Monday, July 1, 2024

Now Showing: Klitih: A Way of Life


Klitih: A Way of Life
Genre: Drama/Horror
Director: Meirad Tako
Writer: Meirad Tako
Producer: Joko Anwar
Cast: Bryan Domani, Tio Pakusadewo, Kevin Arilova, Yuki Kato, Meirad Tako (CAMEO)

Plot: In Yogyakarta, in the year 2003, a baby boy came into the world within a middle-class household. Quietly, his father recited the adhan into his ears, and then, speaking softly to his frail mother, declared that the boy would be named Alwi Sukanto. Alwi (Bryan Domani) was raised in a devout and disciplined household. His father, Hajji Sukanto Riyadi (Tio Pakusadewo) gained recognition as an esteemed imam and a lecturer at Gadjah Mada University. Meanwhile, his mother, Hajjah Titik Kusumo, served as a teacher at the local madrasah. Alwi is an introverted individual who occupies a significant portion of his day secluded within his room. On one occasion, when his father confiscated his gadget, he remained inside his room for two full days without venturing outside.

Alwi finds it challenging to make friends because he lacks an inclination for socializing with others. He frequently engages in solitary activities, immersing himself in his thoughts, phone, and a notebook where he crafts stories about captivating subjects. These tales often involve scenarios such as becoming a world-conquering pirate or rescuing a damsel from a perilous situation. His only friend is Mario (Kevin Ardilova), a neighbor who shared the same interest to him but he also introduced him to horror movies and even snuff film that always scares Alwi.

As an unofficial fasting month tradition, at least in his family, they will try to not go out after dusk . Even his father always refuse to be the imam of dusk prayer as well as the Taraweeh prayer. When Alwi asked about it, his father always answer with "It is dangerous".

Yogyakarta, in the year 2020, Alwi, a new student at a nearby Senior High School, began to receive group assignments that required spending a lot of time outdoors for completion. When the fasting month arrived, despite his father's cautionary advice, he allowed his son to continue working on his assignments. At 1 AM, the sound of an aged motorcycle's engine reverberated through the quiet street. Alwi was at the helm as the driver, with Mario occupying the rear seat. They both lamented the mounting, yet seemingly futile assignments. Alwi expressed his dissatisfaction the most, confiding in Mario that he believed he had depleted his social energy and couldn't continue engaging in such activities. While engrossed in their conversation, a light suddenly illuminated them from behind, revealing a motorcycle rapidly approaching. Through the rearview mirror, they discerned a passenger on the back seat brandishing a lengthy machete. In panic, Mario yelled for Alwi to accelerate while repeatedly shouting "Klitih." Alwi immediately revved his motorcycle to its maximum speed, darting through the otherwise quiet street. The pursuing motorcycle continued to chase them relentlessly. As Alwi passed a couple ahead of them, the motorcycle chasing them viciously attacked the unsuspecting pair with their machete. The couple tumbled to the ground, prompting the assailants to halt their motorcycle, dismount, and continue their assault.

Alwi and Mario could only witness the gruesome scene through the rearview mirror. Alwi's heart raced, and he made a conscious effort to maintain steady breathing. Upon arriving at Mario's house, which was about ten steps from Alwi's own, they began discussing the shocking incident. Alwi remained clueless about what had transpired, while Mario grew increasingly agitated by Alwi's lack of awareness. Mario went on to clarify that the horrifying event they had witnessed was referred to as "Klitih." Originally, this term meant "seeking the wind" or "searching for fresh air to breathe." However, over time, it had evolved into something much darker, signifying "random acts of killing for the sake of killing." Strangely, these incidents had been occurring for decades, particularly during the fasting month, for reasons that remained unknown.

After returning home, Alwi began to grasp why his father consistently avoided being outside during the fasting month. His father greeted him with a concerned expression, asking if everything was alright, to which Alwi tersely replied, "yes." Without delay, Alwi headed straight to his room, where he started exploring the internet for information about Klitih. He moved from one website to another, from one forum to the next, delving deeper into the world of Klitih. For days on end, he continued to dig this virtual rabbit hole. Mario, expressing his concern, questioned Alwi's obsessive behavior. Alwi responded that he felt betrayed by his father for not sharing such adrenaline-inducing events with him. Mario, troubled by Alwi's increasingly disturbing behavior, reluctantly reduced their time together.

Alwi's numb gaze led him to delve deeper into the abyss, where he unexpectedly stumbled upon a website that featured a disconcerting pop-up. In this pop-up, a man (Meirad Tako) held a sign that read "Welcome," accompanied by a chilling smile. Alwi promptly clicked the "X" in the upper right corner of the pop-up. He then spent several hours on the website until an account with the username "FriendlyUser" privately messaged him, offering an introduction to the thrilling and captivating realm of Klitih. In this message, "FriendlyUser" explained that Klitih was more than just random acts of violence; it was a way of existence, a means of dedicating oneself to the world's chaos, and even considered a form of devotion to a higher power. It was described as a unique expression, almost like a love letter to God. FriendlyUser conveys that in a world where people attempt to control and suppress chaos, they are, in fact, suppressing their own humanity. The genuine human essence within us remains confined and awaits liberation. It's only when chaos exists that our true humanity emerges, igniting excitement and a sense of being truly alive. FriendlyUser goes on to recommend that Alwi confront his own inner choice to succumb to the pressure of suppressing their humanity and instead, experiment with introducing a small measure of chaos. Anything that unsettles our subconscious brings us one step closer to realizing our genuine humanity.

Following their conversation, Alwi cautiously ventures into the realm of chaos, taking one step at a time. He begins by defying his parents' orders, skipping prayers, and intentionally ignoring Mario's attempts to initiate conversations. At the end of each day, Alwi reaches out, expressing his deep regret and inner turmoil about his actions. In response, FriendlyUser encourages him to confront the unrest in his heart and conscience, as it's the very thing preventing him from attaining his true human essence.

Day by day, Alwi progressively introduced more significant chaos into his life. On one occasion, while engaging in the cruel act of tormenting a cat, he happened to glance to his right and noticed a silhouette doing the same. In that shared moment, they exchanged smiles, recognizing the liberating sensation of breaking free from the constraints of societal peer pressure.

On another fateful night, as Alwi was in pursuit of a cat to subject it to torment, he unexpectedly encountered Mario, who had stopped by the roadside and honked to greet him, inquiring about his actions. Alwi found himself at a loss for words, witnessing the widening gap between himself and the cat. He gazed deep into Mario's eyes, startling him. In a swift, chilling motion, Alwi's machete came to rest against Mario's skull, and the once quiet night echoed with Mario's horrified screams. In the moment of silence and motionless, Alwi gaze into Mario laying on the side of the road bleeding from his disfigured face, leaving no trace behind, Alwi moves back to his house to connect with FriendlyUser once again to confess on how liberated he feels. When you know that you are free of boundary, to be able to just step across the line, to just be free, it is when you are just who you are, a behemoth of a creature, a human. FriendlyUser expressed their enthusiasm and sent a series of clapping emojis to congratulate Alwi on embracing his newfound freedom. They indicated that it was time to move on to the main course of Klitih, where chaos would engulf both the doer and its victim. FriendlyUser extended an invitation for a real-world meetup, which Alwi eagerly accepted, looking forward to meeting such an insightful and liberating individual.

Their rendezvous took place in Bandung, a considerable distance from Yogyakarta. To justify his absence from home, Alwi fabricated a study tour permission form, which he managed to get his father to sign. Although there were arguments and an underlying sense of his father perceiving a change in him, Alwi dismissed these concerns with a dismissive click of his tongue. Alwi anxiously occupied his assigned seat, eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone he greatly admired. After a full hour had elapsed with no sign of their presence, Alwi was on the verge of leaving. Just as he was about to do so, a young woman hurriedly took the seat in front of him. Sporting an odd grin, she apologized profusely for her tardiness, explaining that the bus had been delayed due to a collision with a motorcyclist who had recklessly run a red light. She shared this disturbing detail with an innocent laugh. Introducing herself as Melati Halawa (Yuki Kato), or by her more common moniker, FriendlyUser, she initiated a conversation with Alwi. Their interaction immediately forged a connection between them. Melati and Alwi dedicate their day to explore the city, with Melati sharing her personal story as they wander. She unravelled her first encounter with Klitih, narrating it with an unshakeable innocence shining in her smile. She explained that at the age of 12, she became exasperated with her dysfunctional home life, which was exacerbated by the trauma of terminating a pregnancy, a child tragically conceived by her own father.

From the tender age of six, her existence was limited to captivity within a cramped room, where nourishment was served from beneath the door. Each time her father returned from his role as a civil servant, he would violate her, using her as a personal coping mechanism for his grief over losing her mother — Melati’s birth had resulted in her mother’s unfortunate demise. At the age of 12, as she fled under both rain and scorching sun, she came to a profound realization. She grasped that there was an invigorating freedom in chaos. Many shy away from chaos out of fear of losing their comfort, but they are deceived by those in power above them. These individuals profit greatly from chaos, as they craft a sense of comfort that they can ultimately exploit for their gain. This includes figures like the president, war industrialists, and religious leaders, all reaping the rewards of turmoil.

When the clock strikes midnight, their dialogue takes a sensual turn and, acknowledging her longing for the physical intimacy she once had with his father, they find a local inn. As soon as the door shuts behind them, Alwi urgently seeks out her lips, his hands exploring her curves as she reciprocates by attempting to stimulate his manhood. Out of breath, Alwi methodically undresses her until she stands bare against the door, passionately kissing her as she undoes his outfit. They proceed to the bed, maintaining their oral engagement while his right hand caresses her most sensitive spot and she fervently strokes his arousal. Upon concluding their sensual preparation, Alwi places himself accordingly before immersing himself in a realm of carnal pleasure, gently rocking his hips to the rhythm of her pleasure-induced moans. Gradually, he picks up the pace, her cries of delight escalating in response to his frantic thrusts. He has finally comprehended the essence of true satisfaction as each muscle flex spasms in ecstasy and his warmth fills her. Laying down beside her, he bestows upon her one last kiss before they succumb to the realm of dreams.

Their time in the inn extends into more days until Melati proposes an evening visit to a city park close by, a place she promises will proffer an unforgettable spectacle. In the midst of trees in the park, Alwi and Melati stand, their eyes drawn to an elder man fully engrossed in the manuscript he is crafting at a nearby bench. Before long, the serenity is ruptured by the hurried approach of a hooded figure. The aged man senses danger and makes an attempt to detach himself from the oncoming presence and starts to ambulate away. The stranger, however, relentlessly closes in. As terror grips him, the elder breaks into a sprint, which is corrugated by the aggressor's brutal tackle that sends him to the ground unceremoniously. In a horrifying instant, the hooded malefactor takes a blade and drives it mercilessly into the elder’s throat, embedding it with a chilling depth. The victim releases an agonized grunt while he helplessly gasps for breath, each labored inhale an attempt to reclaim the life being cruelly stolen away. Once the brutal spectacle concluded and the hooded figure nonchalantly distanced himself from the grisly scene, Alwi and Melati hauntedly approached the lifeless elderly man. The smile, which Alwi maintained during the entirety of the violent act, evaporated the instant he identified the elderly man—his own father. "Surprise!" Melati exclaimed exuberantly, her eyes shining with twisted delight. Alwi, tears starting to well in his eyes, returned her merry expression with a dumbfounded one. She confessed to deceiving his father into coming to Bandung under the guise of an academic conference invitation—a real event but one in which his father's presence was virtually unthinkable. Rooted to the spot, Alwi was at a loss for words. Seizing this moment, Melati took his hand and cooed, "Don't look at me like that," her face still adorned with that insidiously innocent smile. She guided his hand onto her right breast and then to the left one, kindling an intense carnal fire. Without delaying further, they succumbed to their primal urges, letting their bodies intertwine right at the macabre scene, the grisly aftermath serving as a horrifying backdrop to their intimate act.

Days morph into months, which in turn, meld into years. Alwi and Melati, bound by their shared devotion to chaos, revel in each other's tantalizing warmth and carnal satisfaction. Each horrifying act they commit is punctuated by a primal coupling, with Alwi leaving his seed within Melati every single time. Time slips by in a rush and after seven swift years, they cross the boundaries into Yogyakarta together. Alwi's face holds an icy composure, betraying no emotion. He navigates the bustling city streets with Melati clasped firmly to his side. After hours lost amidst the city's hectic pulse, they find solace in a quieter refuge. Their entwined hands are a tangible connection amidst the carnage. Alwi's stride freezes suddenly as a haunting memento from his past appears before him.

"Alwi!?" echoes a familiar voice, the amiable lilt quickly morphing into a caustic snarl. Harnessing the rage pent up over the years, the man lunges towards Alwi, thrusting a gleaming knife directly into his heart, viscera seeping through his fingers. "Mario", Alwi manages to gasp the name out with his dying breath, before he crumples lifelessly to the ground.

Mario, sharp with vindication, violently seizes Melati. His hands find her body, throttling her, his brutal strength forcing her down to the grimy ground. He rips apart her jeans, his eyes blazing with malevolent intent. He brutally forces himself upon her, every thrust an eerie punctuation to his triumph. Gloating about capturing the very person the powers above had been hunting, his despicable violation ends with an abrasive grunt, leaving Melati devastated and defiled in his wake. The echoes of Mario's disconcerting laughter ripple through the silence, his form eventually lost in the shadowy darkness.

The scene transitions abruptly, panning out to reveal an unsettling digital caricature of a man grinning maliciously on a computer screen. The view continues its withdrawal, revealing an unsuspecting young boy clicking the "x" on the macabre pop-up. Oblivious of the journey he is about to embark upon, a new tale of chaos is set to unfurl.

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