Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Now Showing: Love Is Embarrassing


Love Is Embarrassing
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Director: Alex Conn
Writer: Alex Conn
Cast: Olivia Rodrigo, Cailee Spaeny, Dominic Sessa, Dylan Minnette, Sami Gayle

Plot: We start the movie off in Washington Square Park. We see Andrew (Dominic Sessa) and Olivia (Olivia Rodrigo) talking about their lives at their college which is The New School and their professors and everything while smoking weed. Andrew discusses why he prefers smoking joints over other methods as it is the simplest way to smoke weed. Smoking bowls is way too many steps. You have to put water in it. Olivia tells Andrew that’s the only step before laughing.

He gets up out of his bed. On the screen it says Friday. He still lives in Greenwich Village but not in his New School dorm. He lives in a two story apartment. He is then sitting on his couch and he requests to follow a girl on Instagram he remembers from college named Olivia from the scene before. He smokes a bowl and forgets about it and takes a nap. We then hear the voice of Andrew’s best friend Erica (Cailee Spaeny) telling him that he shouldn’t follow or have anything to do with this girl. He then sees that Olivia accepted the follow request.

Andrew goes on his phone and writes a message to her that he thinks is convincing. Andrew’s roommate Edward (Dylan Minnette) comes down after making out with his girlfriend Evelyn (Sami Gayle) and they play a monster game on GameCube and they smoke a bowl. He mentions that Olivia who ghosted him now accepted his follow request. Edward asks him to retell the story about his relationship with her at The New School and now he mentions how even though he dropped out of The New School he still thinks about her. The film continuously cuts to Andrew’s phone and you don’t see any DMs from Olivia. He discusses the relationship in detail. How she was always someone who appreciated him but never truly reciprocated. How she liked his filmmaking and the short films he was making more than him personally. But you never know she did follow me back and she looks at my Instagram stories all the time and sometimes is the first to.
Andrew also remembers Erica mentioning how she has class with Olivia. Andrew’s eyes turn to fear.

It is Saturday and Andrew and Edward have their political podcast where they are discussing Julian Assange and how he should be freed. As they are podcasting Andrew has a flashback of Andrew and Erica walking across NYC and Andrew jokingly mentions following and unblocking Olivia. Erica strongly rejects this idea and says that he’s destroying his self dignity. Erica responds that there must be some cute girls at the Democratic Socialists Of America meetings he attends. Maybe someone that had more in common with you than just liking movies. Maybe you can have a cute girl to go to protests with. Andrew says that he sometimes sees some but is too shy to talk to them.

There are a bunch of movie posters and political posters including a Bernie 2020 poster, a poster supporting the Green New Deal and a Guy Fawkes mask and in Edward’s background there is a painting of Hunter S Thompson.After their podcast they high five and say they did a good show and high five. They go downstairs and smoke a bowl before declaring they don’t have enough weed so they go to the dispensary.

In a flashback Andrew recalls meeting Olivia after meeting at an English class where they are discussing The Jungle and Olivia has an interesting analysis of the book’s socialist themes. Andrew after class meets up with Olivia and compliments her analysis on the novel. Andrew asks if she wants to hang out and she says sure.
The film then cuts to Andrew and Edward at the dispensary and they eventually go to an art house movie theater and see a movie and Andrew ends up crying.

It is night time and Andrew and Edward spend the evening playing video games and smoking marijuana. Andrew checks his phone to see if Olivia DMed him back. Andrew then goes to sleep. It is Sunday Andrew wakes up and brushes his teeth and takes a shower. The next day he takes a walk to a coffee shop and has some coffee. He has a flashback. At the same coffee shop a few years prior Andrew and Olivia sit down and discuss cinema. Olivia had just seen Andrew’s short film and is a big fan and thinks he’s going places.

Andrew and Olivia go to the same art house movie theater that Andrew and Edward go to.

The film cuts to Andrew in his bedroom and being overjoyed but then becomes sad when he realizes Olivia hasn’t texted him back.

It is night time and as usual Andrew and Edward play video games and smoke weed but Andrew is angrier he talks about how he’s so sick of this bullshit. Andrew reveals that she’s done this shit before and that’s why he blocked her originally because Erica said it was torture on me. He always opens up and he thought that the follow back was a validation that she at least wants to talk to me and she looks at my Instagram stories. Edward says that’s not enough evidence for her actually liking you even though you said it yourself she liked your art more than she ever liked you. Evelyn comes into the conversation and says that Andrew deserves someone who will be there for him. Evelyn says that although Olivia is a beautiful name she isn’t the one for him if she’s just going to ghost your ass. And it’s so sad because Olivia is a beautiful name but asks Andrew what she did for him?

Edward says that he shouldn’t be giving this kind of emotion to someone who doesn’t reciprocate because it’s torture and it doesn’t go anywhere. Andrew goes to sleep and has a nightmare about Olivia having class with Erica and them talking about him and getting a text from Erica being mad at him. He does his podcast with Edward and then calls Erica and admits what he did but then mid conversation he gets a ding noise.

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