Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Roundup with Jeff Stockton (Season 28 Round 6)

Season 28 continues with Round 6. Here's The Roundup....

3. N/A

2. Marvel Universe
The LRF Marvel Universe is on a roll. While there have only been around half the number of MU films as DC Comics Universe films, every MU film has managed to turn a profit. DCCU has had one financial flop in its history.

1. Nick Fury and His Howling Commandos
I had a lot of fun with Nick Fury film. Jay Ellis improves upon on Denzel Washington's performance as Nick Fury in this prequel. I would love to see more war adventures with this crew - especially now that vampires (and presumably other monsters) have entered LRF's Marvel Universe.

3. Profits
If it weren't for Nick Fury, this round would have been a rough one. This was the first round so far in Season 28 where 2/3 films lost money.

2. The Pull of the Stars
The Pull of the Stars is just a dreary film. The subject matter, the plot, the characters - all of it failed to entertain me. It just made me feel down, as I grew weary with the long length. There's room in Hollywood for depressing films, but they still need to be entertaining and engrossing.

1. Flames
I didn't necessarily hate this movie more than The Pull of the Stars, but I just cannot remember anything about even just a few days later. It all just felt too generic to stand out to me. Young people in the forest with a maniac killer. It's okay to play with cliche tropes, but you need to do something new with them. Flames did not.

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