Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 15 Round 9)

  Nine down, one to go. For the second to last time this season, here's The Roundup....

3. Mahershala Ali 
His storyline was the best part of The Nickel Boys for me. As some of the reviews have said, the stuff at the juvenile detention center felt a bit too predictable (at least until the very end), but the stuff with Ali felt more authentic to me.

2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
The film certainly has many flaws, but I found it to be faster paced and more action-packed than the first film. It dramatically upped the ante from the lack of stakes in the story of the first film, with the heroes in almost constant peril this time around.

1. Ben Foster
He was a great choice for the role of Kurt Cobain. He may be a little older, but frankly not a lot of 27 year old actors in Hollywood have the face of a weathered drug addict, let alone the chameleon-like talent of someone like Foster.

3. Music Biopics
 I feel like the genre is a little played out. It doesn't seem to matter the subject, all music biopics seem to go the same way and can only end in one of two ways: tragically or triumphantly. The lack of variety in the music biopic genre however does have me excited for the upcoming Hollywood biopic, Misfit.

2. The Nickel Boys
 Like I said before, I really liked the parts with Mahershala Ali, but didn't care much for the stuff with the kids. It felt too familiar and predictable, and much like Bastion, featured villains that came across as very cartoonish (although at least the villainry in this film was more appropriate to the setting than what we got in Bastion).

1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
 I do think the film tried to cram too much into the story after the first film was criticized for not having enough going on. I found it a little frustrating that we don't learn anything about the Star Forge until the very end, and even then it's mostly vague. All that said, I was surprised by the huge drop in the profit department, although I suppose it makes sense given the costs of the last minute reshoots and such.

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