Friday, July 12, 2024

Interview: Lon Charles


In this edition of Interview, Last Resort Films president Phil Dolan sits down with true story maestro Lon Charles (Starkweather, Harvard Psychology) for the very first time....

PD: I can't believe this is the first time we've had you on for an Interview, Lon. The first question I imagine on everyone's mind has to be, why did you decide to make your first animated film after all these seasons?

LC: Believe it or not, I've toyed with doing one before. If I hadn't decided to have Seth MacFarlane star in and direct Believe It or Not!, going animated with the film was one of the other options I was considering. To get more specific regarding The Big Top, I have long wanted to do a circus movie. I associate the circus with excitement and good times from childhood, so I decided to go with a family-friendly animated approach.

PD: The Big Top features Jacob Jones' first credit in LRF as a producer. Can you discuss his involvement in the project?

LC: Having never written an animated film before, or really anything for family or young audiences, I was not super confident in my ideas. I already had a lot of ideas, including most of the characters and plot point. I wrote to Jacob to ask for his thoughts and if he had any notes or suggestions. While he did provide some notes, I would say his biggest and most helpful contribution would be to give me confidence in my idea and kind of confirm that I had something that could work in that format and for that family demographic.

PD: What's next for you?

LC: I don't think I have any films due out in Season 31, but after that I have a true crime story, a couple remakes and an original where I try to tackle a new (to me) genre: the romantic comedy.

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