Friday, March 25, 2022

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 22 Round 5)

And just like that, we are already at the halfway point of Season 22. Here's a mid-season edition of The Roundup....

3. Arizona
I had some issues with some of the supporting characters in Arizona (especially Elijah Wood's character, though much of my issue is with the casting of Wood in the first place), the three female leads were all well-cast, and the characters themselves were interesting and not too annoying.

2. Award Races
Between the two "Must See" films of the first half of Season 22, it's looking like we've seen some of the films and performances that could be nominated at the end of the season. I expect to hear names like Skarsgard, Olsen, Teller, Robbie and Cooper come award season. Plus there have been enough decently reviewed films that films like Audible and Black Cat 2 could sneak some nominations as well depending on how the films of the second half turn out.

1. Broadway
Broadway is not a perfect film, but man was it highly entertaining. With so many talented actors playing such colorful characters, it will be interesting to see which performers are put up for GRA consideration, especially in the Supporting categories.

3. Michael B. Jordan
With his box office poison, I have to wonder how much more money Broadway would have made with a less financially toxic actor in such a prominent role.

2. Supercrooks
Supercrooks never felt like a fully thought-out film to me. There were plenty of ideas, but it felt too episodic and the characters were not very memorable or likable.

1. Profits
Not only were profits tiny this round, with the studio barely breaking even, but the streak of profitable films in a row came to an end.

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