Friday, July 26, 2024

A Second Look: Masters of the Universe


Welcome back for another edition of A Second Look with Jeff Stockton! In this segment I will take a "second look" at a past LRF release with a fresh set of eyes.

In honor of the long awaited sequel to Masters of the Universe, easily one of the longest waits in LRF sequel history, I will take a second look at the original film from Season 4.

The original film pre-dates the creation of The Roundup, so I actually had to go back to my original notes to get a glimpse of my original opinion of Masters of the Universe. My notes mention that I felt that Alan Ritchson was a bit stiff in the lead role, even if he looks the part perfectly. The supporting cast felt a bit low-rent at times, especially given the film's budget. At the end of the day, Masters of the Universe was a perfectly average fantasy action blockbuster - it doesn't wow, nor does it really disappoint.

Taking a second look at Masters of the Universe now, I have to wonder what took so long to get a sequel going. While it released in tail end of LRF's era of shorter, less detailed plots, Masters of the Universe does a solid job of introducing the character and the fantasy world of the setting - and I say that as someone who never watched the cartoon. It does a good job of avoiding camp, although I do agree with my original assessment that the film's supporting cast felt overly cheap ad ill-equipped at times - especially Katheryn Winnick, who just sticks out like a sore thumb. The action is decent, albeit a bit simplistic. Viewing Masters of the Universe now got me excited for the long awaited sequel as I know Mark Newton has grown as a writer since Season 4.

Original Grade: C

New Grade: C+

Masters of the Universe Link:

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