple shots before Peter lands one massive shot to Christian, knocking him out. Jackson and Erick sprint onto the scene, chasing Peter out of the house before he can do anything else.

Vanessa takes a shaking, crying Bridgette to the bedrooms, telling her that she’s going to quit. If this show is going to put her in harm’s way, she wants no part of it. Bridgette refuses, saying that Vanessa has to keep going, so that she can be happy. She’s already done so much, she can’t give up now. The two share a warm embrace before Jackson and Erick check on Bridgette, a medic tending to Chance’s potential wounds.

The day after, Alan confirms with Vanessa that Christian suffered a concussion and can no longer compete. After briefly discussing what to do with Peter, Vanessa wonders where Bridgette went to. Showing discomfort, Alan hands Vanessa a note from Bridgette. The note, smudged with tears, reveals that Bridgette has chosen to leave the show out of fear of another event happening again. She’s so proud of Vanessa for coming this far and for proving everyone wrong. From her days in high school to working her ass off in business school and beyond, Vanessa never lost her caring spirit. It hurts to have it end like this, because now there are things she’ll never get to do…

“And the one that hurts the most is that, once it’s over, I’ll never get to say I love you.”

Guilt comes seeping through Vanessa upon reading this confession as she contemplates her entire life up to this point. She’s noticeably not herself during the date, something about loyalty being the subject, yet no matter what, nothing the contestants do seem to intrigue her. It reaches a point where Vanessa decides to end the challenge early, needing time to think.

Vanessa collapses onto the king-sized bed, breaking into tears when Chance checks in. Vanessa is unsure if she should tell, but realizing that bottling it in wouldn’t help, she confesses to feeling guilty that Bridgette got involved in the Peter debacle, wishing that she had been there to protect her, as she had done so much throughout the show. Bridgette had always been a sort of protector figure to her, and now, with her gone, it’s left her without a lifeboat.

With the way Vanessa talks about Bridgette, Chance floats the possibility that she may have feelings for Bridgette. Vanessa denies it at first, convinced that she has to find the one here. What follows is an in-depth and personal talk about identity and true love. Erick comes in as well, sharing his own story about identity, struggling with his heritage before spending time in his community, realizing the importance of marginalized voices and embracing his. He suggests that maybe true love doesn’t come from wild challenges or grand gestures, but rather, true love comes from those we’ve known all along.

Vanessa remenisces about the support Bridgette has shown along the way, her perky mannerisms, the enthusiastic nature she showed throughout it all and the embrace they shared. She finally realizes it, thanking Chance and Erick for the help. She rushes over to the production area, telling Alan that she’s making an important announcement, and to invite Bridgette over.

The following day, the remaining contestants are welcomed to the sight of Vanessa in a beautiful dress, Bridgette in the crowd, keeping mum to herself. Vanessa thanks everyone for all they’ve done for her over the past few weeks, but she has to make a confession. Vanessa hasn’t been honest with anyone, including herself. All this time, she’s been making people do these various things, just to find the one when that person was there all along. Vanessa then calls on Bridgette to join her.

Confused, Bridgette comes up to Vanessa. It’s there Vanessa reveals that Bridgette is the one, taking her by the hand and asking to be her girlfriend. Shocked and overcome with emotion, she accepts the offer and the two share a kiss. Chance, Jackson and Erick approach the new couple, congratulating them on their new relationship. Bridgette sneaks in a surprise for Jackson, revealing that he’s become a favorite among ladies on social media for his antics.

As the crowd dissipates, Vanessa receives a call from Alan, who is surprisingly calm about the whole matter, citing a ratings boom unlike any other. He does ask what she plans to do with the remaining number of weeks of programming they had in mind. Vanessa looks toward Bridgette, who nods in seeming agreement.

The very next week, Vanessa and Bridgette appear on a set full of middle-aged and suburban women, ready to give advice to those unsure of themselves, their self-image and identity, a new show called: “Va-Bridge to Happiness”.

‘It’s still a work in progress,” Vanessa admits as Bridgette sneaks a kiss on the cheek.

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